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Chapter 174 The Eloquent Little Girl

Chapter 174 The Eloquent Little Girl
The little girl's words and expressions made me feel very embarrassed. It seems that my life is destined to mess with these difficult girls. Whether it is an adult or a child like her, I have no temper. a normal one.

I sighed and said, "If you eat too much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable..."

"You don't have to worry about this for me!" The little girl stepped forward and said, "Get me something to eat, I haven't eaten for several days, and you still hit me with an anesthesia gun!"


"Hey! Yes, it's all because of that sister!" Yi Tian on the other side didn't think it was a big deal, pointed at Huang Qian and said, "Isn't it her?"

"You're not a good person yourself. Hmph!" The little girl actually pointed at Lin Qian and Yi Tian, ​​and said, "Are they two of your subordinates? You don't care, they ran over lewdly as soon as I woke up Trying to take advantage of me."

"Hey! Hey! Please make it clear." Yitian was completely lost by this seven or eight-year-old precocious child, and I was extremely helpless, "Lin Qianse is true, I know him, right, but I "I'm definitely a first-class good brother, right?"

"Go away, big man!" said the little girl, "Whoever wants you to be an older brother, bring me something to eat, or I will sue you for child abuse!"

"Little...little sister." Zhu Qing stepped forward, squatted down, and said, "I'm a doctor, you listen to me, you've been hungry for too long, and you'll get protein poisoning if you eat too much at this time... It will be more uncomfortable sometimes, really, my sister is not lying to you."

"I eat very slowly!" The little girl didn't agree with it at all, "And the food here is so vegetarian, the rice is so small, just like the giraffe eats, so I won't be poisoned!"

"This... But, children tend to get fat if they eat too much..." Zhu Qing guided again, "If they get fat, they won't be cute or pretty."

"I won't get fat. I'm too thin. I don't want to be like my sister when I grow up. I don't have a thin face and chest..." The little girl's words made Zhu Qing speechless.

I saw from the side that Zhu Qing's expression was almost completely frozen, her face was already red to the base of her ears.

I turned to look at the others again, and those few seemed to be holding back their laughter.

Huang Qian calmed down, clasped her hands behind her head, and said, "This is a little goblin, you'd better not mess with her, or you might die without a place to bury her."

"You are the goblin. You look like a snake spirit." The little girl retorted immediately.

"Pfft, hello snake spirit..." He Fan turned around and teased Huang Qian.

"You pair up with her, you look like a scorpion!" But before He Fan finished speaking, he was also shot.

"Okay..." He Fan's expression was also very awkward, but Huang Qian came up and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "This kid can't be messed with, Mr., let's go, let the old lady go out and catch the gourd baby..."

After speaking, he turned and left the room, He Fan took a look at the little girl, and fled out like flying.

"Then what, it's about time for some exercise." Yi Tian chuckled, scratched his head and left the room.

"Hey! I'll go with you!" Lin Qian hurried to catch up.

For a moment, as the metal door opened and closed, only Zhu Qing and I were left in the room.

The little girl still had her hips akimbo, her face held high, and she said, "Hey, brother, you are in charge, so are you in charge of the food? Tell me, didn't you invite me here?"

I frowned, feeling helpless in my heart, so I had to ask Zhu Qing: "Zhu Qing, how many points do I have in my account? Didn't you always calculate it for me?"

"There are quite a few more, you don't spend much money...but..."

"There's nothing to do, let's go buy some snacks for this kid, it's better than just eating vegetables." I said.

"Well... then, well then..." Zhu Qing nodded.

I knelt down, faced the child, and tried my best to speak in the most amiable tone, "Little sister, we're going to buy you food, you stay in this room, don't run around."

"Don't worry, there is something to eat, I won't leave if you let me go!" The little girl smiled brightly.

I stood up and went out together with Zhu Qing, I walked very fast, afraid that the little girl would say a few more words that could piss people off.

In the corridor outside the door, Zhu Qing and I walked side by side. I was silent for a moment, feeling more and more strange in my heart, and said, "There is something wrong with this little girl."

" mean...very...unruly?" Zhu Qing said.

"No, it's not." I shook my head.

"Then you mean..."

"No matter how unruly a child is, if he is not afraid of strangers, he will not be so relaxed when he sees a large group of adults, and he will eat what we give him with confidence." I said, "This little girl even dares to directly Make demands on us, argue with us, there is definitely something wrong here."

"Hey, after what you said, it seems that she is really a little...a little..."

"There is only one possibility." I frowned.

"What's possible."

"That's how this little girl thinks we're somebody she knows," I said.

"That's too strange, isn't it? Even if you're a child, how can you not know if you know someone? We haven't seen her before." Zhu Qing said.

"No, what I mean is." I shook my head, "Maybe it's like this, this child was told before that she would be picked up by a certain group of people, and the people who picked her up were exactly the group of people she felt The role of 'don't be too polite'. It may be her parents' subordinates, or someone else. In the process of her being picked up, she was actually sleeping all the time, or for some reason, she appeared Therefore, when she woke up and saw us, she acquiesced that we were the ones who took her away..."

"Well..." Zhu Qing thought for a while, and said, "It seems really possible, but... an eight-year-old child should have her own thoughts. If it's what you said, it's because of this reason that she thinks We are the ones who went to pick her up, so there must be some characteristics or evidence on us that convinced her of this, right?"

"Well, indeed." I nodded, "But probably only she knows about this kind of thing."

"Do you want to ask her?" Zhu Qing looked at me.

I still just nodded slightly, and said: "Well, although this little girl is unruly and willful, she is still lively. She should be a straightforward child. I think it is more effective to ask her directly than to beat around the bush."

"Okay, how about buying her some delicious food? When she's happy, she might..." Zhu Qing covered her face in the middle of her sentence and said, "Well, it seems like she's trying to trick my little sister, so shameful."

I smiled and said, "We're helping her."

"Hey! You don't have to be so serious, I'm just joking."

At this time, we had come to the self-service store in the center of the sentry tower. Instead of following Zhu Qing's words, I said to myself: "What do you girls like to eat, help her choose, I am not I understand very well."

"Hey?" Zhu Qing was a little surprised, and said, "Don't you know what girls like to eat? Didn't Chu Tingsheng go to college? If you don't know this, how can you coax a girl? Could it be because you are handsome? There is no need to coax them, they just..."

When Zhu Qing mentioned things like college and girls, I couldn't help but think of Lin Wan. I thought my expression at the time must have been ugly. Zhu Qing obviously noticed this. Halfway through the sentence, she suddenly lowered her head slightly. He said aggrievedly: "Yes... I'm sorry, I, did I say something wrong?"

I sighed, shook my head, and said, "It's okay, let's go shopping quickly, don't waste time."

"Well... okay, okay..." she said hastily.

Soon, Zhu Qing and I picked out cakes, drink puddings and chocolates in the subsidized store to take home. Although we didn't know what the little girl liked to eat, I think half of the children would not refuse sweets.

When we got back to the room, the little girl was quite well-behaved, and she sat by the bed and waited for us patiently. When we came to her, she stood up and said, "Have you bought everything? What is delicious, show me!"

I deliberately put the food behind me and said, "Hey! Little sister, we run errands and buy things for you all the way. It's so hard, can't we not get paid?"

"Huh?" The little girl stared at me for a few seconds and said, "You are dead, you bully children, and you want to be paid, do I have any money?"

"It's okay." I said with a smile, "I don't want money, as long as you answer a few questions for me, don't worry, it's not a difficult question."

(End of this chapter)

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