Chapter 182
Qiqi's adoptive parents lived on the third floor of the house on the left side of the street.

This life is a non-combat operation, and very few of us came.

The two women, Huang Qian and Mo Xiaojie, and I turned around the corridor, I couldn't help but look at Mo Xiaojie, and said, "Did you...bring a weapon?"

"Bring it." She has returned to that expressionless look, and as she spoke, she took out a short pistol from behind. I am afraid that the more powerful a pocket pistol is, the more amazing it is.

For example, the improved version of the June [-]th type we have is many times more powerful than those small smashing cannons used by the police.

The few of us came to the door, and I knocked on the door. After knocking a dozen times, I heard footsteps on the other side of the door.

I looked at Huang Qian, and Huang Qian turned her back vigilantly, which probably helped her draw a gun when the other party was hard to detect.

As for Mo Xiaojie, who is short, she seems to be a little hidden behind me, so don't worry.

Soon, the other party opened the door, but it was just a wooden door inside.

What came out was a middle-aged woman. I couldn't tell her age. All in all, she gave me the feeling of the most ordinary Guangzhou woman. Her hair was a little gray, her cheekbones were high, and the wrinkles on her face made her a little old, but she was It doesn't seem like she is already five or sixty years old. In short, it is probably the pressure of life that made her age prematurely. She looked at us very vigilantly and asked, "Where are you looking?"

It means who you are looking for. This sentence combined with her tone should be a very unfriendly attitude.

I frowned. For some reason, I was born with poor Cantonese, so I simply answered in Mandarin: "Excuse me, is this Qiqi's home?"

"Qiqi?!" The woman was extremely astonished, and I even read a trace of panic on her face—if they really sent Qiqi away when they were cheated, then when Qiqi was mentioned At that time, it shouldn't be such an expression.

I thought for a while and said, "We are members of the resistance organization, you gave us Qiqi last time..."

"Scared?!" The woman's expression became more nervous and fearful, she opened the iron door tremblingly, and said, "Come in... come in and sit."

I looked at the two girls behind me and signaled them to put down the guns in their hands temporarily.

They took their hands off the weapons at their waists before entering the room with me.

The room is not big, and because of the shade, the hall is a bit dark, and it is precisely because of this darkness that people feel a sense of mystery, especially the middle-aged woman who receives us in front of me. I couldn't see her expression clearly either.After we sat down, she poured tea for us without turning on the light, and said bluntly, "Wait, I'll call him."

After a while, the woman brought out another man from the back room.

I think this should be Qiqi's adoptive father.

He is also Qiqi's godfather.

"Is it Mr. Liang?" I stood up and raised my eyes and asked.

"Yes..." Although I couldn't see the expression clearly, I judged from the action that this person seemed to be very frightened and cringed.

This shouldn't be a normal reaction to seeing people in the rebel organization. Although the rebel organization is somewhat dirty inside, I believe they have a good reputation in the outside world. I only learned about it after I joined the organization. Individuals and groups will more or less give some funding to this organization, and they even always think that this organization is more reliable than government agencies.

"Do you understand why we are here this time?" I deliberately tried.

"I...we know...know..." The couple actually answered in unison, looking very eager.

My intuition tells me that the members of that wave of "resistance organizations" made certain promises to the couple, and if it wasn't for this, they wouldn't have reacted in this way.

I procrastinated on purpose and stared at those two people, although in my eyes, in this dark environment, they were just two groups of black shadows.

"Is there... any more questions?" said the middle-aged man.

I thought about it and said, "No problem, it's just... I didn't bring anything with me."

"What... what?! Why?!"

"No reason..." Their tone was very urgent, and it was very important to think about it. Originally, I only wanted to have a friendly question when I came this time, but it seems impossible now. These two middle-aged people It's not normal, whether it's actions or tone, I even heard a few guttural "quack" sounds from their voices, no matter how eager they are, a normal human being shouldn't be able to make such a sound.I doubt the identities of these two people more and more, or the current state.

"No...Didn't it be agreed?"

Their tone became more and more excited.

"What did you say?"

"Didn't it be agreed that we would deliver the medicine to you?"

"The resistance organization has no medicine." I said coldly.

"What are you pretending to be?!" The woman kept groaning in a low voice, seeming to be in extreme pain, while the man had already slapped the table in front of us with both hands, the teacup on the table immediately overturned, and the tea splashed all over the floor.

"Hmph..." I remained calm and sneered.

"You are the Church, the Penance of the Spiritual Body! What kind of resistance organization is enough to put on airs!" The man said loudly, "Hand over the medicine!" As he spoke, he had already jumped onto the table, and beside me, a pistol Already on his forehead, "You are an infected person, right?"

"Huh?" The middle-aged man froze for a moment.

"You sent Qiqi out in exchange for medicine to maintain the vital signs of your infected people and reduce your pain, right?" I continued, "Hehe, Qiqi has always trusted you and treated you like your biological parents. She didn't know that you two bastards were sending her to her death until she left here!"

"You... kar... who the hell are you... ga..." the middle-aged man hissed.

"I told you, we are from the Resistance!"

"Ah!" As soon as these words came out, the woman next to the middle-aged man, his wife, flew up and rushed towards Huang Qian who was beside him. Huang Qian dodged lightly and avoided the woman's fatal blow. Then kicked backwards, the woman staggered upside down, and put it on the side cabinet, a lot of sundries fell down, and in front of me, the middle-aged man wanted to pounce, but I kicked him over After getting off the table, the middle-aged man obviously didn't expect me to be so strong, and he rolled down and fell with his wife.

"Ah, don't kill us, don't kill us! There's nothing we can do..." The man frantically covered his head with his hands, scratching nonstop, "Don't kill me, please."

"Qiqi was sent away by you, did you ever give her a chance to beg you?" I asked.

"No...don't, we were wrong, wrong..."

"Keep you today, what about the future? You are dying, and continue to bite people outside?"

"No... we, no..."

I didn't give them another chance to speak, to pull the trigger.

Under two shots, blood spattered.

I couldn't see the blood in the dark, but I could smell the blood clearly.

"Go to the back room to see if there are other infected people." I turned my head and said to Huang Qian and Mo Xiaojie.

The two of them froze for a while before answering "hmm" and walked into the room at random. After a while, Huang Qian came out with a sack, threw it in front of me, and said, "It's probably all internal organs. I can't tell the difference between people."

I shook my head and said, "It doesn't matter, at least we have confirmed that the people who came at that time were members of the church. Next, as long as we track their cars, we should be able to find their stronghold easily."

"Okay..." Huang Qian was a little suspicious, but I was about to leave, so I turned around, looked at her and Mo Xiaojie who were standing there, and said, "Do you have any questions?"

The two of them didn't speak, and after walking with me into the corridor, Huang Qian said, "I didn't expect you to kill them so simply."

"Shouldn't all infected people be killed?" I said sideways.

"I haven't confirmed whether they have killed people. If they can be it better to give them a chance?" Mo Xiaojie also said.

I sneered and said, "Hehe, there is no evidence to prove that infected people can be cured, so it's better not to take risks... Besides, did the resistance organization give Lin Wan a chance?" After I finished speaking, I quickly stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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