global variation

Chapter 171 Extreme Pain, Rejection Recurrence

Chapter 171 Extreme Pain, Rejection Recurrence

Our car went straight to the camp. On the way, I could feel the constant vibration in the car. I knew it was definitely the work of those Wingmen or the infected people who came after them, but it made me feel even more To my surprise, I could still vaguely hear gunshots coming from outside the car. I judged that it seemed that the government troops had strengthened their defensive deployment along the highways in the urban and suburban areas, which was beneficial to us.

When everything around me gradually calmed down, I realized that we should have driven into the mountains. At this moment, my tense nerves finally let go, but who knows, when my spirit relaxed for a moment, I felt , There is a strange discomfort in the body.

I haven't felt this way in a long time.

I felt a little familiar with this special discomfort, and it was precisely this familiarity that worried me. I turned my face and asked Huang Qian and the others, "What time is it?"

"It's 08:30 in the evening." Lin Qian said, "Sir, don't you have a communication device?"

I didn't answer.

At this time, my arms were already numb to the point where it was difficult to pick up the communication device at my waist.

I gritted my teeth, moved step by step to the seat next to me and sat down, with my face up.

"Chu Tingsheng, are you okay?" Huang Qian seemed to be the first to see that something was wrong with me.

I remembered the conversation I had with Zhu Qing when I left the base in the afternoon. I remember that Zhu Qing asked me to take medicine and said that my condition was still not stable. But he refused, and the rejection was very straightforward.I didn't expect this retribution to come so soon. The numbness of my hands turned into burning pain at this moment, and the pain attacked every part of my body. I was caught off guard, maybe it was too long since I felt this special feeling I felt the pain, and I actually felt that the pain this time was stronger than ever before, and it was unbearable.

"I... guess it's a rejection reaction, just sit down."

"Your arm is bleeding again." Huang Qian said.

"Oh... your wound is torn again." Lin Qian also leaned over and said, "I'm afraid the blood coagulant alone won't help at all, and you will have to go to the operating room after you go back."

"No, I have to clarify with Mo Ge immediately about this little girl," I said.

"Let's just talk about it." Lin Wan said, "Why don't you trust the brothers?"

"You, rest." Li Wentian on the side also suddenly said.

I was very unhappy and anxious, but my body really didn't give me any chance to refute. I wanted to stand up again, but suddenly I felt like my body had fallen into a cloud, and I couldn't keep my feet on the ground. With one step, he fell back on the seat again.

Lin Qian quickly came up to support my shoulders, and said, "Be careful, don't be brave."

I gritted my teeth, being taken care of by my subordinates, in fact, for me, I felt somewhat uncomfortable, but there seemed to be nothing I could do.

The "long-lost" dizziness finally hit at this moment. After the dizziness, nausea followed, as if something had been stuck in my throat. I started coughing loudly. After a while, I started to cough up Blood comes.Lin Qian also became a little nervous, and said, "Why is it so serious... This is the so-called 'strongest concentrate'."

"The greater the power, the greater the price." I heard Huang Qian's voice. Huang Qian has always been worried about my injection of the 'strongest concentrate'. I don't know what she thinks now. Bending down, looking at the ground, several drops of blood dripped, spreading and spreading on the metal floor of the carriage.

Huang Qian's voice sounded again: "However, I really didn't expect you to go through so much pain. If I knew the price was so high, I wouldn't envy you."

"Ahem..." I couldn't answer, I threw myself on the ground, I felt that my hands and feet were twitching uncontrollably, it was like epilepsy, the feeling was indescribable, and the voices around me were getting louder and louder. far away.

"What should he do?"

"There is no way. Didn't I say it in class? During rejection, non-professionals must not make any movements. Any slight movement may lead to the death of the patient. We'd better stay away. a little."

"But he's like this..." Lin Qian was very worried.

"It will be fine." Huang Qian's voice, Huang Qian always likes to tease and sarcasm. Although I am confused at this time, I can hear that her tone is very serious, and there is no hint of irony.

My fingers wanted to grab the ground, but the metal on the ground was too smooth, and with the blood oozing from my arms, my hands were completely at a loss. I wanted to get up, but fell down quickly. It was as if there was a special force constantly dragging me, no one around dared to touch me, no one dared to take a step forward——I suddenly felt bursts of sadness in my heart, if Lin Wan was alive at this time, she might Will know how to deal with it?I don't need to suffer so much, do I?

The troop carrier came to a stop, and I couldn't feel the vibration anymore, but my head was heavy.

"Hurry up! Hurry up, don't let others see..." After a while, I heard someone talking, it should be Lin Qian, or He Fan, "He is the commander, please help him heal, don't let others know, So as not to disturb the morale of the army..."

"Okay okay..."

"Go and notify his personal nurse, who will be in place immediately!" Mo Ge's voice seemed to be...

"Hurry up."

My body seemed to be lifted up. I was carried away on a stretcher. I couldn’t move. A stream of warm liquid was still coming out of my mouth and nose. I only felt that my body was constantly being emptied. , Little by little, more and more heavy, more and more tired.I tried to open my eyes, but a headache was unbearable.

I saw the stars in the sky, the towering sentry towers, and the looming rolling hills in the distance, layer upon layer, stretching endlessly. I was panting heavily. After all, the base of the sentry tower was in the wild, and the air was very fresh. , This greedy absorption made me feel a little bit of relief, but this relief was quickly overshadowed by greater pain.

At this time, I heard another voice. This voice was cold but immature, soft but calm and not like a person with emotion: "What's wrong with the commander? I should have the right to ask?"

"Rejection reaction." Mo Ge's answer.

"Oh, it's so serious, bleeding from the seven holes? If it's an ordinary person, I'm afraid he's dead." The girl said again, "Send him to the intensive care room at the base, where the security level is higher, and it's hidden, and the equipment is better."

"I know."

"Officer Mo Ge, I saw that they brought a child over."

"um, yes."

"Excuse my ignorance, what is the meaning of a child?"

"I'll tell you about this later."

"Well, then you don't mind if I respond upwards?"

"Are you endless?"

"I'm sorry, Chief Mo Ge, anger is not a good quality of an officer, please restrain yourself and talk to me."

"You...well, let me tell you." Mo Ge's voice was still angry, "I know you are a senior veteran and researcher, but please don't hinder me from rescuing your commander. I hope you can handle it by yourself as soon as possible. If you can’t handle it by yourself, write it as an email and send it to the terminal in my room for backup. After I finish the matter at hand, I will naturally handle it, understand?”

"Yes, sir."

"you can go now."

"Yes, sir."

Mo Ge's excitement surprised me who was in a half-comatose and half-awake state. She would angrily scold the "housekeeper" of this base for me, which really gave me an indescribable feeling. I was put on a metal bed. I should have arrived in the intensive care unit. I felt a pale light in front of me. This light made it even more difficult for me to open my eyes...

"Listen." It was Mo Ge's voice again, "Chu Tingsheng is the number one commander here, the backbone of the sixth sentry tower, he must not make any mistakes, you must ensure his safety, understand?! "

"Yes!" There were at least seven or eight researchers present.

(End of this chapter)

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