global variation

Chapter 183 Defensive Line

Chapter 183 Defensive Line
Yes, no one gave Lin Wan a chance. I am also an infected person, why should I give others a chance?
It's the same murder. Could it be that Lin Wan is unforgivable and others can accommodate?

Although Mo Xiaojie and Huang Qian had some doubts on their expressions, I don't think I need to explain too much to them. After I walked out of the community, I thought about it and said, "Let's contact the government army to deal with the scene first. In order to prevent the Ebola variant virus from infecting other people."

"Okay..." Huang Qian nodded.

"By the way, are there no more valuable clues upstairs?" I frowned.

"It's too dark, I didn't have time to find it." Huang Qian said truthfully.

"Go back," I said, "we can wait on the spot until the government troops arrive."

"You should have said it earlier..." Huang Qian curled her lips.

I was really a little too excited just now, and I was out of my mind. If there was no disturbance in my heart, it was true that two cold-blooded shots killed the two infected people, then it would definitely be a lie. At that moment, my heart was full of Lin Wan, full of Everything in the past is everything that can no longer go back. I no longer know whether my two shots are venting or revenge.

However, I calmed down very quickly. People will never sink forever. What should be done must be done.

After we contacted the government army, we began to explore the room carefully. The lights in the room were still very bright, but even so, I couldn’t make out the faces of the two people. I didn’t see them clearly when they were alive. , Now that the light is turned on, they are already out of their wits and their brains are bursting.

There seemed to be no clues in this room other than trivial daily necessities, but we found a so-called membership agreement from their cabinet, which was signed a year ago.

"Let's take a look..." I said with a sneer, "It's been a year since they joined the Divine Body Asceticism Society. Even if they didn't kill anyone, wouldn't they be regarded as helping the evildoers?"

Huang Qian and Mo Xiaojie did not speak.

The government troops arrived late an hour later. In order to ensure the safety of the surrounding people, we waited until their arrival in a house full of stench and blood.

Those government soldiers were not polite to us, and I didn't want to stay here too long. After reporting the situation to Mo Ge, I went downstairs and left. He was dignified, and he didn't want to ask too many questions. He always seemed hesitant to speak. I felt really uncomfortable seeing him like this, so I said, "Just say what you have to say."

Yi Tian said: "It seems that you have changed after going there, what's the matter, what did you see?"

"It's nothing, I'll kill the two infected people." I replied lightly.

"What? Killed? Qiqi's adoptive parents are both infected?" he asked.

"Well, yes." I nodded without further words.

"Going back to base now?"

"No." I said, "According to the map, let's go and investigate the stronghold of those beasts."

"Just the four of us?"

"It's not good if there are too many people." I pouted.

Yitian seemed a little helpless, but it was not easy to refute me, after all, I was more or less his boss.

We drove very slowly. I found that there are very few checkpoints along this road, almost none. Even if there are, they are road cards that the government will soon abolish and relocate. However, this may also confirm the correctness of the route we have chosen. If I were to transport something, I would definitely choose this route.

At the end of this road is the Yunjiang Bridge. This bridge has only been built in the past two years. It is considered a new bridge. There are checkpoints and forts at the head of the bridge. Although it should have been built recently, it can be said to be heavily guarded.

The map has no route at this point, which I did not expect. I stood by the river, worried, but that Mo Xiaojie was lucky enough to stretch out by the river, breathing fresh air. It seems that she really The one who went out for an outing.

Huang Qian and Yi Tian also got out of the car, Huang Qian pressed her hair messy by the river wind with one hand, and said, "What should we do now, these guys have escaped into the water?"

"There are checkpoints along the route, so it is logically impossible to get through." I said, "Of course they may not be the ones who let us pass."

"Ask?" Yi Tian said.

I gritted my teeth, I really didn't want to ask these government officials, but this seemed to be the only clue.

I turned around and walked forward, and the two government soldiers next to the bridgehead sentry immediately pointed their guns at me. I took out the badge of the resistance organization from my arms and walked forward. Pointing a gun at me, another person came forward, looked me up and down for a while, then looked at the badge carefully, saluted me, and said, "A comrade in arms of the resistance organization, what official position?"

"Sixth Watchtower Guardian." I said.

"Chief." The man saluted again.

"Chief? Are you... someone who rebels against the organization?"

"No, I am a member of the government army. Now the rebel organization and the government army are jointly established, so you are my leader according to the level." The soldier said.

What he said made me a little bit alert. I have hardly heard of such a thing as a joint organization. This must be related to the high-level resistance organization. Sighing, he said, "Are you responsible for the recent defense here?"

"Yes, sir." The man said, at this time, the sentry behind him on the other side had put down his gun, rushed forward, and saluted me.

I was tired of returning the gift, and asked again: "A week ago, did you have a large truck or a silver van pass by here? You let it go."

"No, sir."

"No..." I lowered my head slightly and asked again, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, absolutely not," said the person next to him, "For nearly half a month, we have not released any motor vehicles here. There are many of our strongholds and arsenals across the bridge. The purpose of building the bridge was to connect the city. The heavy industry on the other side of the river has basically been transformed into a military industry, so... we generally don't let any motor vehicles pass, unless they are military vehicles..."

"Military vehicles..." I was stunned for a moment, and then asked eagerly, "Did any military vehicles pass by during those days last week?"

"Military vehicles... there are almost every day, but they are all fixed at around [-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm. This is a rule. In short, the guard tower of this bridge only allows our own people to pass through at specific times. Yes, we will absolutely not allow any idlers to pass through." The soldier said with certainty.

I nodded.

"Sir, may I ask, what happened?"

I thought about it, and felt that there was no need to hide anything from the friendly forces, so I said truthfully: "After investigation, the human bomb transport vehicle for the explosion at the checkpoint in Guangzhou City probably passed through this bridge."

"It's...impossible..." said the sentinel on the other side, "absolutely impossible, even if they can pass through this watchtower, after passing through this watchtower, there will also be routine inspections on the other side of the bridge, as well as genetic verification, etc. Wait, they have no chance of getting inside the base."

"That's weird..." I pondered for a moment, saluted them again, and then turned back to Yitian and the others.

"How is it? Is there any result?" Yitian asked.

"No results, no one passed by here." I said, "They only let military vehicles pass here at fixed times, and they are heavily guarded, so it is unlikely that there will be commercial vehicles or trucks."

"Then... what's going on..."

"What I'm most worried about is that it's so suspicious." I gritted my teeth, "They attacked us once on Tianhe West Road. What if that attack had two purposes? One is to get Qi Qi back, and the second ...but trying to buy time and get their trucks to their intended location quickly."


"Go back to the headquarters first, and then we'll talk about the rest." I said.

We got into the car immediately and drove all the way, but I was still anxious. At this time, I need a map of the city's defenses. I want to see how the government and rebel groups will deploy after the checkpoints are changed. But to be honest , I really dare not look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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