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Chapter 185 Join the war

Chapter 185 Join the war
General Zhong looked me up and down with a smile. His intentions were obvious, and he seemed to be thinking about me specially, giving me a little time to organize my words and think about the problem.

After a while, he asked slowly: "The determination of the local driving route this time was organized by the government army and the Guangzhou police, right?"

"Well...but it was my plan in the first place. I asked them to do it."

General Zhong was stunned for a moment, then patted my shoulder and said, "Hehe, be honest."

I also laughed dryly.

General Zhong said again: "Then, as the base garrison officer, you should have communicated with the highest officer of the outer defense line, right?"

"No, I contacted by leapfrogging." My eyes turned to one side.

"Does the chief of the outer line of defense know?"

"I don't know, but I wanted to report to her later."

"Think clearly, did you report to her after finishing the work, or did you want to report to her before doing it!" General Zhong stepped forward, waited for me, and asked.

"It's done." I replied coldly.

"Really are?"


"What about the defense strategy? Are the defenses in Guangzhou by the government and the rebel organization arranged according to your wishes, or are they acting on their own?" General Zhong was also a little excited.

"They arranged it themselves, but they arranged it according to the driving route I gave as a blueprint." I said.


General Zhong's words finally blocked me.

He turned around suddenly, swayed his fat body to the back of the table, and said sharply: "I said, you have to think about your future."

"Then I can't let others take the blame for me." I replied.

General Zhong was silent for a long time, as if he clenched his fists tightly, and then he relaxed after a while, his tone softened a little, and he said calmly: "Do you know what will happen if all the responsibility is placed on your head this time? "

I did not speak.

"Also, even if you bear the responsibility for these crimes, the relevant people will also be responsible, and Mo Ge will also be responsible for leadership." General Zhong said, "Actually, you can't change the facts."

"I know that if I make a mistake, I will take responsibility for it, that's it." I said, "I don't want others to take responsibility for me, and I won't help others take responsibility for it."

"You...don't plan for your future?" General Zhong said, "Originally, this time I can transfer you to be the commander of the outer defense line!"

"If it's possible, I'd rather be guilty and meritorious." I stood up and said.


"I hope that I can fight against the infected on the front line, hold the fortress of life, and hold the sixth sentry tower." I said.

In fact, I have already made up my mind, it's just that I lack such an opportunity. In fact, I have long wanted to stand with the infected, but I just don't have the opportunity.I have never fought a large-scale battle with infected people. I need such a battle. Everyone must grow, especially men. There may be many factors for growth-career, love, family, etc., but the result of growth has no It's just about knowing what responsibility and responsibility are - and what I need is a war, so that I can truly become a soldier, not a "lucky commander with the strongest concentrate".

"Do you... know what this means?" General Zhong asked.

"I see."

"You haven't fought positional warfare, have you?" General Zhong said, "You are not Zhang Chu, you have never experienced the battle between the resistance organization and the church, hehe, when we fought, you might still be in school, or you might not have been born at all .”

"Yes, that's why I want to try it out," I said.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" General Zhong asked.

"If we don't fight, all of us will die. In short, we will die in the end. But this time, I was cheated, and the responsibility lies with me. Even if I die for everyone, what does it matter?" The corners of my mouth hooked.

"You really think so?" General Zhong stared at me.

I nodded, trying my best to be firm.

"Hehe, the young man is full of enthusiasm..." I don't know the expression and tone of General Zhong at that time, whether it is admiration or disappointment, "If this is the case, you can go back and wait for the notice, I can arrange a wartime commander for you If there is a problem with the sixth sentry tower, you must go deep into the front line to fight, your boss...I think, Mo Ge and the others, you have a long history together, you can cooperate with each other, and you have a tacit understanding."

"Okay." I nodded and said, "Always be on call."

"Hey..." General Zhong sighed heavily again.

In fact, ever since Lin Wan left, I have dreamed of a war, and when I saw those children exploding in front of me one by one, I knew that what I wanted was not just war, I even wanted Massacres of the church and the infected.If I were given a chance, I would definitely treat any church member or infected person without distinction. I am not afraid of bloodbathing this land. At this moment, I think that without the baptism of blood, there will be absolutely no future peace.

When I returned to the room, Zhu Qing was already in the room, and Qiqi was beside her. This guy actually brought someone else into the room without my consent. Fortunately, it was just a child like Qiqi. If it was someone else, I would Not sure how I would react.

Zhu Qing was somewhat nervous when she saw me, I don't know why this girl showed a nervous look when she saw me.

"'re back...I'm here to deliver your medicine and do a routine physical examination." Zhu Qing said.

I nodded.

"Brother Bing Cube Face!" Qiqi suddenly said.

I froze for a moment, and it took me a while to realize that I was being called. To be honest, in the past, I never thought that I would be called an ice cube face by others. I have always had rich expressions, especially exaggerated and cheap expressions. I don't know whether it was the war or Lin Wan's death that made me what I am now, but no matter what, I think everything is fine.

"What's wrong?" I looked at Qiqi.

"It's okay, I told you to play. I made a bet with sister Zhu Qing that you would agree to call me brother ice cube face, but sister Zhu Qing said you would be angry and told me not to mess around." Qiqi said, "I said , you dare not get angry in front of Qiqi."

"How do you know I won't get angry in front of you." I knelt down and patted Qiqi's face.

But Qiqi took a step back and said, "Don't touch people's faces. The age gap between us is not too big. It's okay if you belong to grandpa and uncle, but you're just a little brother. If you do this, others will misunderstand!"

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding what?" I asked.

"I misunderstood that you have plans for Qiqi! Hmph, you don't really have plans for Qiqi, do you?" She folded her hands on her chest, looking defensive.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so I stood up and said, "Don't worry, my brother has someone he likes."

"Who is it? Sister Zhu Qing?" Qiqi looked at Zhu Qing.

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and I also looked at Zhu Qing.

At this time, Zhu Qing looked at a loss, her face seemed to be red to the ears, and she hurriedly said, "No...Qiqi, don't talk nonsense!"

"Huh? Isn't it? I think you're a good match?" Qiqi stared thoughtfully.

"Kid, do you do you know how to match..." Zhu Qing scratched her head, really at a loss, she quickly changed the topic and said to me, "That...Chu Tingsheng, let's...let's do an examination."

I nodded, sat on the edge of the bed, and stretched out my arms.

When I was injecting the testing agent, I noticed that Qi Qi didn't dare to look at me.

I froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and asked, "Qiqi, are you afraid of injections?"


For a while, she seemed to be in a particularly bad state of mind. At first, she just turned her face to one side. When I asked a word, she let out an exclamation, ran to the side of the cabinet, squatted down and hid behind the cabinet.

"She..." I glanced at Zhu Qing.

Zhu Qing said in a low voice: "I'll tell you about this later, this kid seems to have a special fear of injections..."

"Fear... why..." I pondered, "Could it be because of some special shadow in her heart?"

"I...I don't know..." Zhu Qing shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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