global variation

Chapter 175 Another story revealed

Chapter 175 Another Past Revealed

"Huh? Ask a question? I don't know if I can answer it! What if I can't answer it? Don't you give me something to eat?" The little girl pouted and said.

"You can definitely answer." I said.

"Then... then you can ask, don't bully me." The little girl was still a little worried.

I smiled and said, "What's your name?"

"That's the question?" She was obviously a little surprised, "Don't you all know?"

"I... don't know..." Hearing her words, I became more certain of my judgment. This little girl must have preconceived us as "a certain group of people".

"My name is Qiqi." The little girl said.

"Qiqi..." I looked back at Zhu Qing, who shook her head slightly, indicating that she had never heard of this name.

I also frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Then, where is your home? Who took you to Tianhe West Road?"

"West Tianhe Road...what?" The little girl was very puzzled and said, "Didn't you come to pick me up? After I woke up, I was here? They said that the snake spirit sister hit me with an anesthesia gun What! I don't know why, but you are necrotic."

"You... were picked up by us and fell asleep?"

"Yes, Mama Liang and Papa Liang sent me away." The girl said.

"Do you remember what car you got in?" I asked.

"It's that kind of silver, big van that can fit three people in a row." The little girl said.

We drove a military vehicle, a green leather armored military vehicle, and the little girl never mentioned that she had been in a military vehicle, and according to her description, she should have been picked up from home by a silver commercial vehicle, which is sold in the city. The community is so common that it is hard to tell whether it is a member of the church, or a member of the government, the underworld, or a resistance organization.But at least what is certain is that the little girl's trajectory is likely to be similar to what I estimated.

"Do those people have any characteristics? Or, what clothes are they wearing?"

"There are a lot of people in the car, but I fell asleep quickly and didn't pay attention. Could it be... Isn't it you? But you all wear the same clothes!"


"That's right, aren't you members of the urban resistance organization?" The little girl actually knew us and accurately judged our identities.Surprised, I said, "Yeah, that's right, but how do you know?"

"Are you stupid? Both Father Liang and Mother Liang told me that Dad asked you to pick me up. I know that Dad may not come to see me for a while, but he doesn't have to invite such an unreliable person. Well, really, you don’t even know what you’re going to do? Besides, aren’t your clothes the clothes of the resistance organization? I’ve seen photos of Dad, and the clothes are the same as yours.”

"Your father, is someone who resists the organization?" I became more and more vigilant.

"Yeah? What's the matter?"

"What's your father's name?"

"You don't know my dad?"

I pondered for a moment, and said: "There may be some problems here, but I think, I may indeed be your father's friend, what's his name?"

"My father's name is Xie Chun, and he is a professor, a very powerful professor!" The little girl said proudly.

But these words undoubtedly shocked Zhu Qing and me. I turned around and looked at Zhu Qing, feeling a little stunned.

Xie Chun, is that the legendary Professor Xie Chun?Isn't he already dead?In this world, he actually has a daughter who is seven or eight years old. What is going on with all this?

"Hey, what's the problem? Oh, by the way, strange brother, when can I see Daddy?" the little girl said.

"Uh... for the time being, not yet." I frowned, and couldn't help but stutter.

"Hmph, I knew it. Dad always said he was busy, but he just didn't want to see me." The little girl puffed up her cheeks, pouted her mouth, and frowned, as if she was angry.

"Your father is Professor Xie, then the Liang father and Liang mother you mentioned just now are..."

"My godfather and godmother." The little girl looked at me, "You really don't know anything, why don't you ask your subordinates, when they picked me up, they talked for a long time in the living room Woolen cloth……"

"You have been living with your godfather and godmother, and your parents are not with you?"

"I..." When asked this question, the little girl lowered her head slightly.

I couldn't help but wonder.

"I can't remember..." the little girl suddenly said in a low voice.

"do not you remember?"

"I don't remember how I got to his house. I just remember that when I was young, I stayed at home, but then I went to Liang's father and mother Liang's house. They told me that my parents were too busy with work, so... So there is no way to accompany me... You can ask my father, and help me, how busy he is, why he has been refusing to see me for several years...I...I miss him a little... ...For other people's children, parents will take her to the park on weekends, even if they don't go out, they will play with them at home, but..."

"I see." I had an indescribable feeling in my heart, I just felt that I was in a panic, so I quickly handed the food in my hand to Qiqi and said, "Don't worry, I will ask Professor Xie for you, but now It's not yet time, you are sensible, you should know that your brothers and sisters, and your father, are fighting against the bad guys, and it is very dangerous outside now... Well, when the war is over, maybe your father will come back and take you to the park play."

"Actually, I understand." She finished the snack, still looking very aggrieved.

However, a child is a child. When she started to pick out the food in the bag, she soon became happy again. She seemed to be very interested in the box of cheesecake inside. Zhu Qing had to ask her not to eat too much to avoid Bad stomach.

We managed to coax the child to stay in the room obediently, and then we turned and left.

The metal door closed behind us. I looked at Zhu Qing and said, "Professor Xie Chun's daughter? So young?"

"I don't know," Zhu Qing said, shaking her head, "I'm also surprised that there will be a daughter."

"Professor Xie Chun, when did you pass away?" I asked.

"I've only heard about Professor Xie Chun a few times from Mr. Lin Wan. I really don't know the specifics. I only know that he is a legend of the resistance organization and one of the most powerful researchers. He has made great achievements at a very young age. achievements." Zhu Qing said.

I nodded: "It seems that I have to ask Mo Ge about this matter."

I pondered for a while, and said to Zhu Qing: "Go and accompany this child. By the way, see if you can get more information from her. Looking at the child, I don't seem to reject you."

"Hey, when she's not laughing at me, she's still quite cute. She's such a pretty girl. She will look even better when she grows up." Zhu Qing said.

"Laughing at you?" I frowned.

Zhu Qing's eyes widened, and she said anxiously: "Don't you think she is laughing at me on purpose? Don't you think what she just said is the truth?" Although the tone was not high, the tone was a little eager.

I just remembered what the little girl Qiqi said just now. I didn’t expect that Zhu Qing seemed to be particularly concerned about this kind of thing. However, I wanted to clarify the doubts in my heart, but I had already ignored those details. I couldn’t help laughing She smiled and said, " don't need to care about these, just take care of her."

"Oh...well..." Zhu Qing seemed a bit disappointed that she didn't get an answer from me, but I couldn't give her any answer to this kind of thing—I haven't seen it before!

After separating from Zhu Qing, I went to the training field outside, under the bright lighting, I connected to Mo Ge's communication device.

"Chu Tingsheng? Are you awake?"

"Well, I'm fine." I said simply, "Now there are some situations, I want to report to you, and I also want to ask you a few questions."

"Come to the temporary command room. I'm afraid General Zhong will trouble us soon."

My heart skipped a beat, and I was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "Okay, I'll be there soon."

In my eyes, General Zhong is a typical bureaucrat, and I am most afraid of dealing with this kind of person, but now, it seems that I am doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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