global variation

Chapter 178 The Wall

Chapter 178 The Wall

There are only me, Zhu Qing and Mo Ge left in the room.

"How... how could this be possible, this child is so pitiful..." Zhu Qing said in a low voice.

I looked at Zhu Qing, then frowned at Mo Ge, but didn't speak.

Mo Ge shook his head, as if signaling to me that this matter cannot be changed.

My heart is very heavy, and Qiqi next to her is still sleeping soundly. Compared with her eroded by memories and her usual appearance, I still feel that it is too cruel to rush to hypnotize her now.

However, people speak lightly, and I really don't know how to change all this.

"Let me explain the situation to Zhang Chu first." Mo Ge said, "Maybe there is a turning point." She is obviously trying to ease our hearts, but of course, no matter what, she definitely means well. I nodded and said: " Thank you."

But Mo Ge waved his hand and said, "Thank you for what I did, I didn't do anything, right... Besides, I just said that there might be a turning point."

Her words were very helpless, but I could only nod slightly to express my acceptance.

This night is doomed to sleepless.

Although I hadn't healed from serious injuries, and the aftereffects of the rejection reaction hadn't completely dissipated, I still couldn't fall asleep, and kept supporting myself, opening my eyes and looking at the darkness in the room.

This night Zhu Qing seemed to be with Qi Qi all the time, never leaving her. After all, she was a kind girl and seemed to like children very much.

I stayed up until after four o'clock at night before I fell asleep for a while, but after I fell asleep for a while, I was called by Zhu Qing. She seemed to have contacted my communication device, but I didn't get up because I fell asleep Connected, and later, she ran directly into my room, as a private nurse, she has the authority to enter my room, fortunately, I almost slept with my clothes on this night, when she woke me up, I was covered in blood. He was still dressed neatly, and lay straight on the bed.

I rubbed my forehead, sat up slowly, and said, "What happened?"

"Today, early this morning, Qi Qi was dragged to the medical room to receive hypnotherapy!" Zhu Qing said.

"Early in the morning?! How could it be so fast? Didn't you say that people are going to be transferred from the offshore base?" I asked.

"Originally, General Zhong asked Chief Mo Ge to contact today or tomorrow, but last night he changed his mind temporarily. Even I didn't know about it. Mo... Chief Mo Ge told me that Chief Zhang Chu was on the phone last night. I was ordered to bring people here overnight, and Qiqi will be treated and checked early this morning, I...I am worried..."

"Wait for me, I'll go to the medical room with you." I said.

"Well...Qiqi's situation is very unstable. I was dragged to the medical room at the beginning. I just slipped out just now. Now I'm here to find you..."

"Don't worry, they don't want Qiqi to have an accident, Qiqi is still useful to them." After I finished speaking, I turned and went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready. After a few minutes, I set off with Zhu Qing and rushed over.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the door of the medical room, I saw Zhang Chu and General Zhong arguing, and the sound in the medical room was very noisy.

Before I had time to say hello to those two people, I walked into the medical room quickly. At this moment, I saw that Qiqi was actually tied up on a recliner. She closed her eyes and bit her lips tightly. Ferocious, it seems to guard the great pain.

"What did you do!" Zhu Qing couldn't hold back at first.

The few people present were startled, not knowing where Zhu Qing came from, and quickly said: "Sorry...we are not like this, it's just that we may be too impatient during hypnosis, she...she can't stand it for a while. That's all..."

"Then you can tie her up and torture her?!" Zhu Qing asked.

"We have no choice."

"Release quickly." I didn't have time to argue with them, so I said straightforwardly.

"Okay...okay, but she..."

"Let go!" I ordered again.

Those people did know me, maybe they also knew that I was the garrison officer here, maybe they also realized that something was wrong and the seriousness of the situation, so they hurriedly started to untie the rubber bands that bound Qiqi around her body.

The expression on Qiqi's face was still changing, as if her painful dream was getting deeper and deeper. At the same time as she untied the bondage, Zhu Qing had already stepped forward and hugged Qiqi's frail and petite body. Qiqi seemed to have woken up. , but it didn't seem to be fully awake, just out of a kind of instinct, lying in Zhu Qing's arms and crying, crying extremely sadly, extremely sad.

"Don't be afraid, Qiqi, don't be afraid, there is a sister here..." Zhu Qing kept saying while stroking Qiqi's hair.

At the door, the quarrel between Zhang Chu and General Zhong became louder and louder.

I heard Zhang Chu say sharply: "before you came, you didn't say that the child was so young, let alone that her condition was so bad. If I knew more details, I would consider whether to carry out this order!"

"Zhang Chu! You are too much!" General Zhong said, "As a soldier, shouldn't the most important thing for you is to obey the instructions of your superiors?"

"Obviously I have obeyed the instructions." Zhang Chu said coldly, "But if it continues, that child may not be able to bear the load and go crazy. This is the result that neither you nor I want to see, right?"

"You..." The moment I walked out of the room, General Zhong pointed at Zhang Chu, "You are getting more and more arrogant!"

Zhang Chu lowered his head slightly.

Then, there was silence in the corridor, and the silence lasted for several seconds. Finally, General Zhong pointed at Zhang Chu, turned around and left without saying a word. The two servants of General Zhong seemed very angry. The moment he left, he turned and stared at Zhang Chu angrily.

"Chu Tingsheng?" Zhang Chu didn't seem to care about this, but looked at me and asked, "How is the little girl?"

"It's not optimistic." I said, "I have been greatly stimulated, and I am crying now."

Zhang Chu nodded and said: "This kind of pain is unconscious, it's just an instinctive self-protection and resolution. Don't worry, she will be fine... But I should really apologize to her."

I sighed.

Mo Ge on the side said, "Then what should we do next? In my opinion, Commander Zhong shouldn't just let it go."

"Don't worry, I will do the work on this part." Zhang Chu said, "The chief psychiatrist who worked this time just now told me that the current situation of this little girl is like sealing a thick building outside that layer of memory. Our earliest behavior is to use violent methods to break into the wall. You must know that the little girl is weak in heart and savagely breaks into the wall. Not only can she not get the important things inside, but what is more likely to happen is to destroy her. If that is the case, even in terms of the effect of the mission, it is not worth the candle."

"Then we..."

"We can only wait for her to install a door on the wall, open that door and walk out." Zhang Chu said, "But now at least one thing is certain, that is, the little girl does have an extremely important message in her heart , that psychological expert just copied down a secret code that the little girl hummed intermittently. Judging from my experience, this set of codes is indeed indicative, even a very intuitive direction indicative. Maybe as long as the code is unlocked , you can directly get a location and a coordinate.”

"Indicating what?" I asked.

"I don't know." Zhang Chu shook his head, "However, Professor Xie Chun still has some important research data and materials that have not been discovered. If he left clues to those materials before he was killed, I think maybe it is true." Can control the situation of the battle.”

I nodded.

"So, I hope you can do everything possible to protect her and not let her suffer any damage." Zhang Chu said.

"I will." I nodded.

Zhang Chu hummed, looked at Mo Ge again, and said, "Okay, Mo Ge, come here, I have something to tell you..." After finishing speaking, the two left with their backs to me, and I stood where I was After a while, he returned to the medical room again, and several psychological researchers were still guarding Qiqi, but at this time Qiqi had already fallen asleep in Zhu Qing's arms, and his face finally recovered the serenity it used to be.

I hope that this peace can be with her forever, but this is obviously a luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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