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Chapter 167 The little girl in purple

Chapter 167 The little girl in purple

As I roared, the anesthesia needle had pierced into the flesh of the child who was vacated.

The child twisted and fell straight down.

"Back!" I pulled Yitian next to me, and pushed everyone back with all my strength. Before they could fall down, I had already pushed them to the wall behind them. At this moment, we were at least ten feet away from the child who fell to the ground. From a distance of about [-] meter, I saw that the child did not faint directly after being hit by the tranquilizer gun, but twitched all over his body, which looked extremely strange. While twisting, I found that his body began to swell continuously, but For a moment, there was only a bang, and a living child was blown to pieces in front of us.

The surrounding area fell silent amid the sound of explosions.

A dead silence.

"It exploded!" Beside me, Yi Tian murmured.

"Damn it...fuck it!" Lin Qian began to shout hysterically, "Bastards! Those bastards!"

I turned my head to look at Li Wentian, and Li Wentian was also staring at me. Looking at each other, I saw that there seemed to be a trace of tears in the eyes of this seemingly hard-hearted guy, but the deep alley was quiet and dark. Look, his sadness is not obvious.At this moment, what did he think of?
"Bastard! Who the hell is here, come out!" Lin Qian raised his gun and fired several times into the air.

I grabbed his hand and shouted: "Crazy?! There is a limit to venting!"

"Those beasts! Children, five or six-year-old children!" Lin Qian turned around and grabbed my shoulders, hissing, "What do those children know? Why do you treat them like this?!"

"Calm down." I gritted my teeth and said, "If you shout and shout, if you can win, teach those guys, we have already killed them all!"

"You!" Lin Qian obviously had resentment smoldering in his chest, but he couldn't find an opening, so he stood there and trembled all over.

"Okay!" I didn't care about this. On the battlefield, I can't control so many people. Maybe it's unfair to them and cruel to them, but I have no choice. World!" After speaking, I took a few steps forward, "Follow me, remember my initial order, if you see any young children, take anesthesia immediately, I don't want to see any unnecessary casualties!"

I know that emotionally speaking, it is still difficult for them to accept every order of mine, but I also believe that they can persuade themselves rationally.

As soon as we left the alley, I saw another child standing across the street. The child was obviously more "sick" than the one just now. Wushen, I can tell from a distance that the child is definitely a "dead corpse". At this time, she is walking towards us step by step, walking extremely slowly, but sparing no effort.

"Yi Tian!" I deliberately ordered Yi Tian beside me, "Anesthetize her!"

The little girl wore shofar braids and a suspender skirt. Logically speaking, she should be a fair, well-behaved, lively and lovely child, but now, killing her was the only choice.

"Why me!" he yelled at me.

"Do it!" I hissed, "We can't pass this hurdle, so let's all try to challenge ourselves and overcome our own hurdle!"


He still refused to shoot, so I simply raised the gun myself, and with a "whoosh", the anesthesia bullet went up through the wind, the little girl let out a low moan, and she fell on her back, and then her belly suddenly swelled up , but within a few seconds, there was a "bang" and it turned into a blood mist.

This time, no one yelled hysterically, and no one said a word. Everyone seemed to be trying to accept this fact.

Let's move on, actually, I don't want to explore other alleys anymore, I'm afraid to see these children who will explode again, I'm afraid to kill them with my own hands again, but, still the same sentence, we have no choice.

At the corner of the street, before we stood still, a roar came from not far away, and a figure rushed towards us at an unimaginable speed.When I saw him, the small voice was only five or six meters away from us. His stomach had swollen and his limbs were swollen, like a corpse of a boy who had been soaked in water for a long time.

We did not expect this suicidal charge.

It was too late to dodge or shoot. As long as he touched even a small part of our body and an explosion occurred, it would be enough to smash us to pieces.

I hurriedly turned to one side, pulled up a corpse on the street and pushed it towards the child. After all, the corpse of an adult was much heavier than that of a child, and the child was immediately pushed back by the corpse.


There was another muffled sound, and the child and the corpse shattered together.

That corpse is also my comrade in arms, that corpse is also my soldier, my subordinate, but now I can no longer identify who he is from the broken flesh.

I heard heavy breathing next to the sound, it was Yi Tian or Lin Qian, but I couldn't identify it anymore, this battle seemed to be more cruel than any previous battle.

Soon, sporadic attacks turned into cluster "blasts". What I didn't expect was that there were so many children here, so many children who had become human bombs, some of them were still conscious, and some of them could only emit There was a roar, but in just ten minutes, we have killed at least [-] children.

Everyone fired, and everyone's hands were shaking as they fired.

Including myself.

In the end, we were almost paralyzed in the middle of the road. The road with a radius of tens of meters around the checkpoint was already stained red with blood at this moment. In the mist, I couldn't seem to see the edge of the blood——the setting sun, the blood It has already become one with the setting sun, what meets the eyes is all bright red; what smells in the nose is full of fishy smell.

I raised my face and looked at the sky. Even so, my eyes were still red and I couldn't find a trace of blue.

Just when we were in a state of confusion, my communication device suddenly rang. I tremblingly took out the communication device and connected it.

"Hey... what happened..."

"There is a child here, a little girl." Huang Qian said, "It seems to be injured."

I stood up abruptly and said instinctively, "Anesthesia!"

"Already anesthetized." Huang Qian said from the other end.

"Anaesthetized? No explosion?"

"No, that's why I informed you. If the crisis below has been cleared, you'd better come and take a look. This girl seems to be a normal person." He Fan added.

"You wait!"

A glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in my heart. Are there any normal people among this group of children? !
If there is, it is definitely a blessing and a great safety for me from heaven.

I didn't even have time to talk to the other people, so I rushed towards the corridor in three steps at a time. Those people obviously didn't know what was going on, but they could only keep up. I moved very fast, and I rushed to the corridor in a short while. At the top, I saw that Huang Qian was holding a seven or eight-year-old girl in her arms. The child had long black hair hanging down, was wearing a lavender dress, and had a fair face. His face was peaceful at the moment, and it seemed that he was just asleep. , this girl's facial features are very delicate, and her skin seems to be broken by blowing bombs.

She must be a very beautiful girl when she grows up, but I'm not sure if this girl can grow up. When I saw this sleeping little girl, I felt relieved but felt a little heavy in my heart.

"What should I do? She seems to be the only one alive here." Huang Qian looked up at me.

I thought for a moment and said, "Take it back."

"Take it back, barracks?" Huang Qian seemed a little in disbelief.

"Yes." I nodded.

"But it seems that the military camp does not allow outsiders to enter, let alone adopting children." Huang Qian said.

"I didn't say no." I said coldly, "I ordered, take it back."

"Okay... okay." Huang Qian sighed.

I don't know why I made such a decision. I know that this is indeed a violation and I may be punished, but I don't want to give up this melting pot, the only life in this corpse yard. I would like to believe that this is a chance for a new life given by God, a gift from God, a sign and a reminder from God—maybe, at the moment when I saw the sleeping little girl who looked like an angel, I was indeed a little superstitious.

(End of this chapter)

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