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Chapter 173 Dreamland

Chapter 173 Dreamland
I rarely dream, but at this moment, I actually feel that I have fallen into a dream.

It is not so much a dream, but a different world, the world after a deep sleep.

In this world, I only have consciousness, but I don't seem to have sound senses.

I saw a light spot cruising in front of my eyes, that thing was very strange, it seemed to be alive, it always kept a distance from me, I couldn't touch it, and it didn't bother me either.

What is this?
I heard myself calling, but the calling seemed to be of no avail. The cruising light spots, up and down, left and right, in the dark, looked like fireflies, but more like glowing dandelions.

What is this?
I opened my eyes and looked carefully, only to see that the "dandelion" was shining brightly, as if there were many elusive contents.This makes me feel a little uneasy.

What is this? !

I finally walked forward slowly, trying to get close to that guy, that guy didn't run, but stopped in the middle of the darkness, but I was stepping on the unknowable, invisible everything, even standing in front of it, I still feel nothing .

Finally caught this guy, I stretched out my hand and touched it lightly, as if my fingertips touched the calm lake surface, the waves spread, and the water waves flowed. In an instant, the picture in the middle of the light spot became extremely clear.

I saw many, many things, I saw my home, I saw my parents, to be precise, the parents in my memory, I saw my father come back from work, as a middle-level cadre He is always angry, but always pretends to be happy when he goes home.I saw my mother. My mother has a bad temper, but she always takes care of everything in the house in an orderly manner.There is not much money in the family, but food and clothing are not too distressing.

I saw myself, I actually saw myself, the self in high school, I saw a child who was busy preparing for the college entrance examination, the test papers were piled up like a mountain, and the reference materials covered the child's face.

I almost forgot what year it was.

However, before I had time to think about it, all of this turned into fragments and dissipated suddenly. My thoughts went to the university, to the student union, and to the campus activities—Lin Wan, Zhang Ziyang, Wang Bin, Those classmates, those senior brothers and sisters, at that time, everything was so peaceful.

There is nothing to say about the thoughts in my heart, and before I can say it, the spot of light suddenly turned blood red. Suddenly, I saw a strange thing, a bloody thing, that thing was wriggling, little by little. Creeping, that thing seems to be composed of many strange skins and flesh. It is a person, but it doesn't look like a person. I can't tell what kind of creature it is, I just feel sick—— —Suddenly, the guy trembled, as if thousands of drops of blood splashed out—

The blood dripped in the air, and the sky turned red;
Falling into the sea, the ocean blows a gust of wind;
Falling to the ground, the ground blooms with flesh and blood flowers;
When it falls on humans, it becomes difficult for humans to distinguish their faces.

I suddenly felt that all this was not as simple as a dream, it was simply a special omen.

"What are you!" I yelled.

That thing shook violently, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood rushed towards me, I stepped back hastily, but in the darkness, I stumbled and fell, the suffocating smell hit my face, covering my head and face with layers of weight Pressing, nibbling a little bit, killing a little bit, burying a little bit.

"What are you doing! You!" I stretched out a hand, but grabbed a piece of void, there was nothing, the light spot disappeared, as if it was hidden somewhere.

"Ah!" I yelled and sat up suddenly.

"What's wrong with you?!" I saw Zhu Qing's face, and Zhu Qing was sitting next to me, her face full of horror.

I rubbed my forehead with one hand, gritted my teeth, and said, "Dream...dream."

"What kind of dream?" Zhu Qing asked, "What's wrong with you? Your physical condition has stabilized, but why is your mental state so poor? What kind of nightmare is it?"

"Is it important?" I don't want to say, I have no clue about that chaotic dream.

"Important, the concentrated liquid may affect a person's mood. The spirit is also a very important part of a person." Zhu Qing said, "If you believe me, tell me."

"I... can't tell." I said, "I saw a lot of things, I can't tell, I really can't tell."

"You... have you dreamed of Teacher Lin Wan?"

"No, no... oh no, it should be counted." I frowned and said, "It's just, it's more than that."


"Don't worry about this." I interrupted the other person's question and said, "How long have I been asleep?"

"It's only seven or eight hours." Zhu Qing said, "It's normal to be tired after a rejection reaction, but if it exceeds ten hours, it's a serious problem. I was still worried just now." She paused, and then Ask, "How are you feeling?"

I took a deep breath. To be honest, the situation is much better now. My hands and feet are no longer painful. I looked at the wound on my arm and it has been bandaged. I don’t know how fast it will heal this time. The winged man's bone claws hooked the flesh like that, and it would be difficult to heal completely in a short time.

"Did something happen while I was asleep?"

"This one……"

"You tell the truth."

"It's just... Chief Mo Ge once said that if you wake up, General Zhong will see you and ask you about bringing the child back." Zhu Qing said.

My consciousness gradually became clear, and the previous memory finally recovered after a short fragment, so I couldn't help asking: "How is the child?"

"Already awake, but..."

"But what's the matter? Is the situation bad? What about the bugging device on your body?"

"It's all taken care of, it's...that kid..."

"Say it straight." I was a little nervous.

"If you, if you have nothing to do, go and see her with me." Zhu Qing hesitated to speak.

I became more worried, and without thinking, I stood up and said, "Let's go."

"Uh...don't worry, it's not really a big deal, it's just too much to say." Zhu Qing said, "Also, even if you're going, get dressed first..."

It was only then that I realized that I was extremely disheveled at this time. For treatment and examination, it was fine to not wear a shirt, and only a pair of bottoms on my lower body. I was at a loss for a while, but Zhu Qing quickly put the clothes on Passed it to me and smiled at me.

After the preparations were finished, I followed Zhu Qing's guidance to the child's place they placed.

The residence is an empty soldier’s dormitory, relatively remote, but it’s very close to the residences of Huang Qian and He Fan, which is quite convenient. When I came to the door of the room, Yitian and the others were already here After waiting, I saw that these guys all looked worried. Even Li Wentian covered his face with one hand, as if he had a great helplessness.

The more they are like this, the more worried I feel.

Yitian was the first to see me, so he hurried up to meet me, and said, "Oh, you're in charge... Are you feeling much better?"

I nodded, frowned and said, "It's okay, what's the matter, I heard that the child has some problems."

"Yes...the problem is serious." Yi Tian said.

"What happened?"

"This child is not human..."

"Not human? Infected?" I asked.

"That's not what it means..." He Fan stepped forward, pondered for a while, and said, "The physical condition is good, or in other words, the physical condition is very good..."

"What's the matter? Don't be secretive, just tell me." I became more and more confused by Monk Zhang Er.

He Fan curled his lips and said, "Since this child woke up and figured out where he was, he started to say that he was hungry. We don't have many points, but after all, he is a child, so we feel compassion. The members helped her buy food, and guess what? We each pooled more than 60 points and bought the most high-end dishes in the base for this little girl. Unexpectedly, this child is a bottomless pit! He ate three adults' food. It's heavy, still..."

"Ah?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and I couldn't help but stepped forward to touch the metal door, and the door opened.

I saw the little girl sitting cross-legged by the bed, with four or five lunch boxes thrown on the metal table.

"Hey, don't you want to see the manager? Our manager is here." Yi Tian pushed me from behind and said to the little girl.

"Little girl." I tried to remain calm and said, "I'm the person in charge here. What's your name?"

"It doesn't matter what my name is, you're in charge, right!" The little girl jumped out of the bed, put her hands on her hips, and said simply and neatly, "I'll tell you clearly, just three words I! Also! Hungry!"

(End of this chapter)

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