global variation

Chapter 176 The Secret of 77

Chapter 176 The Secret of Qiqi

The temporary command room is located not far from the garrison office. If the commander in chief of the outer defense line or the leader of the life fortress does not come, it will be idle for a long time, but now Mo Ge has been sitting in charge. I have some Fortunately, when I entered the command room, there was only Mo Ge.

I don't want to meet that General Zhong before things are clear.

"General Zhong is meeting guests in the conference room, and he may arrive in an hour." Mo Ge said.

"One hour, almost." I said, "I have something important to report to you."

Mo Ge smiled and said, "It's just the two of us, we don't report anything."

I froze for a moment, in my impression, according to Mo Ge's temper, he shouldn't have spoken to me like this.

At this time, Mo Ge added another sentence, saying, "You probably don't like these official phrases either, do you?"

I smiled and sighed.

"Then don't say that." Mo Ge understood what I meant, "Let's get down to business."

I nodded and said, "About that little girl..."

"Yes, how is the little girl?"

"Everything is stable," I said. "Leg surgery seems to be going well, but . . . "

"But what?" Mo Ge frowned.

"She claims to be the daughter of Professor Xie Chun," I said.

"What? Xie Chun's daughter? Are you sure?"

"From what I know so far, the Xie Chun she is talking about should be a legendary figure in the resistance organization. Professor Xie Chun is without a doubt." I said with certainty.

"Is that so..." Mo Ge pondered for a while, seemed to know what I wanted to ask, and said bluntly, "Actually, I have heard that Professor Xie Chun did have a very young daughter. The research of biotechnology, devoted himself to the resistance organization, and he only had a daughter in middle age. He knew the danger of the work of the resistance organization, and did not let his family intervene in his work. When he was alive, I never saw him His family even thought he was single at one time. As for this daughter, he naturally cherishes it even more. If I remember correctly, everyone in the resistance organization has probably only heard about it, and no one knows the specific situation at all."

"Is it……"

"Well, not many people knew about him before he was alive, and after his death, it's even more unclear."

"A child shouldn't lie." I analyzed, "However, she was obviously deceived."

"what happened?"

"She has always emphasized that we sent someone to her godfather and godmother to pick her up directly, and according to her, her godfather and godmother even told her that all this was her father's intention and that she was to be picked up. Come to the resistance organization. She knows the clothes of the resistance organization, and can recognize the logo of the resistance organization in a short time from memory, which surprises me.” I said, “She told me that our clothes, once she His father also wore it."

"It's normal. Professor Xie Chun is not only an excellent researcher, but also a fighter." Mo Ge said.

I nodded and said, "According to the current situation, a silver commercial vehicle picked up the child from a couple surnamed Liang, who were members of the resistance organization. They also gave her anesthesia, It caused her to have a memory fragment, and when she woke up, she had already entered the resistance organization by mistake, so she mistakenly thought that we were the ones who picked her up."

Mo Ge nodded and said, "Then, according to your judgment, who are those people?"

"To be honest, I think both the church and the rebel organization are suspected, but... the rebel organization is less suspected." I said.

"You can say it directly."

"Everyone in the rebel organization knows that Professor Xie Chun is dead. I think if the rebel organization picks up Xie Chun's child to come to the base, there is no need to tell such a set of lies, saying that the father of the child wants to see her—unless This set of lies was fabricated by the child’s relatives.” I said, “Besides, West Tianhe Road and the Fortress of Life are in opposite directions. If the rebel organization wants to pick up the child, the final destination is probably the Fortress of Life or various watchtowers. , as a peripheral sentry tower, you have not even received a similar message, indicating that this child is neither going to the Fortress of Life nor the sentry tower, so it is unlikely to be related to the resistance organization."


I added: "Although the suspicion cannot be completely ruled out, but..."

"Then tell me about the suspicion of the church." Mo Ge interrupted me and said.

"As for the Church..." I gritted my teeth and said, "Just check the bug first... It is unlikely for the resistance organization to use a physical bug. In addition, after we brought that child, we were attacked by the Church." The attack and follow-up, the infected seem to know where we are going, and wherever we go, they will hit there, this alone is enough to prove many things."

"Okay." Mo Ge nodded.

"However, if this is the case, then there must be a lot of secrets hidden in this child. If not, it is absolutely impossible to arouse the church's great interest. You know, when they attacked the few of us, including follow-up reinforcements , at least sent nearly a hundred people." I said.

"What's the secret..."

"I'm not sure, but if it's Xie Chun's daughter, I think this secret should be quite amazing." I said.

The voice was still there, and suddenly, the door of the command room was opened. I turned my head and saw General Zhong's slightly old, fat but slightly majestic face. My heart sank slightly, but I still stood up. Salute immediately.Mo Ge also saluted and said hello.

"The salute will be waived!" General Zhong said angrily, "Chu Tingsheng, your ability is getting better and better? You used the barracks as an orphanage, huh?"

I froze for a moment.

"Tell me!" He sat down directly behind Mo Ge's metal desk, pushing Mo Ge aside.


"Tell me what you think, what do you bring a little girl here for? Fighting a war or playing house?" the officer said, "Send it to an orphanage!"

"It's too dangerous outside." I didn't say the value of this little girl for the first time, but naively tried to convince General Zhong, "This little girl was brought back from the dead. The church now has new weapons. Turning children into bombs, we have to kill a lot of children, only she is alive, only her vital signs are normal, for us, this is too difficult, isn't it?"

"Picked up on the battlefield? Then you can't bring it to the base!" General Zhong said sharply.

I gritted my teeth.

"Send it to an orphanage, forget it tonight, send it to an orphanage in the southern district of Guangzhou in the morning, raise a little girl in the base, what does it sound like!" General Zhong said, "There are tens of thousands of orphans in this world, Can you save it? What we want to save is the entire city of Guangzhou, the entire China, and the entire world, understand!"

"General Zhong." I didn't speak, but Mo Ge spoke first, and said, "That child is Xie Chun's daughter, not only us, but the church is also looking for her, we suspect that there are secrets that can affect the situation of the battle. "

"Oh?" Sure enough, this sentence aroused General Zhong's interest, he turned to look at me with a frown, and asked, "Chu Tingsheng, is that so?"

I could only nod my head, a little helpless.

"If that's the case, it's another matter." General Zhong mused.

At this moment, my communication device vibrated.

I hastily apologized to General Zhong and Mo Ge, and slowly stepped aside.

It's Zhu Qing's code - Zhu Qing should be staying with that little girl Qi Qi at this time, she suddenly called me, probably related to Qi Qi, I couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and hurriedly connected the communication device.

"Chu Tingsheng... are you still with Chief Mo Ge? Can you come back for a while, I found... there seems to be something wrong with this..."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

I dare not neglect, for fear that something will happen to that little girl Qi Qi.

Back in the middle of the command room, Mo Ge obviously saw my uneasiness and asked, "What happened?"

I said truthfully: "Zhu Qing said that there is something wrong with Qi Qi, I want to go back and have a look."

Mo Ge also became alert, and glanced at General Zhong. This fat man quickly stood up and said, "Something's wrong? I'll go with you to see what's going on with Xie Chun's good daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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