global variation

Chapter 177 Hypnosis

Chapter 177 Hypnosis
Although walking with General Zhong made me a little unhappy, he is the boss after all, so I can't say much. Soon we returned to the room where Qiqi was. At this time, Qiqi was lying on the bed, motionless, as if Asleep, Zhu Qing sat beside the bed with a dignified expression.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"After eating just now, I saw that she was tired, so I asked her to lie down for a while." Zhu Qing said, "She fell asleep very quickly. She was fine at first, but I found that her expression remained unchanged after falling asleep. Something is wrong, it seems to be in pain, and it always makes some strange noises..."


"It's better now, but..."

Before Zhu Qing could finish speaking, Qiqi on the bed suddenly let out a low groan, her expression changed suddenly, her brows were furrowed, and her breathing seemed to suddenly become rapid. I wanted to go up to wake her up, but General Zhong He grabbed me and said, "Wait, listen to what she said..."

At this time, Qiqi's hands were clenched suddenly, she seemed to be in great pain, and she began to mutter words—but they were all in the same sound.

"Da da, da da da da, da da, da da da..."

I froze for a moment.

What does it mean?
I turned my head and glanced at General Zhong. At this time, General Zhong had an extremely serious expression, even a little nervous, and listened attentively. Compared to my blankness, he seemed to have understood those strange "da da" sounds.

"Da..." After a while, Qiqi's voice became lower and lower, almost to nothing, and finally fell into a deep sleep again, her expression became extremely calm as if nothing happened just now.

"This is the base's code!" General Zhong said.

I was very shocked, and turned to look at Mo Ge. Mo Ge, a soldier who grew up in the resistance organization, obviously knew this too. With his arms folded on his chest, he explained: "This is a kind of code of the base, born out of Moss. Password, but it is more complex than Morse code, more difficult to record, harder to crack, and more variable, unless a special person compares it with a special table, it is possible to decipher the meaning of the password.”

"How could Qiqi know..."

"Yes, this is the strange thing." General Zhong said with a big belly, "A little girl, only seven or eight years old, is unlikely to be able to recite this kind of thing, and she can recite it so clearly."

"She doesn't seem to be like this usually." Zhu Qing said, "Chu Tingsheng, as you know, she is very lively, and she doesn't seem like a girl who would suffer so much..."

"It's a deep memory." Mo Ge said.

"Deep memory?" Zhu Qing pondered for a while, then exclaimed, "Ah! You mean that!"

"You are a researcher, you should know better than us." Mo Ge said.

"En." Zhu Qing nodded and said, "There are some memory fragments that have been sealed deep in this little girl's mind. Usually, she doesn't even notice it, but after falling asleep, due to the relatively tight brain Usually, in the more complicated dream state, the deep memory will come out automatically...Qiqi has not received any professional training, and is a child, and her willpower is not strong, so she cannot control the emergence of this deep memory."

"What caused the memory to be dusted?" I asked.

"It's possible that I don't want to recall certain painful memories," Zhu Qing said, "but Qi Qi is so young, I'm afraid she doesn't have this kind of willpower—that's the second possibility, it may be due to hypnosis, drugs or Long-term psychological hints form this kind of deep memory in a short period of time or under the subtle influence of a long period of time."

"You mean, maybe taking medicine?"

"I think hypnosis is more likely." Zhu Qing said, "Hypnosis has sealed a painful memory, and it may also include the secret of that set of codes. Maybe Qiqi has never had this kind of reaction, but , due to the anesthesia injection given when he was caught back, the anesthetic effect has not dissipated in the body for a while, stimulating the deep memory area of ​​the cerebral cortex, so... so there will be such a reaction..."

"But..." At this time, General Zhong spoke again, "But this set of passwords seems to be incomplete... She memorized it intermittently. I don't know if it is because the memory cannot be fully recovered."

The fat general was silent for a moment, wandered around the room for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and said, "We have to hypnotize her too!"

"What?" I was taken aback.

"Yes, that's right." General Zhong said, "Since her memory has been sealed by hypnosis, we can evoke her memory through hypnosis. Maybe she can recover quickly and remember the complete code. , Didn’t you say it? People in the church are also searching for this little girl. What does this mean? This shows that there must be a huge mystery and a big secret here. If we can successfully unlock this secret, maybe we can Affect the battle situation."

"But..." Zhu Qing said, "Sir... General, but, she seems to be in pain, if her memory is recalled, will it... will it..."

"There must be a price to pay, but we may be able to save more people." General Zhong said.

"This little girl..." Zhu Qing looked at Qi Qi with some distress.

"I think it's better to guide her slowly." Mo Ge said, "You can slowly guide her to recover her memory a little bit. Anyway, part of her memory should have been awakened by accident. We just need to guide her a little bit to combine The fragments of memory, I believe that one day, that part of her memory can be retrieved safely, so that this child will not be harmed."

"Yes, yes, guide her to take her time, so that the damage can always be minimized. I am a researcher in biological sciences, and I can help!" Zhu Qing also said.

"Hey!" General Zhong waved his hand impatiently, and said, "No! This matter should be done sooner rather than later. When we are preparing, the enemy is also preparing. Whoever is quicker to seize the opportunity will be more advantageous. Don’t you guys want to see the victory of the war? Don’t you want to see world peace?”

"But this child." Zhu Qing still wanted to argue.

"Little girl, this is just a woman's opinion." General Zhong said, "If we can win a complete victory, what if we have to sacrifice this girl's life? You can decide for yourself which is more important!"

"What?" I whispered to myself.

"What? Chu Tingsheng, do you have objections?" General Zhong stared at me.

I did not speak.

"You'd better not have any objections. As a garrison officer, you have violated enough regulations." General Zhong said.

I turned my face slightly to one side.

Having resentment in my heart but having nowhere to vent it is the most difficult feeling. If General Zhong wasn't a general, I'm afraid I would have done him by now.

"Mo Ge." General Zhong ignored me, turned his head to look at Mo Ge, and said, "Aren't there some excellent researchers at the offshore base who have a thorough understanding of brain science? Go offline with Zhang Chu and have a look. Can you call some experts from Z City to have a look, I think, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the sooner the better."

"Yes." Mo Ge also seemed very helpless, but he could only follow through.

"Your name is Zhu Qing, right? You are also a researcher, and you are ready to prepare. Even if you can't help, you can still watch from the sidelines. It doesn't matter if you fall behind for a while, but you can't always fall behind." In fact, Zhu Qing's ability is not necessarily obvious. How much worse than others, and even in some respects, thanks to Lin Wan's help, he is much better than many researchers of resistance organizations. I don't know if the few words that General Zhong said at this time are intentionally sarcastic, or Showed his arrogance and ignorance.

But Zhu Qing didn't have an attack, she just lowered her head slightly.

Seeing that we didn't dare to speak anymore, this General Zhong seemed very satisfied, smiled lightly, and said: "Everyone, we should focus on the overall situation. Thinking, if you are impartial, it is too easy to be swayed by temporary emotions. , it will definitely do harm to your future, you know?"

"Understood..." We said in unison, but our words were weak.

General Zhong didn't care so much, and nodded to us. He looked like a life mentor, deliberately put a kind smile on his majestic and impersonal face, looked around us, and then walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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