global variation

Chapter 165 Action

Chapter 165 Action
There was another silence on the other side, and after a long time, Mo Ge slowly opened his mouth and said, "You... have decided, right?"


"How many people did you order?"

"All I want is my old friends," I said.

"Then who are you going to hand over to be the agent of the base's defense affairs when you go out?" Mo Ge asked.

"Mo Xiaojie."

"Mo Xiaojie is only good at acting as an assistant, not a commanding officer." Mo Ge said, "If it's short-term, there's no problem. What if you get injured or die on the battlefield?"

I froze for a moment, pondered for a moment, turned around and came to the computer, and said, "Give me a few minutes, and I can make a shortlist. Find out what fits…”

"Shut up!" Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by Mo Ge.

I froze in place.

"Are you ready to make a will?" Mo Ge said.

I frowned and said nothing.

"Chu Tingsheng, don't forget." Mo Ge said, "We are fighting the church to keep more people alive. In other words, we are fighting to survive, not to die!"

"I understand your idea."

"As the commander of the base, if you die before leaving the army, do you know what kind of impact it will have on the sixth sentry tower and even the entire defense line?" She added.

"I probably understand." I replied.

"So, I can let you go, but I order you, no matter what, come back alive." Mo Ge said.


"This is an order, did you hear me?" Mo Ge's tone could not be refuted.

"I understand."

"Be louder!"


Mo Ge seemed to sigh, before speaking again, "Go get ready, do you need any other help?"

"No need," I said, "I'll use another troop carrier and two drivers from the Sixth Watchtower. I think the troop carrier needs to be equipped with a small machine gun this time."

"Arrange all of this yourself." Mo Ge didn't object any more, and quickly cut off the connection with me.

I knew it wasn't too late, so I quickly packed up everything, and at the same time started the group intercom, connecting with all my old team members and old friends.

"All members of the special operations team, gather at the main entrance of the sentry tower camp in 10 minutes, and bring the best weapons and equipment at hand." I said bluntly.

"Are we going to fight again?" Lin Qian's confused voice came from over there, this guy was obviously taking a nap.

"Damn it, I've been holding it in for a long time, where there are infected people, I'm going to do a big job!" Yi Tian said.

"Sir, do we still have a special operations team now? Isn't it just a group of dog-like recruits with no privileges?" Huang Qian maintained her usual sharp style on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

He Fan and Li Wentian were slightly introverted, they just said "yes" lightly, but this was enough.

Although I asked them to gather in 10 minutes, in fact, these people arrived at the main gate of the camp in less than ten minutes. I quickly organized them to get on the troop carrier. I don't want too many people to know that the commander left The camp is still quiet and peaceful now, and Mo Ge still hasn't left in the camp. I don't want my short-term departure to bring unnecessary doubts to some people. After all, there are always a few people in this world who like to think wildly. Some ideas that are difficult for ordinary people to understand come up.

After sitting down in the car, the doubts of my old friends finally began to vent. Yi Tian couldn't hold back anymore, and asked, "I'm in a hurry, what happened? I remember a message was sent from the terminal in the morning, It is said that there was a murder case in the checkpoint in Guangzhou City, it seems that someone was killed, let us all be ready to stand by, is this the case?"

"Yes." I nodded and said, "But it's more than that."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Huang Qian also approached and asked.

I was silent for a while, organized my words, and said: "Listen, we have sent a group of seven people to the checkpoint on Tianhe West Road to investigate this morning, but in the end, they also died near the checkpoint in the same way. They were all killed."

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Qian muttered.

I nodded and said, "Do you still remember how Zheng Long died?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at each other. After a while, Huang Qian looked at me again, widened her eyes, and said, "You mean, could it be that this explosion was also caused by..."

"It is very likely that it is also a masterpiece of biological bombs." I leaned on the side of the troop carrier, folded my hands on my chest, and said, "But there were no traces of animals left at the scene, only human blood, and, very likely The blood of young children."


"That's right." I tried my best to keep my tone as simple as possible, and said, "Listen well, if there are government soldiers to meet you when you arrive at the scheduled location, then make plans according to their plan, if not, then... we will I can only act on my own, try to find and eliminate all biological bombs, at least within a radius of 1000 meters, no infected people, biochemical monsters and the like can be left behind."


"Pay attention to the secret passages, secret rooms, and closed buildings around the checkpoint. I hope to find a stronghold near there as quickly as possible."


"Pay attention to the street children around, especially those between the ages of five and ten. If you find similar people, keep a distance and monitor them. If the other party has any strange behavior, immediately..." I gritted my teeth and continued. , "Shoot and kill immediately!"

"What? Kill a child?" At this moment, He Fan couldn't sit still first, "Why?"

"Because the vagrants are most likely biological bombs." I explained, "In the morning, the last message our team sent me back before the entire army was annihilated was that they found a group of poor vagrants near the checkpoint and asked Can I take them back to the base for temporary care, and within a few minutes of my refusal, they probably have an accident."

"But, those children...what if they are innocent?" He Fan said.

"Sir, I don't think it's appropriate." At this moment, Li Wentian said, "If innocent children are killed by mistake and the citizens know about it, it may cause bad public opinion."

"Yes, it's not right." Yitian said, "If you ask me to kill any kind of infected person, I can do my best, but killing children..."

In fact, I have already guessed their reaction. It may be difficult for any normal adult to do it to a defenseless child.

I thought about it for a while, then changed my mind and said, "Well, since you are against it, let's do this. If you see any young child, you will be knocked down with an anesthesia bomb as soon as you see it. As for the dose of anesthesia bomb, you can think about it yourself. Those things?"

Everyone was a little hesitant and their voices were very irregular, but they basically told me "bring it".

I closed my eyes slightly and said: "For the sake of everyone's safety, remember, they must be knocked down immediately. I don't want anyone to die under sympathy. What we are facing is a bunch of horrible human bombs." , not a group of ordinary kids, you know?"

"Yes..." "Understood..." Their voices still lack confidence.

In fact, at this time, I didn't know the bottom line.

I don't even know if I can handle it and pull the trigger smoothly when I'm actually facing a group of children.

But at the same time, I kept replaying the scene of Zheng Long's death in my mind - the blood all over his body, the rattling throat sound, the hideous face, and the internal organs and bones flowing out of his belly ——If it weren't for this group of infected people who could explode, how could it have become like this?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but start admonishing myself—the other party is not a human being, but the other party is our enemy, a fierce and cruel enemy.

This self-hypnotic admonition continues until we reach our destination.

The moment I got off the bus, I did see a bright scene like a "melting pot".

No one came to clean up the battlefield, and the corpses of our comrades-in-arms were still exposed to the sun, and soon, they would start to rot and stink.

I have been trying to make them trust me, and they trust me, and finally choose to come here to investigate—but I didn't expect this to be the final result.

(End of this chapter)

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