global variation

Chapter 169 Weird Tracking

Chapter 169 Weird Tracking

In many cases, the blood splattered on the battlefield is an extreme and effective way to arouse the fighting spirit of human beings. The wisp of blood brought out by the tumbling head of the winged man suddenly caused a "flame" to rise in my heart. , At this time, more infected people climbed up from the edge of the roof on the other side. Seeing the figures of these guys rushing to kill, the "flame" in my heart burned more and more vigorously, so I stood up and raised my gun to the group of infected people. The infectors walked forward, shooting and moving forward, cooperating with Lin Qian and He Fan's cover, under a few shots, most of the infected people were killed or injured.

But I have already arrived among the remaining infected people, those guys surrounded me, obviously, they are already very angry.

"Bastard..." I gritted my teeth and drew out my dagger, "Come on!"

"Chu Tingsheng! Don't be impulsive!" He Fan suddenly called out.

"I know what I'm doing!" I yelled, threw the dagger into the air, caught it with my backhand, stepped forward, and touched the neck of a female infected person, then shook my arm and moved forward fiercely. With a push, he pulled hard to the side, and cut off the woman's head neatly.At the same time, two other infected people rushed up to me, I turned around and stabbed backhand, and directly inserted into the side of the guy's neck.

The infected person obviously slowed down.

However, after all, my arm is injured, and even with the strength of the concentrate, the arm strength cannot always be at its best.

After the dagger pierced the opponent's neck, it was immediately sucked tightly by the muscles, and the wound was closed. It was not easy to directly cut off his throat, let alone cut off the neck bone.

I simply pulled the slightly stiff infected person to the side, kicked him hard, and pulled out the dagger.

With a stream of thick blood spurting out, the infected person actually bumped into another attacker next to him. The two of them staggered and fell, and both fell from the edge of the roof.

The few infected who were still sane immediately wanted to retreat.

This is probably one of the weaknesses of infected people and even humans.

If they were just brainless zombies, maybe they would be stronger now, but they have thoughts and know how to be afraid. This embarrassing state turned these infected people into monsters that were neither human nor ghost.

At the moment when these infected people were timid, behind me, He Fan and Li Wentian had already shot at the same time. The flame in He Fan's hand was still bright, and it was still extremely hot until now. I saw him draw a blade-like flame with his back, And Li Wentian drew out the sword that he carried with him, stirred up the jet of flames at an extremely fast speed, and actually led the flames in the midair straight to the group of infected people in front. Those infected people obviously did not expect Li Wentian to have such a skill , ready to retreat one after another.

And Li Wentian leaned over suddenly with that swaying knife. I didn't even see his attack clearly. He had already dodged behind the group of infected people, and the infected people in front of me were actually killed. The heads were cut off neatly.

Blood sprayed down, Li Wentian stood still, with his expression still indifferent, slowly retracted the Taidao into the scabbard in the usual way of Japanese samurai.

"What a skill!" Yi Tian exclaimed.

The roof ushered in a short period of calm, I frowned, and patrolled around the edge of the roof to make sure that there were no infected people below and continue to climb up, and said: "This place is not suitable for staying for a long time, hurry up and leave."


Li Wentian and I walked at the front of the line, while He Fan and Lin Qian were in charge of breaking up the rear. The others protected Huang Qian and the child in her hands in the middle. We maintained this formation and carefully left the rooftop.

The street was quiet, but corpses were already strewn across the field. After the few of us got down to the ground, we sped up our action, split into two groups, and approached the two armored troop carriers.

Yitian is also an expert at driving, so I simply let He Fan board another troop carrier with him, while I, Lin Qian, and Li Wentian escorted Huang Qian and the little girl together.

I asked Yitian and the others to drive away first, and while returning to the sentry tower, I tried to contact Mo Ge and the others to explain the situation here. At the same time, I asked the driver and the machine gunner to turn around and drive in another direction. Clean up the infected people in the vicinity. Secondly, the division of troops into two groups actually has the effect of suspicious soldiers.

The doors of our troop carrier were kept open, and I chose to stand in front of the door with my gun pointed at the street outside.We were originally here to clean up this block, and at this point it's not mission complete at all.

We drove on Tianhe West Road and almost re-swept. After making sure that almost all the infected people were cleared, I asked the driver to turn around and return.

Until this time, the child Huang Qian was holding was still sleeping and very peaceful.

"Hey! After returning to the base, what are you going to say?" Huang Qian looked at me and said, "This you think the base might take her in?"

I shook my head and said, "It's unlikely."

"then you……"

"It's better than staying in a pile of dead people." I looked coldly at everything outside. The troop carrier had already driven into the urban area. There are people, and compared to Z City at that time, this place can be regarded as full of vitality.

At least, I can still see people poking their heads out of the windows of the military and civilian buildings, and occasionally government soldiers passing by the roadside, patrolling and guarding.

"Hey..." I was deep in thought, looking around at everything, when Huang Qian suddenly said, "How about that hand of yours?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I remembered that one of my hands suffered a lot of damage just now, but my pain-sensing nerves seemed to be a little numb at the moment. If Huang Qian hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten about it It's over.Under the profile of my face, I realized that my arm was still dripping blood. I frowned, took out the coagulant from my arms, and gently applied it to the wound. At this time, the pain in my wound was still not obvious , at least not as clearly as before.

"Anyway..." Huang Qian suddenly said again, "Thank you this time, if it wasn't for you, I would have been killed by that winged man long ago."

"Hey, the sun is coming out from the north, and Miss Huang has learned to say thank you to people. We have never enjoyed this kind of treatment. It really is different for officials." Lin Qian can tease the two at any time. , but similar to Huang Qian.

Huang Qian turned her face away, and said disdainfully: "Okay, thank you, Lin Qian, can I thank you for your eight generations of ancestors?"

These two people have a tendency to fight again. I didn't want to worry about them, but at this moment, I suddenly saw a little black shadow appearing in the sky not far away.

"Shut up!" My heart tightened, and I sternly stopped them, saying, "Look, heaven!"

Li Wentian and Lin Qian also came to the exit of the troop carrier and looked up.

"What? Could it be..." Lin Qian seemed to have guessed something.

And the outlines of those black shadows in the sky gradually became clear. Obviously, those guys are flying very fast, and I believe it only takes a moment to catch up with this car.

Feeling bad, I raised my gun to the sky.

"Damn, how did you catch up." I gritted my teeth and said to myself.

"We've been driving on the West Road for a long time." Huang Qian, who was behind her, probably realized what had happened, and said, "If they followed all the way, I'm afraid we would have already discovered it. If not, it would be too strange gone."

"Do you have any special feelings?" I turned my face and asked Huang Qian.

"You mean..." She looked at me suspiciously.

"Can't you receive and interpret electromagnetic signals?" I said.

"I don't care, I..."

"Then pay attention to me now." I ordered sharply.

At this time, I don't have so much time to worry about other things.

In mid-air, there were already two people who swooped down first. I aimed at one of them and pulled the trigger, and the explosive gun hit the guy directly in the chest. bumped into each other.

The two Winged Men both fell to the ground, but more enemies descended from the sky, coming menacingly, as if they had already made up their minds to overturn the car.

(End of this chapter)

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