Chapter 179
Zhang Chu agreed to help us temporarily suppress the hypnosis. I know I should be grateful to him, but at this time, I can't say any words of gratitude. Every time I see his stern and calm face, I feel lost I lost any desire to speak, and sometimes, I even had the urge to fight with him.

But no matter what, he relieved my worries for the time being. I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided that it would be better to find Qiqi's adoptive parents first. Qi asked her godfather and godmother, that is, the home address of her adoptive parents. The map showed that this location was quite far from the checkpoint on Tianhe West Road. To go to another place at home, we must go through the route of Tianhe West Road. This time, I not only have to find out the truth of the matter, but I also have to take my hand to find out where the enemy is going, maybe that is their lair.

Of course, because Qi Qi fell asleep for a long time, it is possible that he changed his car somewhere, but in any case, the enemy took Qi Qi to the checkpoint on Tianhe West Road, and there seemed to be some problems here.

I tried to contact the soldiers who were guarding nearby that day. Since all the guards at the checkpoint Bunsen were destroyed by the corpse boy and no one survived, I could only expect to get information from the nearby population.

However, the closest government stronghold to the checkpoint on Tianhe West Road is also nearly a kilometer away. They basically can't see the situation here, because the blasting of the corpse boy is instantaneous, and the inside of the checkpoint is destroyed in a short period of time. All the soldiers were wiped out, basically without leaving any traces, so if someone hadn't discovered the corpse when the defense was changed later, it might not be discovered in a short time.

I tried to ask the soldiers who changed defense again. At this time, I finally got some very important information, that is, they inspected the scene immediately after discovering the body, and found a row of bloody ruts on the scene. Rolled in the middle, the tire should come from a large truck, not a commercial vehicle.

This is definitely the church car.

If not, they should be able to find a large body of corpses left at the scene, and it is impossible for them to have no reaction.

What makes me feel even more nonsense is that since the explosion, the government army has directly canceled the Tianhe West Road on the grounds that "the road is rugged, the roads are heavy, the city is low-lying, and it is in a remote area of ​​the city without issuing support." This checkpoint, and the checkpoint back a few hundred meters, on the side of the wide road.

That road checkpoint, even if it is me, as long as I drive fast, I can rush past it. Even if there is a roadblock, it is difficult to defend against the driving people, let alone a group of vicious infected people.

I can't interfere too much with the government's actions. I can only try to negotiate to obtain the monitoring data near the original checkpoint on Naxi Road. The difficulty is greatly increased.

While I was selecting people to visit Qiqi's godfather and godmother, I negotiated repeatedly with the government. Finally, with the help of a military officer surnamed Yao, I finally got some videos. As soon as I identified those videos, I selected a few brothers who had worked in the public security criminal investigation system among the recruits of the Sixth Sentinel Tower to help me stare at the videos. Watching surveillance videos should be familiar to them.

Just the morning before I was going to visit Qiqi's adoptive parents, one of the soldiers sent me a route map drawn by them. They not only found the truck, but combined with the car in the video The location where it appeared and the location of the surveillance video directly helped me draw a possible route map.

I was very grateful at the time, but I didn't know what to say, so I could only tell those people to take a good rest, and I went to ask for credit for them.

But what I actually know is that I have no right to ask for credit for them, because what they did did not conform to General Zhong's intentions. What General Zhong wants to see most now is that we continue to hypnotize Qiqi Treatment, instead of doing other investigations, all of my investigations can only be done in private.

I handed the road map to Mo Ge, and circled the possible location of the local stronghold on the map. We summed it up and found that this possibility exposed a terrible fact, that is, our city's city defense is unprecedentedly weak , Maybe everyone is too dependent on the role of the defense line of sentry towers and life fortresses outside. In Guangzhou, except for the relatively tight defenses near the designated wartime residential areas, there are sporadic watchtowers in other places. Supporting each other is more like restraining each other, and fighting each other in wartime.

This directly makes the huge city of Guangzhou unimpeded, and the enemy is likely to establish their own meeting points and research rooms directly in some hidden public facilities. If our guess is correct, the city is likely to have been infected by infected people and church Infiltrated, the problem is very big.

Mo Ge objected to me personally taking someone to find Qiqi's godfather and godmother, but it seemed that no other better candidate could be found. In the end, she had no choice but to ask me to return as soon as possible.

I tried my best to squeeze out a smile, and pretended to be relaxed and said, "Don't worry, her parents are also in a residential area. The government army and the rebel army are defending in layers. There is no big problem at all."

"The more heavily guarded the place, the easier it is to relax." Mo Ge shook his head and said, "You'd better be careful."

After asking Mo Ge for instructions, I walked out of the command room alone, and walked in the corridor with my head down. At this time, I was almost completely immersed in my own thoughts. When someone greeted me, I just waved and said hello without even raising my head. .

I am very puzzled, what kind of people are Qiqi's adoptive parents, how much do they know about the base, how can they be so bold and confident to give Qiqi to a group of strangers.

Or, in fact, they knew Qiqi's identity and the other party's identity at all, but they just had to do it for some reason?

If it is the latter, then this couple is probably also a helper, or even a lackey of the church.

Thinking of this, I secretly had a plan in my heart.

And at this moment, when I looked up, I suddenly saw a few people standing on the side of the hall next to the training ground, chatting and drinking, looking quite comfortable.

But when I saw their appearance clearly, I couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Zhu Ming, Ah Meng... and..." There was another man with a strong and stocky figure, and when I walked over, they also came towards me. The strong man reached out and shook my hand, laughing. , said carelessly, "I'm Song Yi, have you forgotten? I saved your life with Zhang Chu, so I count it as your benefactor, haha, can this be forgotten too?"

I remembered, this person is Song Yi, the strong man who shot and rescued us with Zhang Chu when I broke into the Cuiping East Road building complex with Mo Ge for the first time. Since that time, I have never I've seen him before, but I don't know why he suddenly appeared here now.

"Haha, I heard that you are a garrison officer! You have risen so fast." Before I could ask a question, let alone figure out why they suddenly appeared, Zhu Ming had already patted my back and said with a smile.

I nodded in embarrassment. Since I didn't know his current status, whether he was an officer or an ordinary soldier, I didn't know how to talk to him for a while.

Including Ah Meng on one side.

"Hey, you boy, why have you changed? Are you so silent?" Zhu Ming asked after looking at me for a long time.

I shook my head and said, "No, why did it change?"

"It must be stupid to be an official. Hehe." Fatty Zhu Ming looked at Song Yi and said with a smile.

"I heard from Zhang Chu that you have made a lot of military exploits and are the best recruit. No wonder you were promoted so quickly." Song Yi said, "We will be colleagues in the future."

I froze for a moment, and couldn't help but say: "I didn't receive the notification from above, sorry, did I miss something, a few of you are here..."

"Don't worry, I just joined as an ordinary soldier. We haven't assigned tasks yet. Each of us has brought a ten-man squad to assist in the defense, but for the time being, they have been mixed into your soldier group under the command of General Zhong. .”

(End of this chapter)

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