global variation

Chapter 168 Siege, Bloodbath

Chapter 168 Siege, Bloodbath
Huang Qian hugged the little girl and stood up, but Yi Tian and Lin Qian who were beside me rushed forward one after another, saying at almost the same time: "I'll hug her!" "I'll come!"

Huang Qian looked the two of them up and down, and said, "Why? Did you see that the pretty little girl can't walk? You're going to take advantage of it? Why didn't you guys say you want to hug me? Am I ugly? Get out of here! It's either blood or rotten flesh, so dirty!"

In fact, I know what Lin Qian and Yi Tian are thinking. In the darkness of death, what they want to embrace is not the little girl herself, but the hope of a new life.

"Okay! Don't be ridiculous, go back quickly..."

I signaled them to go downstairs, but at this moment, the communication device beside my waist vibrated like a reminder. At this time, we are all on the top of the building, and there are only two places where the communication device can be connected. One is the headquarters. , and the second is inside the troop carrier below.

I quickly connected the communication device.

"Mr. Chu, a large number of infected people suddenly appeared on both sides of the alley. They seem to be purposefully coming in this direction. What should we do?"

Sure enough, it was the troop carrier below.

I didn't expect everything that happened at this moment.

How could it be such a coincidence that it suddenly appeared at this time. Could it be that those children who would explode just now were their forward team?

I immediately ordered: "Abandon the car quickly, go upstairs, and come to us, hurry up!"


I came to the side of the roof and looked down. The machine gunner and driver in the personnel carrier jumped out at the same time and ran towards our building. There are at least five to 60 infected people.

This is an urban area. It is very dangerous for so many infected people to come and go at the same time. What made them have to take action?
Those infected people still seem to be conscious. If it wasn't for the six months of fighting that gave me enough understanding of them, I wouldn't even be able to judge whether this wave is human or infected in the first place.

"My God, what kind of formation is this?" Lin Qian said after recovering, "Is this going to make our dumplings?"

"What a coincidence." I gritted my teeth.

"It's really a coincidence." Li Wentian said, "It looks like premeditated, purposeful."

"What should we do now?" He Fan looked at me.

"There is no other way. Guard the high ground and wait for an opportunity to break through. If they don't have wingmen to join the battle, maybe we still have a good chance of winning."

"Okay." We are located on the third floor, and the range of more than ten meters above the ground is within our shooting range. As soon as I gave the order, He Fan clenched his fists.

As soon as the leader of the infected came up, he opened his hand, and a thick puff of smoke scattered in all directions. The fiery flames quickly sprayed towards the few infected at the front. The power was by no means weaker than that of a flamethrower.The leading infected people immediately turned into coke.

"Shoot!" I ordered loudly.

At this time, the driver and the machine gunner had already rushed to the side of the roof, and together with us launched an "indiscriminate bombing" against the infected people below. Those infected people had no advantage, they rushed over without thinking, one by one However, their persistence is also frightening. Occasionally, a few fish that slipped through the net climbed directly on the concrete walls, window lattices and protrusions outside the old house, and attacked the roof. Several times, they almost He jumped directly to the roof.

"The physical strength of these infected people is different from ordinary people." Huang Qian said.

"I know it even if I don't tell you!" He Fan who was on the side responded loudly.

"Damn, have you taken the aphrodisiac? You're so excited!" Lin Qian yelled while shooting.

The corpses of the infected people below piled up more and more. At this moment, there were a few screams behind us. Looking back, four infected people climbed up from the back of the house. We looked ahead but had no time to look back. , I didn't expect those infected people to take advantage of the loopholes in the alley next to me. I couldn't help being secretly surprised. What is even more worrying is that obviously, these four infected people are just "forerunners", and there are more behind them. The infected have copied our retreat.

"Damn it!" Lin Qian turned around. At this time, his bullet was just empty, and he was still loading the magazine. Obviously, he didn't have time to shoot. Unexpectedly, he touched his hand in his bosom and threw a throwing knife , the flying knife immediately pierced the head of an infected person, and the infected person's body became stiff in an instant. This was obviously the result of being hit by the formic toxin, and the pain turned into numbness. Good opportunity, I immediately shot the infected person in the forehead. The infected person's head burst and he fell to the ground. , He Fan also saw the right moment, and waved out a stream of flames. The flames were drawn towards several infected people like whips. Wherever the flames touched, those infected people's bodies were all ablaze, although they could still move forward. He took a step, but his movements became more and more slow. Immediately afterwards, He Fan swiped his backhand again, and a scimitar-like flame flashed through the air again, and rushed straight at the infected people. The flame burned the air , and also ignited the heads of the infected people at the same time, those infected people finally began to retreat this time, and Yi Tian and I quickly shot, understandably knocking them to the ground.

However, the danger is far from over.

Sure enough, several infected people climbed up from behind us, and their actions were even faster than the few infected people just now.

"Protect Huang Qian!" I ordered loudly.

Huang Qian is still holding the child in her arms, I can't let them have any mistakes, this is our hope for a new life-although this may just be my wishful thinking and hypocrisy.

However, the others tacitly surrounded Huang Qian in the middle, without saying a word, and continued to attack the infected people on all sides mercilessly.

The driver and the machine gunner were responsible for clearing the infected people on the ground, while several members of our "former special operations team" began to fight with the infected people behind us, shooting and pushing forward, constantly suppressing them.

Only at this time did I realize how powerful the flame and volatile oil manipulated by He Fan were, and how powerful the bullet ants in front of the forest were. Those infected seemed to be unable to move at all under our suppression offensive. It was about to overwhelm another edge of the roof, and suddenly, there was a strange cry from above us.

"Wing Man!" Yi Tian yelled.

"Shoot up!" I ordered without thinking.

Everyone turned their guns. However, the speed of the winged man exceeded my imagination. After rolling and dodging left and right, he rushed straight to our heads and flew towards Huang Qian in the crowd with his bone claws.

Huang Qian was originally protected by us, but we couldn't protect her top after all. Once the winged man caught her, he would definitely be able to take her name.

I was agitated for a while, and before I could yell out, I stretched out my hand to catch the bone claw that the Wing Man grabbed.

The bone claw didn't stop, it directly pierced into the flesh of my arm, and a stream of blood spurted out. I didn't even have time to control the pain in my arm, so I drew out the dagger and slashed it horizontally. I chopped it off, leaving only half stuck in my arm.Yiren twisted his body, as if he wanted to escape, but He Fan on the side took advantage of this opportunity to raise his hand to exert force, and a burst of flames rushed straight to Yiren's head. Because of this, he lost his balance, and when he turned around, he was about to fall to the ground.

Not to be outdone, Lin Qian punched Yiren's muscles with his backhand, and the Yiren's body was obviously stiffened by the punch.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I pulled out the bone claw on my arm fiercely, let the blood splash, rushed forward, and inserted the bone claw horizontally into the neck of the winged man who fell to the ground.

"Kar..." The winged man let out a guttural sound, "Kill..."


The children who exploded alive in front of me just now flashed in my mind, I thought of the comrades who died downstairs, I thought of everything in the past—I thought of Lin Wan who was infected, forced to die, and killed.

So, I waved my hand and pulled it hard. Under the action of my arm, the bone claws forcibly tore off the winged man's head, and a stream of blood spurted out, shooting several meters away from the center of the roof. far.

(End of this chapter)

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