global variation

Chapter 187 Infiltrate

Chapter 187 Infiltrate
Fatty Zhu Ming and Tu Shu fought all the way, which also made this journey not so dull along the way. Even if it was a journey to death, it seemed relaxed.It’s okay for the fat man to drink the coffee by himself, and he has to use the water supply system in the troop carrier to make coffee for us. Mo Ge and I reluctantly accepted his kindness, but Tu Shu kept him indifferent all the time.

In the end, I didn't even bother to raise the bar.

The electronic map shows that the distance to the Fortress of Life is only a few hundred meters away, and Mo Ge ordered us to get off the car immediately.

The moment the car door was opened, I seemed to be able to smell a different smell in the air, whether it was gunpowder smoke or blood, I couldn't tell, I just felt that this smell was a little familiar.

Mo Ge looked around, and after confirming the safety of this place, he began to regroup and assign tasks.

After the formation, except for my squad, all the others returned to the personnel carrier and drove from all directions to the closest defense line to the Fortress of Life.

Seeing the vehicle go away, Huang Qian also looked at me and said, "Hey, let me say, Chief Chu, what do you mean, you want us to die again?"

"Think about it." I glanced at Huang Qian, "This is taking care of us."

"take care of?"

"The enemy's most terrifying weapon is the human bomb. If you are not careful, you have to go through a layer of tests of people's hearts and overcome the obstacles in your heart. Now we don't need to face the human bomb. Isn't it caring?" I said.

Huang Qian rolled her eyelids and said, "Okay...that's it."

Fatty Zhu Ming on one side said: "Come on everyone, don't be so sad. We made a lot of money and took down the bandit leader directly. We are the first. Those people went there to stop the bomb, and they won't make any merit in the end."

Although I am a little disgusted with Fatty Zhu Ming's statement, I have to admit that this is the truth.

Immediately, I nodded slightly and said, "Everyone, let's go, don't talk too much."

A small group of us, including Ju Ming, started to head towards the West Road Mountain Road. Our speed was not fast, especially on the flat road. After entering the mountainous area, our pace only sped up a little. Although the mountain here has little ups and downs , but the winding mountain road is very tortuous. Even in summer, when the breeze blows, the leaves on both sides are still falling. Because no one takes care of it, the road on this mountain road almost covers up the original road. The weeds are stacked on top of each other, making it hard to tell where is the real road and where is the cliff covered by weeds.

I whispered: "Be careful, everyone, don't step on the air and fall off the cliff."

"Don't worry." Fatty Zhu Ming said, "Even if someone falls, I will catch the old man with a wave of my hand.

I looked at his strong and thick arms, and couldn't help but nodded, but I was still a little worried, and said, "Everyone should be careful."

My voice was still there, just above us, a few dust and gravel suddenly flew down, I took a step back vigilantly, the few dust and gravel "bounced" among the fallen leaves and weeds in front of us In a moment, it rolled down between the cliffs,

"There's someone up there." I whispered.

"Nearby, the electromagnetic wave changes are a bit strong." Huang Qian said.

"Looks like it's coming soon..." He Fan rubbed his palms together, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

Although Lin Qian and Li Wentian stood back, they did not show weakness and were already prepared.

"It's not time to fight yet." Zhu Ming waved his hand and said, "Don't get excited, young people."

"Continue to go up. If you have already been seen, staying too long will make people suspicious. This should be an ambush from the outpost. Zhu Ming, please help solve it." I said.

"Uh, okay, let's see what the old man is capable of!" After speaking, Zhu Ming took a lunge, kicked his feet, and climbed directly on the rock beside the mountain path with his hands.

I waved my hand to signal the whole team to move on, and at the same time, Zhu Ming sprinted towards the top of the mountain at a very fast speed.

"Is this fat man so powerful?" Huang Qian couldn't help but said, "I can't tell, I thought it was because of his strong arms, but I didn't expect him to be so flexible."

"How about it, are you envious? Bat girl, you have no strength to restrain a chicken?" He Fan said.

Huang Qian raised her hand and clenched her fist, her knuckles rattling, and said coldly, "It's okay to hit a little thing like you."

"Yo? Where is he a little thing?" Lin Qian began to argue again.

Yi Tian also laughed secretly beside him.

This time is actually not suitable for teasing each other, but I didn't stop it, because I don't know the future, and I don't know what kind of challenges we will face after going up the mountain.

After a while, I suddenly heard two low growls and a rubbing sound from the mountain road above, and then, a black shadow rolled down from above me, and I quickly took a step back. The black shadow was between me and Huang Qian After a heavy fall, he was stumbled and entangled by weeds and gravel, and finally rolled down the mountain.

"Attention everyone!" I waved.

Sure enough, as I expected, the second "figure" also fell randomly. This one died even worse, and with a stream of blood, he fell straight to the bottom of the cliff.

"Looks like I got it." I said calmly, looking at the corpse that fell to the bottom of the cliff.

"Good skill, you fat man." Yi Tian couldn't help but said.

"He is a special commissioner of the Fortress of Life, and his skills are beyond words—he saved my life." I said.

"Hey! No wonder, it turns out that you have long been related to the people in the base, and you still have such a big grievance. No wonder you are an official and we are citizens. As expected, this society... hey..." Huang Qian started again Pantothenic acid, it seems that it is one of her greatest joys to say a few words to me coldly. This attitude is completely different from talking to He Fan. It is a very thorough and naked ridicule. I don’t know what to say about Huang Qian. In a word, my relationship with her is not that bad, if not bad, but more or less we are friends through life and death.

We continued to go up all the way, and the fat man Zhu Ming was standing on the mountain pass waiting for us. I noticed that his expression was not relaxed.

If there was anything that made fat Zhu Ming look serious, it must be an emergency.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There are guards along the way. If you go up like this, it's hard to guarantee that you won't be discovered. Once you are discovered, everything will fall short." He said, "Also, if there are surveillance cameras on the mountain road and among the rocks, such as those...the so-called winged men, I remember that there is a kind of wingman who can monitor it, right?" Zhu Ming said.

"I haven't felt the existence of that type of wavelength yet." Huang Qian said, "After the incident at the central fortress, I'm already familiar with the means of those wingmen, so I shouldn't be mistaken."

I nodded in thought for a moment, and suddenly, at this moment, I remembered something even more terrifying.

I turned around, looked behind me, then looked ahead, and said, "Let's go separately."

"Separate? How to divide, you have to look at it separately." Zhu Ming said.

"I'm going alone, you go together." I said.

"Why?!" Almost everyone stared at me, they probably thought I was crazy and going to die at the moment.

I frowned and said: "Now is not the time to explain so much. I will leave with you separately. You follow Zhu Ming's arrangement. Zhu Ming, you arrange their teams. Whether they are separated or teamed up, whatever you want, but I must now." Leave, this is a guarantee of your safety."

"You..." Zhu Ming looked me up and down and confirmed, "Do you really have a reason that cannot be changed?"

"Yes, yes." I nodded.

"Okay." Zhu Ming thought for a while, finally agreed, and said, "You are the commander, since you have entrusted me with the power of agency and want to take risks by yourself, I can't stop you logically."

"Hey, Tingsheng, although you are the commander, this kind of thing... I don't agree with it no matter what I hear." Yi Tian spoke bluntly, and patted my shoulder with one hand, "No matter how tyrannical the strongest concentrated liquid is, After all, two fists are no match for four hands!"

"Hehe, don't worry, I will be extra careful. Besides, I have my reasons. There may be old friends of mine in this ghost place. I am thinking about the team's combat efficiency."

"Okay, let's go." Zhu Ming probably saw part of my intention. Of course, it was more out of consideration of the battle situation and time.

He waved his hand and said again, "Anyway, be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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