Chapter 172

Mo Ge didn't seem to leave after giving the order. I really wanted to feel her aura, even if I didn't open my eyes and looked aside, this must be a special kind of tacit understanding, right?I never imagined that I and this cold girl would finally develop a tacit understanding like friends. It seems that things like war and life and death can indeed change a lot of people and create many unexpected situations.

Those paramedics were injecting some kind of fluid into my body.

However, after the liquid entered my body, I just felt chills all over my body. Instead of feeling better, I felt even more uncomfortable.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

I suddenly felt that even with Mo Ge by my side, I was still very likely to be killed on the operating table by these quack doctors.

"Wait!" At this moment, Mo Ge's voice came again, "What's wrong with him?"


"Tingsheng, do you have something to say? Are you uncomfortable?" Mo Ge's voice was very eager, and he actually called me "Tingsheng".

I moved my lips and tried to say: "'s cold..."

"How come?" I actually heard a researcher's bewildered voice, "Why is it cold? Isn't the conventional concentrated solution rejection all the injection of this medicine..."

"His concentrated solution is different from others." Mo Ge said, "Stop the injection immediately!"

At this time, I heard the sound of the metal door being opened again, and someone walked in quickly. The man seemed to stand still for a moment, and suddenly shouted: "Don't inject anymore, do you want him to die? Ordinary condensed injection The liquid rejection reaction treatment method is temporary dilution, which is different from his, stop now!"

The injection still didn't stop, and a relatively old voice said, "What's the difference? Isn't the strongest concentrated solution even dealing with rejection differently?"

"I said, stop the injection." Mo Ge ordered.

The man was still relying on his old age: "I have dealt with so many similar cases, and they all used this medicine. Why is he different? Now his chills are only temporary, and they will stabilize in a while."

"Stop!" I knew that the person who rushed in just now was Zhu Qing, I felt my heartbeat slow down, and my whole body became weaker and weaker, Zhu Qing almost screamed, "Ah! I know You are an old professor, but you have never been in contact with Lin Wan's concentrated solution. You don't know that the 17 wild animals are in balance and interdependent. Temporary dilution will only make their balance lose. This is a new technology. , is different from the past, you know?"

"Who is this little girl?" The man continued, "Lin Wan's person? Isn't Lin Wan the traitor? I don't believe that a traitor can..."

"Stop the injection, I'll say it one last time." Mo Ge said.

"Even if you are the supreme commander, I am a second-level researcher at the Fortress of Life. In terms of seniority, I am more qualified than you little girl. You can't talk to me like that."

"Stop!" I heard Mo Singer's gun being loaded.

"Why, you still want to use force? I'm saving people, so you treat me like this..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a "bang", followed by a bunch of screams from the research institute. I was also startled, and I tried to open my eyes a little, but I saw that Mo Ge was only facing the sky above. One shot was fired, and it was an ordinary pistol, which did not cause much damage, but it was enough to scare this group of self-righteous researchers. An older researcher was sitting on the ground at this time , There were two people supporting him, but he didn't dare to breathe.

Is it this person?

Those people began to stop the injection of the medicine quickly, and my body returned to temperature, but the burning sensation followed.

"Zhu Qing, come here."

"Yes." I saw a not-so-tall figure running past me, and my eyes couldn't be opened any longer. At this moment, exhaustion had already taken over my whole body.

I closed my eyes again, and after a while, another potion poured into my body.

Finally, I felt my heartbeat gradually stabilized.

However, it may be due to the injection of too much diluting medicine just now, my body feels a little overwhelmed, the coldness and scorching heat are intertwined, as if a flame and a ball of ice are constantly colliding and expanding in my body, It faded away slowly, and when I thought it was okay, it happened again, and it was always more violent than the previous one, which caught me off guard.

I started coughing again, and blood gushed out of my mouth again.

"Look, what am I talking about!" The old man's voice came again, almost yelling hysterically, "Come on, let's go, let's go, let them continue, wait for people to die, see what they do end!"

Those researchers seemed to be withdrawing one after another, but at this moment, Mo Ge's voice sounded again, saying: "You can go, but after you go out, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will not be polite to you. "

"Don't worry, little girl!" Although the old man was scared to death by Mo Ge's shot just now, he still didn't want to be outdone and said bluntly, "We won't talk nonsense, but people are doing what the sky is watching. The official was killed, we don’t need to say, ha ha!”

Those people finally left, and there was a lot less noise in my ears. I really don't know why there are such unreliable researchers here.

Signal my brain is still clear, signal my will is still firm.

"Chu Tingsheng." Zhu Qing's voice suddenly sounded next to my ear, "Do you believe me?"


"You believe me, even if you don't believe me, please trust Teacher Lin Wan. I improved this potion based on part of the information she left behind. Don't worry, you will be fine. I once promised Teacher Lin Wan that you I will protect your safety with my life, and I will do what I say!" Zhu Qing's words made my heart sore, and I felt tears were about to come out of my eyes.

However, at this time, it seems that it is not suitable to be so fragile, so I nodded slightly vigorously.

"Well, are you cold?" Zhu Qing asked again.

To be honest, it was very cold, and the hot feeling was neutralized by the balance of the newly injected medicine, but the effect of diluting the medicine still did not dissipate, and my body was even colder than before.

"Hang on." I suddenly felt someone rush into my arms and hug me.

One person's body temperature seems to be the most effective thing for giving another person warmth.

At this moment, I knew that Zhu Qing and I were close at hand, but I was so embarrassed, Mo Ge was also there, and on this occasion, in this intensive care unit, she suddenly hugged me, I really felt a little uncomfortable Yes, but I have no strength to escape.

"Don't worry." I could feel the breath of Zhu Qing's words, she whispered, "This way you will feel better, don't worry, the injection of diluents just now is not much, soon your immune system will take those medicines Eliminate it, you can rest assured."


"Is his condition stable now?" Before I had the strength to speak, Mo Ge spoke first.

"He should be fine now, but he still has to suffer. I...sorry, I'm late."

Mo Ge didn't seem to care about what Zhu Qing said, but just said to himself: "Since the situation has stabilized, I'll leave first."

"Mr. Mo Ge... just now, thank you..." Zhu Qing said.

"It's okay." Mo Ge's voice was cold, and I seemed to have heard the sound of her leaving footsteps, "Just a reminder, it's better not to let too many people see your current actions."

The words seemed to come from the door.

"I'm treating him!" Zhu Qing actually argued, "I don't care about anything else."

"Forget it then." Mo Ge said coldly, and then, I heard the sound of the metal door opening and closing.

"Zhu Qing..." I was still embarrassed.

"Don't say anything, take a good rest, it's okay." Zhu Qing said, "Don't think too much, I'm a doctor, and the doctor is benevolent. At this time, if it was Li Jin, he would do the same."

My physical condition has calmed down a lot, and I thought to myself: If this is Li Jin, I can't bear it even more...

However, my embarrassment was quickly replaced by a feeling of exhaustion that seemed overwhelming—I fell into a deep sleep, as would happen every time I experienced rejection.

(End of this chapter)

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