Chapter 170
The vicious group of Wingmen quickly passed through the firepower net we created and rushed directly to the entrance of the carriage. We drew out our cold weapons one after another and began to confront them at close range, but these guys were relentless. If they didn't come, they would try their best to stick their bone claws or wide membranes into the car and stir it up, which might make us all smashed into a pile of meat.

Moreover, I found that the targets of these guys still seem to be Huang Qian and the child in her hand. Every time they reach in, no matter what direction they attack from, the final landing point always points behind us to protect us. Huang Qian.

This child seems to have a special attraction to these infected people, or is this child their mission? !

As I wrestled with these winged people, the doubts in my heart became deeper and deeper.

At the same time, the blood on the arm is more like a spring. Although people like us have more blood than others, this level of blood loss is not a trivial matter to me.

Fortunately, the driver acted in time, and after a while of trembling, the metal door of our carriage, which was originally opened, began to close automatically under the driver's control.

Those entertainers were huge, and even though they tried their best to squeeze in, it was of no avail.

I seized this opportunity to wave down the arms and heads of several Wingmen, and threw them out before the metal door was completely closed.

After a while, there were only splashes of blood left in the personnel carrier.

The lighting facilities above our heads are automatically turned on when the doors are closed and the outside light is cut off. Although the car does not have the special artistic conception of the sunset, it is much safer.

After all, we are not here to travel, but to fight.

"Huh..." Lin Qian sat back on the seat next to him and said loudly, "It's too dangerous."

"Who did these things come from?" I turned around and looked around the crowd, and my eyes fell on Huang Qian.

This expression of mine caused Li Wentian and Lin Qian to also look at Huang Qian. Huang Qian seemed a little embarrassed and at a loss for a while, raised her hand and nodded her nose, and said in amazement: "Me? What am I doing?"

"I'm not talking about you." I frowned. "We'd better check on this kid."

"what do you mean……"

"Where is such a coincidence in this world?" I said, "If this child has been followed, we must get rid of the tracking before returning to the base, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Understood..." Huang Qian stood up, put the child flat on the seat on the side of the car, turned her face, and said, "Hey, you men, turn around and don't look at the little girl's body. "

"Pfft..." Lin Qian laughed out loud and said, " just a child, right? Back then I even bathed my cousin..."

"She's just a kid..." Lin Qian paused, took a step forward, and said again.

"Go away, men and women are different, who knows if there are pedophiles among you people." Huang Qian didn't buy it at all.

I stood at the closed exit of the car, folded my arms on my chest, and said, "Okay, all men back off."

"No, Tingsheng, you too..."

"Don't waste your time," I said.

"Okay, okay..." Lin Qian was not interested. I really don't know if he was upset because he couldn't help, or he had other ideas.

About five or six minutes later, Huang Qian suddenly exclaimed, "Come and see!"

"Can't we come and see?" Lin Qian teased.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you." Huang Qian was obviously very anxious.

I had already stepped forward, and saw Huang Qian lift up the little girl's purple dress, exposing the girl's slender and weak legs, and said, "Look here..."

I noticed a small bump on the calf near the ankle.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Sarcoma?" Lin Qian also approached.

"At the beginning, this little girl was walking with a limp. I thought she was simply injured. After seeing that she was not bleeding, I thought she had a congenital leg disease. Now it seems that it is not. The reason why she is limping is because It's because of this..." Huang Qian said.

I said again: "You explain directly, what is this."

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a listening device," she said.

"What? Embed the monitoring communication device in the flesh?" Lin Qian seemed to be furious for a moment, and shouted loudly, "It's those bastards from the church again? How can they do it! To such a little girl!"

"Is there anything the church can't handle?" Huang Qian sneered, then turned to me and said, "I'm just guessing."

"Based on it?" I asked.

"Just now you asked me to use the ability of the concentrated liquid. I used the magnetic field monitoring function a little bit, and caught a very weird and discordant electromagnetic wave in the air. This electromagnetic wave is very strong in the car. At first, you didn't mention it. Regarding the monitoring, I thought that the magnetic field here was disturbed by the mutant winged people outside, but now it seems that it is not at all, because when I get close to the little girl's legs, the electromagnetic waves are particularly strong. I am sure that her calves should be It's the source of the signal."

"Can it be solved?" I asked.

"Embedded in the meat." Huang Qian said seriously.

"meaning is?"

"If you want to take it away, you have to cut the flesh." Huang Qian said.

"How can we do that? We're not doctors. Even if we have coagulants, we wouldn't dare to perform this operation on a little girl, right?" Lin Qian said, "She's just a child, how can she bear it?"

I know what Lin Qian said is correct, but if you don't take out this thing and take the child to the base recklessly, wouldn't that reveal the exact location of the Sixth Sentinel Tower and the little girl?Even, if the wiretapping device has a video or special image transmission function, the internal structure of the sixth sentry tower will be fully exposed along with our action trajectory. This is really too dangerous. As the commander of the sentry tower, I How can such a thing be done?

"Huang Qian, are you sure?" I asked.

"No." Huang Qian replied sincerely, "We will never know how far the church's technical level has developed. I can see that the bugging device is even soft, like a small muscle tumor, and it can roll, making it hard to find. I don't even know if it is connected to an artery, or if it is equipped with an explosive device that will explode automatically if it is cut open, all these are the most dangerous variables, both for us and for this child."

I nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "That's fine."

"never mind?"


"Then do you want to take this kid back to the base?"

"Yes." I said.

"Why?" Huang Qian asked.

"Emotionally speaking, I can't let go of this child. Rationally speaking, this child is definitely of great significance. At least for now, I believe that she has her value. I also believe that it is worthwhile for us to take this risk. Yes." I turned around without looking at Huang Qian, then I took out the communication device and said, "However, for the sake of conservatism, I will contact Mo Ge first, you don't have to worry."

I connected to Mo Ge's communication device. Due to the interference of special signals, after a hoarse electronic sound, Mo Ge's voice came from there: "Where are you?"

"On the way back," I said.

"I heard that you have a child with you?" Mo Ge asked.

It seems that He Fan and Yi Tian have lost contact with the base. After hearing Mo Ge's words, my heart calmed down a little, and I said, "Yes, that's right."

"what reason?"

"I just wanted to save people, but now we find that this child has been bugged and followed by infected people and the church," I said.

"Really? Can the difficulty be solved?" After listening to Mo Ge's words, I understood that, as I expected, she quickly realized the meaning of my words, so she didn't have any rejection or doubts.

"It may be a kind of biological technology. We dare not operate casually. She is still a child." I said.

"It doesn't matter." Mo Ge said, "Bring it back, there are strong interference signals in the mountains around the sixth sentry tower, and they can't monitor anything."

"Yes." I nodded at the communication device.

(End of this chapter)

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