Chapter 188

There is a big reason why I chose to go alone. What Zhu Ming said just now reminded me of what happened before.

Zhu Ming said that there might be someone watching around here. I thought of my old friend, that guy, who would appear in front of me at the first time every time and kill me fatally.That guy, I don't know if he is in this place, if he is, maybe he can still monitor me remotely.

When the researcher of the church told me that there was something in my body that could attract infected people to follow me when he grabbed me to inject medicine into the cave, he said that I was the traitor of the base.

I've been keeping this matter to myself before, but now I'm alert.

If this is the case, then I would be irresponsible to them if I walked with other people and let them die together.

And if I go alone, I might be able to divert most of the infected people away. Even if I die, it may also give them more opportunities.

There is a kind of person who will consciously and slowly forget some of his own interests once he is involved in the team. This is a very inevitable thing, especially when the team is facing the test of life and death.

Some people at this time will go to two extremes, either extremely selfish or extremely selfless.

And I'm not an extremely selfless person, but I also think about things in the big picture.

The mountain road is rugged, especially the other road I chose, which is even more rugged. Now we are just under the eyes of the enemy, which can be regarded as their blind spot. I think the church is not a fool, and will not be ignorant of the danger of this place , but if Mo Ge can make enough subdivisions, maybe there is still hope to catch their eyes.

Along the way, there were only singing of birds and the sound of the wind in the empty mountain. The mountain road was very quiet. It was completely unexpected that an unprecedented and tragic battle was going on near the Fortress of Life, which was only a few hundred meters away.

I held a dagger, not a gun, and walked forward cautiously, like an assassin or a ninja.

At this time, I wish I had Li Wentian's skills.

The more empty the mountain road was, the more at a loss I felt. Everything around me seemed to be harmful, but I just couldn't find out where the danger was.

After turning around a few corners, I finally saw a tall sentry tower. There were indeed people guarding the watchtower, and it seemed to be from the church, because I found out that the guy actually set up a thermal weapon on the watchtower. I This is the first time I saw thermal weapons not embedded in the flesh appear in the church team. If it is not human beings, then the IQ of the infected has really evolved further.

However, this defensive method is somewhat smart. Most of our weapons are designed for the infected. Except for Mo Ge’s sniper rifles, although the power of other weapons has increased, there is a very disadvantageous factor, that is, the range is short .The remodeled Type [-], the throwing knife in Fatty Zhu Ming's hand, Ah Meng's flamethrower, even Li Jin's electric light ability, and He Fan's ability to manipulate flames are all limited in scope, and they have to fight against people on tall sentry towers , seems to be troublesome.

But at this time, I suddenly remembered another weapon in my hand.

I have never dared to use this kind of weapon, just because I was afraid that the "special metal" on it would lock my location and send it to someone, but now, I am performing a task arranged by the resistance organization, even if I am located, I should It doesn't matter, I thought about it, and finally took out the gun that I had never used from my arms. There was a word "Chu" engraved on the bottom of the gun handle.I gritted my teeth and jumped into the grass with a stride. Visually, I was still 50 meters away from the sentry tower at this time, but if the straight-line distance from my place to the top of the sentry tower was counted, it would probably be close to 70 meters. I don’t know how far I am. Whether the gun can directly shoot down the people on the sentry tower, let alone how powerful the bullets of this gun will be when the sentry tower is concentrated, but one thing is certain, that is, as long as the gun is fired, then the next, All I have to do is run away immediately and attract the attention of the enemy, because this gun is powerful and the sound is not small.

I slowly approached that sentry tower, somewhat hesitant. At this time, I can also take the risk of changing to an ordinary reinforced explosive pistol and climb up that damned watchtower from the side, but if there are other watchtowers around to support it, I may have been killed before reaching the top of the tower, and the death must have been very ugly.

At this time, I suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a change under a sentry tower opposite.Needless to say, this is definitely because Fatty and his team have already caught up. What I have to do now is to solve this sentry tower in a short time, and try to break the mutual support between the sentry tower and the sentry tower - there is no time up.I retreated and jumped out of the bushes. The people on the sentry tower were also considered sensitive. They saw me immediately, and the machine gun aimed at me immediately. This guy had obviously received professional training, and his movements were extremely fast. I turned back and fired a bullet. There was an explosion at the place where I was fighting just now, and a cloud of dust flew up. If I didn't dodge, I'm afraid it would have become a hornet's nest at this time.

I didn't even think about it, I shot with my hand, the vibration of the gun was not loud, but the sound was loud enough, much louder than the machine gun on the sentry tower just now, my shot didn't hit the enemy on the sentry tower, But it exploded on the side of the sentry tower. I really didn't expect that the "artifact" Zhang Chu gave me was so powerful. Under this shot, the rubble on the edge of the old sentry tower flew up, and the people on the watchtower He also seemed to be staggering, but he was obviously not seriously injured. Before he stood still, I ran faster and changed direction at the same time - this method can most effectively avoid all attacks.

And my guess was not wrong. While I was sprinting towards the sentry tower, the support on the side had already caught up and opened fire on me. I jumped and rolled. I really didn't expect that there were more humans than infected people in this place.

When I rolled down the grass, the machine gun above fired again, but this time he miscalculated and missed the target, but shot a cloud of fly ash nearly ten meters away from me-I really think this guy was shot by my One shot stunned him.

I took out another ordinary explosive gun and attacked the supporting firepower net. After a few shots, the ordinary weapons over there were suppressed miserably, and two or three people had already fallen to the ground—in any case, the Church Their modern weapons are a big shortcoming, and this disadvantage is enough to embarrass them in positional warfare. It is probably because of this that they choose the extremely cruel method of human bombs.

I saw from a distance that the soldiers on the sentry tower in the distance had fallen, and the ground troops had lost support. The members of the church suddenly became confused, and our other team, Fatty and the others, also came up from the side.

I rolled over and fell behind a big rock not far away.

The guy on the sentry tower didn’t know whether to attack me or support the ground troops—I couldn’t wait for him to figure it out. It’s okay to hit me. After all, my target is small. If I really attack the fat man directly, it will be very troublesome. If there is one who would rather be broken than whole, and both sides will perish, our casualties will be very heavy.

I hid behind the stone, raised my gun to aim, another shot, the sound of the gun was loud, the debris on the sentry tower was messy, and the people on the watchtower were crumbling, but they started to turn their guns to me.

He must think that I can't fire a second shot at this time, but at this time, I ran straight towards the sentry tower. After a while, I had already run directly below the sentry tower. This is the blind spot for machine gun shooting. I think , the guy upstairs must have been a little at a loss at this moment, I leaned sideways, leaning against the wall, cautiously, motionless, after a while, I found that someone was looking down from above, the sentry tower about ten meters away, he But I also know that the concentrate injector is powerful, so I must think that I will climb up immediately, so I looked around, and I raised my hand to shoot, and the man fell straight down from the guard tower. I stepped aside and taught the soldiers to keep their heads Facing down, fell a brain burst.

But what I didn't expect was that just after the man died, the machine gun above started firing again, and it was obviously aimed at the fat man!
I miscalculated, there is more than one person up there.

I hurriedly left the blind spot of the sentry tower again, rushed forward quickly, and at this time turned around and fired several shots with an ordinary explosive gun. Sure enough, the range was not enough, and the explosive gun exploded in mid-air, but my goal was achieved , the machine gun quickly turned to my direction, I sneered, changed another pistol, aimed at the sentry tower and fired a shot, the sentry tower exploded again, this time, the machine gun and the people were blown to pieces , The stones on the old sentry tower fell together with the metal, like a merciless rain, and that rain even had sparks.

I didn't make any extra stays, turned around and walked towards the fat man. Their side was not optimistic at the moment. I saw He Fan kept spraying flames, but those human beings in the church seemed to be more powerful than the infected. He started unambiguously, and after the bullets were fired, he actually used hand-to-hand combat at this moment.Our team is probably afraid that they will run out of equipment in the first place, and they will be very passive when fighting the infected. They can only use ordinary pistols to shoot short and close shots, and retreat while suppressing.

"Damn, melee, right?" I sneered again, and walked forward quickly.

Two members of the church saw me first, lowered their bodies and rushed towards me. They seemed to stretch out their hands, but how could they be my opponent who had been injected with the beast concentrate?

The guy who rushed to the front made a sudden effort, and the dagger pierced from the front, but before he arrived, I had already thrown the dagger and hit his arm——"Hmph, you think I can't throw knives!" The guy was in so much pain that he took a few steps back, I stepped forward and pulled out the throwing knife on his arm, and stabbed another believer in the neck with my backhand, the believer immediately bled like a fountain and fell to the ground dying of breath.

These human beings are much easier to fight than the infected. Once their thermal weapons and modern weapons are used up, they become a pile of waste.

The believer whose arm was stabbed by me didn't give up, and raised his hand again, I raised the dagger up, stabbed it, and with his own strength, stabbed the dagger into his arm again.

The guy screamed, and immediately, several believers turned around, and they still had guns in their hands.

I took advantage of the opportunity to pull the screaming guy backhand in front of me. The pistol over there had already fired, and everything was already irreversible. Moreover, because they were too crazy, they seemed to be unable to see clearly the target to attack. All of a sudden, all the bullets They all hit the believer in front of me.

By the time they reacted, I had already pulled out the dagger and pushed the cultist forward. The corpse of the cultist staggered forward. The guys who shot over there were still in shock, and fired forward again, but they still hit the dead body. Then I pulled out the dagger again and hit one of them on the shoulder with a knife. The guy suffered from pain and the pistol fell to the ground. I also pulled out the pistol and shot the other person. Next, the guy was blown to pieces by me, his internal organs flowed, and he seemed to be alive when he landed, his hands kept scratching the ground, as if in extreme pain.

I didn't have any mercy for them. I shot a believer in the head with a pistol dropped.

Because of my support from the side, the church team was opened up, and Fatty and the others became passive and active.

Occupation begins to reverse.

But at this moment, only a few screams were heard.

"Here we come!" I whispered secretly.

A few black shadows, from above the fortress of the headquarters behind the sentry tower, rushed straight into the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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