global variation

Chapter 166 Corpse Child

Chapter 166 Corpse Child
There is hell in front of me, but I feel a little numb to all of this.

The trace of guilt that was originally in my heart has become a lot more indifferent at this moment as the matter has become a foregone conclusion.

I came to the corpse closest to the car door, stretched out my hand to open the wound on his abdomen, and said, "Take a look."

"It was an external blast." Huang Qian looked at the wound and said, "Simply put, it was...opened from the outside."

"What does that mean?"

"It means it's not a parasite." I took a few steps forward, and a soldier leaned in front of me. I recognized the man. He refuted me at the meeting yesterday and asked me if I could guarantee absolute safety. That man, at this time, that man was staring at the sky with his eyes wide open. Although his eyes were dim and scattered, he could still see the unwillingness and remorse. His hand was broken, and his left abdomen was also injured. A large piece of meat was torn off, the ribs protruded horizontally, blood flowed all over the floor, muscles, a small amount of fat and a small part of internal organs were mixed together and spread aside.

I took a deep breath, shook my head slightly, and whispered, "Sorry, everyone..."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on a metal vial tightly held in his left hand.

I squatted down, forcibly broke the vial out of his hand, and held it in my hand.

"What is this?" Yitian asked.

"It should be a real sample." I said, then turned around and handed it to He Fan, "You take it, don't lose it, this is what they bought back with their lives."

"Understood." He Fan nodded.

Continuing forward, it was the unmanned troop carrier.

Due to my negligence, the personnel carrier was not equipped with defensive weapons. At this time, the vehicle was covered with blood, and the driver fell over once, holding a gun in his hand, but his whole body was blown into pieces. In two sections, blood smeared the side of the personnel carrier.

"Didn't you say that the government army came? Why didn't you help collect the corpse?" Lin Qian said while shaking his head.

"They only carry out the tasks we have negotiated, and do other things without authorization, which is likely to arouse suspicion." I said, "This is also the cleverness of the government forces." To be honest, sometimes, there is no need to learn these tricks. Rolling and playing, you can learn by yourself without a teacher.

"Then what should we do now?" Yi Tian looked at me, "Everyone is dead."

I looked around and saw that the checkpoint was at the end of the West Road, which belonged to the junction with the suburbs. There were several deep alleys on both sides. The alleys were full of garbage and filthy.

Probably due to the war, there are no residents in the old houses on both sides, but I always feel that some unknown creatures are moving there, I don't know if it is just a psychological effect.

"Separate operations for fear of accidents. The enemy is in the dark, and the number is unknown. Let's go together and go upstairs first..." I said.

Several people did not object, we quickly turned into the corridor.

The corridors are very dark. There are many old houses like this in Guangzhou. People resettle and relocate, especially the elderly. The corridors cleaned by people have a sour smell. Even if someone cleans it occasionally, the mottled and stains on the walls are difficult to erase.

The "attack in the corridor" that I was most worried about didn't happen. We walked all the way to the roof and didn't see any living things. Of course, there was no dead body in the house. It was an empty, gloomy and damp building.

However, one advantage of this building is that you can overlook several streets from the rooftop. I glanced at the side of the corridor, then turned around and said: "Huang Qian, He Fan, you are cooperating with the guards reasonably. Keep in touch with us , Intercom in time if you find any situation.”

"Yes." They both answered at the same time.

"The others follow me." I turned around and walked downstairs.

There are still a few streets here. I don't believe there are only a few enemies, and it's over after the bombing.

There must still be many human bombs in this city. It can even be said that new human bombs are still being produced.

This is the scariest truth, and certainly the one I dread the most.

When I returned to the central street, I suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"That corpse, has it been moved..." I stared at a corpse in the middle of the road and said.

The corpse was still lying on the ground when we came up, but now it is in a semi-prone position. The corpse has only half of its head left, and it is impossible to move, even if it is parasitized by a virus, In the case of brain tissue necrosis, it is impossible to continue to survive.

"I didn't notice..." Yi Tian said with a frown.

"Lin Qian?" I glanced at him, and he shook his head in confusion.

"It was moved." At this time, Li Wentian said firmly.

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Sure, my eyes are good enough." The way he spoke was like a machine gun firing, with pauses, but it was sonorous and forceful.

"Go and have a look." I waved and instructed.

The few of us quickly came to those corpses. At this time, I found that not only this corpse, but also the corpses next to it had some traces of being moved, and the movement seemed to be traceable. A narrow road, the road is stained with blood, and obviously fresh blood.

"Someone crawled over here..." I said with a frown, and then took out the communication device, "He Fan, Huang Qian, pay attention to the alley at nine o'clock, if there is anything moving."

After a while, He Fan said on the intercom: "The situation in the middle of the alley is blocked by the roofs of the anti-theft nets of various houses, so I can't see it clearly, but there are indeed signs of things moving, and the rubbish next to it shows signs of being moved. Be careful ..."


After putting away the communication device, I tilted my head and signaled the other three people to follow me into the alley. They did not speak any other language, and they walked quickly, even faster than me. The small alleys in Duan were extremely dark, and there were garbage everywhere, and the sour smell was suffocating.

After the four of us entered the alley, our movement speed gradually slowed down. I held the pistol in my hand and kept moving forward. Shoot for a while.However, after walking a few steps, I actually heard a burst of rapid panting sounds, which seemed to be very painful, and there was a hint of childishness in it.

Is it a child? !
I became even more nervous.

We moved forward step by step, the ground was always stained with blood, and finally, at the end of the blood, I saw a young and weak figure.


It’s really a child, a little boy who looks to be only five or six years old, with a round face and the kind of crew cut that little boys always favor. He looks very cute. At this time, he was crying softly, seeing our At that time, he finally stopped crying, but began to tremble.

"Son..." I lost the desire to shoot for a moment. It seems that I was soft-hearted after all in this matter. "What's wrong with you?" I asked.

Apparently, although Yitian is tall and looks like a tough guy, he loves this kid more than I do. He already wanted to take a step forward, but I took a step forward, reached out to stop Yitian, and at the same time deliberately stood in front with open arms , deliberately kept my people at a certain distance from that child, "Son, what happened to you?"

"Uncle... woo woo... It hurts... Uncle, help me..." He said a few words, and I realized that he must be a local. The intimacy of the local accent made my heart ache. There were bursts of pain like needle pricks, but I still couldn't let my own people come forward.

"Son, why are you here? Who brought you here?" I asked again.

"Don't ask, his legs are bleeding!" Yi Tian said loudly, "He's just a child!"

"The one who kills is the child!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Chu Tingsheng!" Seeing that I kept pointing the gun at the child's head, Yi Tian was clearly angry.

"Uncle... woohoo, I didn't kill someone... Uncle..." He cried more and more sadly. At this time, I even wanted to move my feet, but reason made me stand still, motionless .

"How did those uncles outside die?" I continued to ask.

"I don't know... Uncle, it hurts..." The child began to crawl towards us.

"Stand back!" I shouted loudly, "Li Wentian, anesthetize him!"

"Chu Tingsheng!" Yi Tian yelled at me.

The shouting was still there, and the child suddenly slammed into the air like a rubber ball.

"Lie down!" I yelled loudly, but Li Wentian had already raised his hand and shot.

(End of this chapter)

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