global variation

Chapter 180 Mo Xiaojie's Threat

Chapter 180 Mo Xiaojie's Threat
Mixed directly by the general organization? !

I was stunned for a moment, and Monk Zhang Er was confused for a while.

But soon, I saw some clues from the fat man's meaningful face. This guy's expression at that time seemed to say, "You official, you are not so dull that you don't understand what I mean", right?

At this time, I understood.

Judging from the situation when he saw Song Yi for the first time, this guy's status in the life fortress should not be much different from that of Zhang Chu, maybe even on the same level, but his ability is not as strong as Zhang Chuqiang.

As for Zhu Ming and Ah Meng, they seem to be Zhang Chu's people, but they are always elusive, and Zhu Ming once said that he is the special commissioner of the life fortress.

These few people were arranged by the general to come to this place, and each of them brought a team of ten people into my army. Of course I know the meaning of this, which is very important.

I may have been inexplicably classified as a member of Zhang Chu’s camp. It seems that Zhang Chu helped me do things with sequelae and purpose.

I felt like I was being tricked again.

They are trying to drag me into their dispute.

But I didn't dare to ask any more questions, as if there was no point in saying anything, I just smiled lightly and said, "Since it's the general's intention, there must be his intention."

"Well, that's it." The fat man folded his hands forward, and the fat on his face made people feel that he would tremble even if he was blown by the wind.

"I... still have something to do, I think I have to go first." I didn't want to continue this kind of conversation like you were playing charades with each other, so I said hastily.

"Hey!" At this time, Ah Meng stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of my clothes, and said, "Chu Tingsheng, where's Sister Mo Ge?"

I replied: "It's in the command room."

"Can I go to her? Is she busy?" Ah Meng asked with wide eyes.

I really don't know if such a innocent-looking little girl knows that she is also a chess piece being pinched in the hands at this moment.I couldn't help feeling a little depressed, but I had nowhere to vent it. I forced a smile on my face and said, "She's still busy, but if you want to see her, it should be fine. You can contact her directly. Since you are joining this base, There should be everyone's communication code."

"Yeah!" Ah Meng laughed.

Taking advantage of the gap between talking with Ah Meng, I have deliberately distanced myself from Zhu Ming and the others, and walked towards my room.

I feel like I'm running away, but I can't escape this vicious circle.

It wasn't until I got back to the door of my residence that I let out a long sigh of relief, reached out and clicked the verification button.

After a while, the door opened, and the moment I walked in, I was really shocked. I really didn't expect that someone had entered the room first, it was a girl, but I didn't see that she was a girl from the side. Short hair, the white professional attire of the sentry tower soldiers and internal staff, and the short skirt is not obvious when sitting.

This flat figure may be called a loli from a close look, but it really looks like a man from a distance.

Suddenly there was an extra person in the room, and I was still immersed in my own thoughts, almost leaving the door.But the girl was extremely calm, stood up, looked at me calmly, her words were emotionless, as smooth as a robot without any fluctuation: "Sorry, as the housekeeper of this base, I have the right to enter any room, no It was mine to inform you in advance, and I apologize to you here."

"No...not..." I waved my hand, a little at a loss, "I just want to did you come to see me?"

"Well, there is indeed something I want to ask you." The girl Mo Xiaojie said, "I heard that you are going to take someone out of the sentry tower yourself."


"Have you asked General Zhong for instructions on this matter?" Mo Xiaojie asked.

"Officers Zhang Chu and Mo Ge should know." I said.

Mo Xiaojie shook her head and said: "According to the general procedure, if you don't directly ask the highest officer in the base for instructions, it is considered to be leaving your post without authorization. I think I have the obligation to remind you that your It’s not the right thing to do.”

I smiled and said: "It's urgent, I ask you to help me ask the higher-ups for instructions."

Mo Xiaojie shook her head and said, "This is not in accordance with the procedure, and General Zhong will not agree to it."

"If I can find out about this matter, it won't be too late to ask General Zhong for instructions after I come back. I will give him a satisfactory result at that time, and this result will also affect the entire battle situation," I said, "Someone from General Zhong These practices are too conservative, as subordinates, I don’t want to be disturbed, after all, we are on the front line.”

"Hehe, according to what you mean, you are quite dissatisfied with General Zhong." Mo Xiaojie said.

Of course I am dissatisfied with General Zhong. I am not satisfied with any of these officials. I wish I could take all of them out and beat them up one by one. I wish I could let them go to the front line to fight. I want to see if a fat guy like General Zhong can handle it as well as Zhu Ming on the battlefield-of course, this is just a thought.

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied, it's just that the war is very variable, and I never know what will happen in the next second. If I'm not on the front line, I think it's hard to have this kind of experience." I said, "I dare not deny General Zhong's ability, After all, he is a high-ranking general, but now he will no longer appear on the front line, and the information he has learned is very limited, so when an emergency comes, we, as subordinates, need to make our own decisions." And This "robot" spoke, and I started dragging the text unconsciously.

But Mo Xiaojie took out an electronic notebook and started to record with a stylus, seeming to record every word I said.

Then she raised her head again and asked, "Then why do you have to go?"

I said: "I have personally experienced this incident, I know the ins and outs, and I must know the first-hand information before I can make a judgment."

"Okay." She continued to record, and said, "After you leave, besides Chief Zhang Chu and Chief Mo Ge, is there anyone who can take over your position here?"

I thought about it, and suddenly I had an idea, and said, "Zhu Ming, Zhu Ming who just came to the base this time, he is the special commissioner of the Fortress of Life, and also my friend."

"Zhu Ming, I've never heard of this name." Mo Xiaojie said lightly.

"A fat man."

"Oh, 33 new recruits have come to the Fortress of Life this time, including three officers, and one of them is fat." Mo Xiaojie said.

"It should be him. He is injected with the ape arm concentrate. He is an experienced veteran. I believe he can help me." I said.

"So, have you already contacted him?"

"I didn't say anything about it in detail, but we met. Besides, don't you think everything should be more formal? I'm afraid it will take a few days to go out to investigate. It's better for General Zhong to judge my thoughts." I said.

Mo Xiaojie was silent for a while, then suddenly raised her head and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you just used some official rhetoric to negotiate with me, and you also used some official tricks to solve the situation at hand."

"Hehe." I laughed dryly.

This little girl is straightforward.

She closed the notebook and said, "To be honest, even if I can't dialysis some of your tricks, I can divide your every move and every word you say into memory and leave them in special areas of my cerebral cortex. .So, I can slowly chew and judge what is on your mind."

"You are amazing..." I rolled my eyes.

"So, I can actually see all the tricks and tricks played in front of me, at least I can catch them afterwards." She is very confident.

"Then what do you mean? Are you going to slander General Zhong to frame me?"

"I don't mean that." Mo Xiaojie remained expressionless, "But maybe some of my understanding can be used as a bargaining chip to exchange with you."

"What?" I was stunned for a while, and said, "Hmph, in a word, you are threatening me? If you don't exchange with you, I will go to General Zhong to slander you."

"This may be a rather crude way of saying it." Mo Xiaojie put the notebook behind her back, "However, I can't say it's wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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