global variation

Chapter 186 Defense of the Fortress of Life

Chapter 186 Defense of the Fortress of Life

After I finished injecting the testing agent and finished the routine inspection, Zhu Qing put the instrument aside for processing, and I stood up and walked towards the closet where Qi Qi was hiding.

Qiqi lowered her head and almost curled up into a ball, hiding behind the closet, shivering.

I went up and patted her head, and said, "Isn't stroking your head a trick for you?"

"Well..." She raised her face, and there were tears on her face.

I quickly wiped away the tears on her small face with my hands, and asked with a frown, "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

"Hmm...Brother Bing Cube Face, I'm afraid, don't give injections in front of me, okay, I'm afraid." Qiqi said pitifully.

I gently picked up the little girl, but this time she didn't resist, and buried her face in my arms, I said again: "Children are afraid of injections, but my brother just had an injection and it didn't hurt at all, and you are not sick." , you don’t need an injection, what are you afraid of?”

"Qiqi is just afraid, Qiqi doesn't want to get an injection... woo..." Qiqi buried her face in my arms and began to cry bitterly. I really didn't expect her to cry so sadly this time.

"Okay, okay..." I stroked the back of her head and said, "Don't be sad, just don't let Qiqi see us get injected, let alone let Qiqi get injected, okay?"

"Well...then you promise Qi Qi that you won't even mention the matter of injections."

"Okay, I promise Qiqi." I nodded.

"Well...then...then..." After a while, the little girl said again, "Then put Qiqi down."

I couldn't help laughing "puchi".

At this time, Zhu Qing also stood up, looked at me, and said: "Chu Tingsheng, your situation is still not stable, the synchronization rate is always fluctuating, sometimes more than ten percent, sometimes more than nine, I a little worried."

"It doesn't matter, isn't it possible to reach more than ten?" I said, "I remember that Mo Ge's synchronization rate is only seventeen."

"But...for us researchers, even a difference of [-] percent is a big difference," she said.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not a researcher, you have your opinion, I have mine, you don't need to persuade me to rest more, the battle has already begun, and I have already applied to General Zhong to join the war."

"Chu Tingsheng...does he have to work so hard?" Zhu Qing lowered her eyes.

I smiled and said, "If you don't try your best now, why don't you sit and wait for death?"

"But, you have to think about your own health." Zhu Qing seemed to be wronged, even worse than her own illness.

"Okay, needless to say." I waved my hand and said, "Just do your job well..."


"Oh! I know, Sister Zhu Qing likes the face of the ice cube, but the face of the ice cube doesn't like the face of the elder sister Zhu Qing, and she is always cold and indifferent, so cruel!" Qiqi said suddenly, I was taken aback, and I couldn't help but look down. Looking at her, she puffed up one cheek, as if she was angry, and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Qiqi, don't talk are only so young..." Zhu Qing seemed unable to stop the child at all.

"But, that's how it was played on TV before, the male and female protagonists are..." Qi Qi continued.

Zhu Qing quickly interrupted: "Okay, Qiqi, let's go out and play, don't disturb Chu Tingsheng's rest, the battle will start soon, he is an officer, and he has to deploy defenses."

"Well...well then...Brother Bingcubeface, what I just said is definitely true!" Qiqi came to the door, but turned around again, said with her hands on her hips.

I can only return a faint smile, and can't say anything else.

After they left, I took a shower and rested. At this time, I couldn't waste any energy. The order could be issued at any time, and I could pick up a gun to participate in the tower guard battle at any time.

All of this was estimated by me, but what I didn't estimate was that the order was issued faster than I imagined.

The next morning, before I woke up, the computer in my room activated the alarm bell at my bedside through the information communication device. Generally speaking, the computer in the commander’s room would only respond to the alarm in an extreme emergency. The bedside alarm went on automatically, and I almost jumped out of bed, which made my head ache a little.

I immediately went to the computer and checked the mail.

Not good news, so to speak, catastrophically bad news.

"In a few days, dozens of bases of the government forces and rebel organizations have encountered attacks of varying degrees by infected people. The infected people are good at using human bombs. The troops close to the inner city are afraid of hurting innocent people, so they are afraid of harming innocent people, so they cannot communicate with them normally. Fighting against young children as human bombers resulted in the death of a large number of soldiers, and due to improper deployment of the defense line, it was too late for our army to take back defense measures. Therefore, today, the government army and the base of the rebel organization have suffered consecutive defeats. The infected and members of the church are mobilizing a large number of troops to march towards the Fortress of Life, attempting to penetrate the Fortress of Life and the important government facilities around it from the rear. If this battle fails, then the Fortress of Life and its large amount of research data will be used by the local government, and our army will become Become the opponent's puppet, and the entire city of Guangzhou will also fall..."

Most of all, I did make a mistake, but what I didn't expect was that the government army and the external army of the rebel organization were so vulnerable. It is understandable that they could not win, but they retreated in such a short period of time.

It seems that in terms of peripheral defense, they did not use the main force. Otherwise, as long as there are people like Zhang Chu and Song Yi, they will never be defeated so quickly.

I continue to read the information below.

"We now order Chu Tingsheng, the garrison officer of the sixth sentry tower on the outer defense line of the life fortress of the rebel organization, to lead his troops and equipment in the base to the life fortress to assist the defense, as the main reinforcement, and the other sentry towers also need to go at the same time as assistance. This time The overall commander of the battle is Mo Ge, the general commander of the outer defense line, and Tu Shu and Zhu Ming are in charge of supervision. In addition, Zhang Chu and Song Yi's troops guard the outer defense line base to prevent the enemy from surprise attacking our army's rear."

I play the main force, while Zhang Chu and Song Yi guard the rear?

Although I don't have much opinion, I am always a little uneasy. I don't know if this arrangement is reliable, but I am a soldier, so I can only obey orders.

I didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and I started preparing for the expedition before I even fully woke up.

It only took an hour from the time everything was packed to the time I organized everyone to get on the car and leave the sixth sentry tower.

During this hour, the dark sky turned pale, and then the sun rose slowly from the east. Before we could get a glimpse of the whole picture, we had already boarded the troop carrier.

As the base commander, I sit in the center of the command personnel carrier, which is protected by layers. The interior of this car is like a conference room, except that everything is made of metal and fixed in the car.

The five of us sat around.

Me, Mo Ge, Shao Guangyi, Zhu Ming and Tu Shu who are Mo Ge's adjutants.

The display screen and intercom screen in the center are very advanced. They can be retracted into the table or lifted up, allowing us to talk to soldiers in other vehicles, deploy tactics or boost morale.

At this time, we did not turn on the intercom screen.

The fat man Zhu Ming was quite leisurely, sitting on the side drinking coffee, yawning, and said, "It's so early, damn it, I don't usually get up so early."

"That's why you've always been so fat." Tu Shu looked at the information in his hand and replied unceremoniously.

"You...I'm a sign of health, you know nothing." Zhu Ming looked disdainful.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense." Mo Ge said, "Let me arrange the tactics. We will definitely have another encounter in the past this time. After the fight, we can go to the fortress of life to rest. Ting Sheng, how many people are there in total?"

"87 people," I said, "87 people were injected with the concentrated solution, and there were more than 30 medical soldiers and researchers who were only given antibodies."

"There are not many people, so we can only make quick decisions. Eliminate key forces."

"Just say it..." Tu Shu said angrily.

"According to the current reported battle situation..." Mo Ge said with a frown, "Most of the enemy is lurking on the west road of the Fortress of Life, and the church members who may be commanding are also in this position. We need to use the most superior force to defeat this point , forcing them to evacuate."

"What's the situation on West Road?" I asked.

"Mountains, the south has more mountains and less plains. The general attack is to attack from the mountains and occupy the commanding heights. Whether it is a weapon strike or a charge, it will have miraculous effects." Tu Shu answered quickly, "The government is not going to invest in large-scale combat weapons. And now that all weapons have been informationized, the church is the best at disrupting information, in short, we can only fight hand to hand."

"Melee combat..." I gritted my teeth.

"The West Road is their headquarters." Mo Ge's expression changed slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Tu Shu's behavior of snatching words. After a while, he finally let out a sigh of relief and said, "There shouldn't be many human bombs near the headquarters. , Those are mainly used for charging, so a small group of troops outflanking the past may have a miraculous effect. My opinion is to drive the vehicles into the frontal battlefield first, use the defensive advantages of the vehicles to shoot with machine guns, and use a large number of troops to resist, human flesh Bombs can destroy the living force, but not necessarily blow up the troop carrier."

"I think it should not be able to blow up the vehicle at all." I said, "Human bombs, although I don't know what the main ingredient is, but in the checkpoint battle, they invested a dozen or even dozens of human bombs in the battle. In the end, only Casualties, personnel carriers, guard rails at checkpoints and even barriers at intersections have suffered little damage."

"That's the best," Mo Ge said, "then do it."

"But shouldn't we also be careful of guys who can pierce iron sheets? Swordsmen, winged men..." Tu Shu objected.

"Under the cover of the machine gun, it's not a big problem, right?" the fat man Zhu Ming said calmly, blowing on his coffee.

"This should be the best way. Since this group of suspicious soldiers has strength, it won't be suspected by the opponent, and it won't hurt the vitality of our team." Mo Ge said.

"What about the others?"

"Chu Tingsheng led the team to the West Road, took the core, beheaded their commander, and eliminated their command system." Mo Ge looked at me and said.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Chu Tingsheng is the main commander of this war. Let him go to the front line and not let him adapt to the overall command situation. Do you think this is good?" sentence.

"However, no one can complete the beheading operation except Chu Tingsheng's team," Mo Ge said.

"Hey... just throwing everything at the bottom." Tu Shu lowered his head slightly and said sarcastically.

"Come on, stop arguing. I haven't practiced my muscles for a long time. In this way, you two are responsible for arguing in the command car. I, together with Chu Tingsheng, will attack the enemies on the West Road. What do you think? I promise him I can't die." Zhu Ming said suddenly.

"Wait, you are a supervisor, you are not suitable to join the war!" I said, "It's okay, I can go by myself."

"Come on, you can go by yourself, but some women with big breasts and brains don't trust you. Besides, I also want to see how capable your team is." Zhu Ming smiled.

"Big breasts and brains, I can take you as a compliment." Tu Shu turned his face, looked at Zhu Ming, and said with a smile.

In fact, I knew very well at this time, although some people may think that Mo Ge put me in danger, but in fact, she knows me better than Tu Shu. At this time, what I need most is to face the enemy in a battle. That's all.

(End of this chapter)

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