global variation

Chapter 184 Ask

Chapter 184 Ask
After returning to the base, I didn't even go to the garrison headquarters to report. I contacted Mo Ge directly. Mo Ge was a little confused about my request and asked, "Did you find anything?"

I shook my head, not going to say anything until I figured out the whole situation.

Mo Ge helped me call up the defense line information from the computer, without saying a word, as if standing aside waiting for my answer.

I stretched out my hand and swipe lightly on the map indicator on the computer screen. While sliding, I carefully looked at the situation around the stronghold. When I found that the strongholds were connected in a line, my heart seemed to be hit hard by something.

"Oops" I couldn't help exclaiming.

"What happened?" Mo Ge asked eagerly.

"The few strongholds that have been attacked in the urban area are all in the suburbs, right?" I said.

"Except for Tianhe West Road, which is in the suburbs, they are all suburbs." Mo Ge said, "Our joint forces with the government army have rushed to clean up the other strongholds."

"After cleaning up, have all the key defenses been withdrawn to the city?" I said.

"That's right, judging from the attack route of the suburban stronghold, they were heading for the wartime residential area, and..."

"They weren't headed for the soldiers' quarters," I said. "That car was completely suspicious. We were all duped. The road map was all wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"That car has been driving towards the Yunjiang Bridge. Today I went to the Yunjiang Bridge to inquire. They didn't see that car at all." I said, "We just judged their route from sporadic surveillance videos. In fact, we Mistake, they made a U-turn on the way to the Yunjiang Bridge, driving through strongholds that had already been attacked, and there was no surveillance video in those places, so it was difficult to detect their route."

"Then you mean where did they go?" Mo Ge asked.

"I don't know the details, but... look at the current defense line, which has basically surrounded the city into a barrel shape." I said, "The residential area is indeed very safe, but what about the Fortress of Life and the government's military camps?" ?”

"What?" Mo Ge stretched out his hand to slide on the screen, and said after a while, "You mean their goal is..."

"There is no real evidence now, but I'm afraid that's the only reason." I shook my head and said, "Otherwise, there's no need for them to drive us to the Yunjiang Bridge deliberately, and now the entire line of defense is surrounded by the Yunjiang Bridge. The result can only be an external emptiness, and the barracks and the fortress of life are threatened!"

"I will immediately report to the higher authorities." Mo Ge nodded.

I sighed and said: "This is just a preliminary judgment, but if something really happens, I'm afraid..."

Mo Ge connected to the communication device, and I could only hear her short and powerful answer, but the expression on her face was cloudy and uncertain, and there was even a trace of panic for a moment, but this fleeting panic made me feel extremely uneasy.

After a while, Mo Ge put down the communication device, looked at me, and said, "Your analysis is correct. A government stronghold has already been attacked, and sporadic enemies have launched attacks outside the Fortress of Life. Many of them are children..."

"There are so many children, the government army doesn't care!" I asked loudly.

"They want to take care of it, but there are too many missing people, and the church is very smart. They specialize in the residents who migrated from City Z and some residents who have not yet registered in the wartime residential area. It is very difficult to investigate. Of course, the government Inaction is also a reason, they are busy fighting, and in many cases, they don't care what happens to the civilians behind them."

"Hateful..." I gritted my teeth and said, "Then what's the situation now?"

"The current situation is not optimistic." Mo Ge said, "And soon...I'm afraid, General Zhong will find you trouble."

"General Zhong? Why..." I had just played Zhu Ming as a card, but General Zhong wanted to trouble me at this moment.

"Because the design of the defense line is based on the information given by the sixth sentry tower, that is, the route of the church's freight vehicles. The main source of this new vehicle route is you and me..." Mo Ge said, "Don't worry, You'll be fine, but be careful not to argue with General Zhong."

"What do you mean I'll be fine?" I said aloud, "What about you? The information comes from you and me, what about you?"

"Me? It doesn't matter. I'm used to the ups and downs in the resistance organization." Mo Ge said.


"Okay," Mo Ge said with a hook on the corner of his mouth, "You should know that what I have decided will not change."

Obviously, Mo Ge wants to help me take responsibility.

This time, it was indeed our mistake, no wonder others, but it was obviously my mistake. I asked someone to sort out the route, and it was also released by me. The strategies and theories were all born out of my ideas. what relationship? !What could it matter? !

"I won't agree with you to take all the responsibilities!" I said to Mo Ge.

"You don't need to agree to this, go ahead." Mo Ge didn't say anything more.

I had no choice but to exit Mo Ge's command room. When I returned to my residence, Mo Xiaojie suddenly bumped into me. After she returned to the base, she became that expressionless robot again, facing me coldly , the tone was calm, without any emotion: "Officer Chu Tingchang, General Zhong asked you for questioning."

"Understood." I was extremely annoyed, but pretended to be calm.

"Because you did me a favor by taking me out to carry out the mission this time, I want to tell you that if General Zhong asks anything, you just need to answer that you don't know."

"Why?" I stopped.

"It's good for you, that's all I can say." Mo Xiaojie said, "You can believe me or not."

"I believe."

I probably guessed what she meant. She just wanted me to shirk my responsibility. I released Zhu Ming to check and balance Zhang Chu before, and I sold my favor to General Zhong. At this time, General Zhong will naturally consider giving me a break , but the premise is that my crime is not too great, or that there is no direct evidence to prove that I am the main person responsible for this matter.

However, wouldn't that just put the responsibility and pressure on Mo Ge?
How can it be possible for me to do this?Even I will look down on myself.

I didn't go back to my room, so I went directly to General Zhong's temporary office. While drinking tea, the fat man said in standard Mandarin, "You're here? Sit!"

I saluted and sat down beside me.

"Tingsheng, did you gain anything from going out this time?" General Zhong didn't cut straight to the point.

"Yes." I nodded.

"tell me the story."

"First of all, Qiqi is Xie Chun's daughter. Her adoptive parents are both infected. The purpose of sending her out is to exchange for medicine to reduce pain and maintain her vital signs."

"Bastard!" General Zhong actually made a gesture of enmity, which made me a little sick.

I continued, "I've wiped them all out."

"Good job." General Zhong nodded in appreciation.

I said, "But there's one more thing."

"Well, what's the matter..."

"I went to the Yunjiang Bridge. The investigation showed that the driving route we investigated last time was completely deceived and led by the enemy. Our organization changed the line of defense and played in the enemy's arms."

"Hehe..." General Zhong smiled lightly, stood up, and suddenly came to me with a big belly, patted my shoulder, and said, "Actually, Tingsheng, you are a child who understands current affairs, and you are also smart. He is good at fighting, and has the strongest concentrated liquid in the base, so he can be regarded as the talent of both civil and military generals, don't you think?"

"No... I'm sorry." I stood up.

General Zhong did not push me down, and said, "It's okay, you don't have to be polite with me, sit down..."

I looked at General Zhong.

"No one is willing to waste good materials like yours, especially yourself. You must not waste your future." General Zhong said.


I know I'm getting down to business.

"Next, I have a few questions for you. You answer carefully, and answer after thinking clearly. Do you understand?" General Zhong said with a smile.

I nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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