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Chapter 181 Visit

Chapter 181 Visit
"What do you want?" I took a step back, stood by the door, and instinctively made a self-protective gesture, with my hands folded in front of my chest—a sign of conservatism.

"it's actually really easy."

"You said."

"I want to participate in your operation this time." She said coldly.

"what why?!"

"For General Zhong, when Zhang Chu was still in the base, it was indeed a very good thing to arrange for his own people to be the temporary guards of the base. However, he would not trust you either." Mo Xiaojie said.

"Are you going to spy on me?"

"This is another relatively direct word." Mo Xiaojie said, "As a garrison officer, you'd better use richer negotiating language. If you are too direct, you will suffer."

I rolled my eyes again. This woman really made me feel very helpless. I said, "Am I engaging in diplomacy with you? You don't need to act like a prophet, you just want to spy on me. It's as simple as that, right?"

"Yes." She said bluntly.

"Okay, I'll arrange for you to go with me."

"Thank you then." She smiled faintly, with a smile, but not a trace of it.

In fact, letting Mo Xiaojie go was not a big deal. I even had an evil thought in my heart at the time, that is, if Mo Xiaojie was killed in this operation, maybe a big problem was removed from my base ——But thinking about it again, this idea seems too naive, not to mention how Mo Xiaojie will treat me if General Zhong is killed, even if there is no punishment, it is just an ordinary military incident, and there will be fewer in the base in the future Mo Xiaojie, there will be no one to take care of many management, equipment, and back office matters. If they invite a more perverted key, what should I do?
Thinking of this level, I couldn't help but sigh: " we still have to protect this enemy in the end..."

I was a little helpless, but in the end I could only add this woman's name to the "expedition" team.

In the end, I personally left the base to find Qiqi's adoptive parents without any hindrance. As planned, Yitian drove me, Mo Xiaojie, Huang Qian, and Li Wentian together to leave the base that morning. And Lin Qian, I asked them to stay temporarily, and there must be no "partners" of mine in the base.

Originally, I didn't plan to keep people here, but after I found out that Fatty Zhu Ming, Ah Meng and Song Yi suddenly appeared, I had to be prepared to fight against the internal battlefield of the organization, and this sentry tower has been transferred from the offshore base Inside, they are always fighting, probably one side will never give up until the other side is resolved, and this is something that cannot be helped.

When our car left the mountainous area of ​​the base, I kept paying attention to the change of Mo Xiaojie's expression. Since there is no troop carrier, the windows here can be opened at any time.

In summer, the air conditioner was turned on in the car, but Mo Xiaojie deliberately opened a window on one side, and almost pressed her entire face against the window to look out.

The way she looked made me a little curious.

This little girl pretended to come out to spy on us, but she didn't seem to care too much about what we said or did, instead she cared more about the scenery ahead, which was quite different from her usual robot-like attitude.However, this little girl has a particularly good memory. Who knows if she has divided her brain into different hemispheres, paying attention to us while paralyzing us?
I was watching, when suddenly, Huang Qian, who was sitting on the other side of me, stretched out her hand and poked me, brought her face closer, and whispered in my ear: "This girl with a small flat chest is a little different today."

"Why is it different?"

"Look how coquettish her expression is." Huang Qian's words have always made people laugh.

I froze for a while, and tried my best to move my body forward. When I turned my head, I saw that Mo Xiaojie was actually looking at the scenery outside the window, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. This is a real smile, and I have never seen it before. She smiled, but at this moment, she seemed to be smiling from the bottom of her heart, and she was very comfortable, as if her heart was very comfortable.

I was worried that she would turn her head and see me, and lean back on the seat again.

"Really?" Huang Qian said.

I said, "You're nervous."

"Absolutely not." Huang Qian said, "I figured it out, this little flat-chested girl is a sullen girl, she usually dresses upright, but her stomach is full of love..."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

Could it be that Mo Xiaojie's purpose for coming out this time is really that simple?It's not surveillance, it's not even spying on anything... It's just that I want to come out and play.

Although this reason seems to be in line with her external age, it really made me "admired" this little girl.

But no matter what, even if she came out to play, we can't rest assured, we are out to work hard, we may die at any time, we may be attacked at any time, we may be finished at any time.

Thinking of this, I restrained my expression, sat quietly and waited.

Our car soon drove into the city, and I asked Yitian to take the nearest bus to our destination. We only turned around a few blocks, then walked around the main road and entered a small alley, which was remote and rugged , and some bumpy roads, fortunately, no one in the car showed signs of motion sickness.

This road is indeed very close to the demarcated residential area, but we are hesitating that the road is remote and rugged. In order to protect the safety of the residential area, there are more government checkpoints here than other places. Genetic verification - I thought it was a patent of the rebel organization, but I didn't expect the government to already have this technology.

After about four checkpoints, we officially entered the residential area.

Most of the aborigines in Guangzhou have already moved to this residential area. The government managed to relocate all the people in the building. This is also a helpless thing. After all, in this doomsday period, what the government needs most is unity. What I fear most is riots. No matter what the purpose is, they can only spit out the taxes they swallowed before. Seeing the construction of this residential area, I think, in fact, they are not just like Pixiu. , in fact, they are capable of building a better city...

The residential area is like a satellite city in Guangzhou. Although the place is small, it is well-equipped. When I come here, I feel like I have come to Hong Kong. I don’t know how long the construction of this residential area took. Is it early? There are precautions, but just the houses, viaducts and various facilities that are constantly being built upwards have already seen the government's investment and intentions.

This time, it's time to really do something practical, but it seems that this practical thing came a bit late.

The mountains and rivers are broken, and the homes are withered. I don't know whether it is a blessing or an irony to do these things at this time.

Our car bypassed at least three viaducts, spun up and up, and went up and down like a roller coaster. Then we entered a straight but narrow street. The houses on this street are all new, but the shops and people From the composition point of view, it should be regarded as an old block of a temporary residential area. Our car has been driving to the end of the block. According to the instructions of the map, we have to go to the side for more than 50 meters. This more than 50 meters can only be walked, so we got off the car and walked. past.

The moment I got out of the car, I noticed that Mo Xiaojie was jumping up and down, completely returning to her thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance, but after I stared at her for a few seconds, she suddenly restrained her expression and movements, He looked at me blankly and said, "What are you doing?"

I shook my head and said, "You were fine just now."


I didn't let her continue, but put away the pistol, looked back at the others, and said, "Attention, we will negotiate first, but we must be absolutely vigilant, and force may be used at any time."

"Use force?" Huang Qian was a little puzzled, and said, "Isn't that the little girl's adoptive parents? Why did we use force?"

"If it's just her adoptive parents, I might bring the child here to identify." I said, "There must be something strange about it. Anyway, stay vigilant."

I turned to Yitian again and said, "You wait in the car and meet us."

"it is good."

"Everyone, pay attention to the external environment, and don't make too much noise in the residential area." I emphasized again.


(End of this chapter)

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