global variation

Chapter 189 Labyrinth

Chapter 189 Labyrinth
Those black shadows moved very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they had already rushed over us.

"Yingren! Be careful!" Yi Tian shouted first.

One of the Winged Men turned around in mid-air, spun like a spinning top, and flew straight down.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, the winged man rushed towards me, obviously my performance just now had angered these guys, I hurriedly jumped back, flipped backwards, the attacking winged man Fluttering across from above me, the wide and sharp patagium is almost close to my abdomen. If it goes down a little bit, I don't know what the consequences will be. Actor, this kind of emergency backflip is not my specialty, but the winged man twisted his body, drew an arc in the air, turned back down, and launched a second wave of sprinting again.

I turned around in a hurry, and the winged man walked sideways in front of me. He was supposed to cut me in half with his wing membrane, but when I dodged, his wing membrane was firmly cut from the ground. In the past, but in an instant, a crack appeared on the ground.

I took advantage of the moment when he was in the air, took a step forward, turned around and raised the gun, and aimed at the winged man twice. I didn't notice that I was using the pistol that Zhang Chu gave me. It was terrifying enough, under two shots, the Winged Man didn't even roar all over his body, his whole body was blown to pieces, pieces of meat, severed limbs, scattered wings, and shapeless heads fell from the air. down.

I stopped looking at the rotten meat, turned around and looked up, only to see that the other Yiren seemed to have been fighting with Zhu Ming and the others for a long time.

I raised my gun and fired. Zhang Chu’s pistol was so powerful that it was shocking. Even if it exploded in the air, it could spread to the surroundings. However, the Wingmen in the air were also injured one after another, and they were suppressed and retreated to their lair.

He Fan raised his hand to manipulate the flame, and it kept sweeping towards the Winged Man.

Those Winged Men didn't seem to have much fear of flames, and with the flapping of their wings, they were able to blow away all the flames from He Fan, and even blow them back to our side.

"Don't breathe fire!" I'm afraid that the smoke and dust coming back will block our vision and eventually cause blind spots in vision. If so, it's really bad.

He Fan hurriedly stopped, I waved again and said, "Follow me!"

Immediately, he took the lead and rushed to the interior of the base.Some of those Wingmen flew to the rear of the enemy's "temporary base", and some directly landed and rushed in through the main gate. This temporary command post is an old cement house in the mountains. According to my judgment, it should be the outpost of the rebel organization, or it may be the residence of the rangers targeting these infected people. There are no advanced devices here. It can be seen that the enemy is not prepared for a long-term battle, but only wants a quick battle. That's all, otherwise, I would never choose this place, and the defense on the mountain road is relatively weak - Mo Ge's feint plan has obviously worked at this time.

After entering the cement "base", I realized that everything was not as simple as I imagined—although my general direction of judgment should be correct, the structure in the cement base made me a little annoyed.

It's like a maze here.

"This...this is..."

"Needless to say, the headquarters is in the middle, and the outside is a labyrinth of concrete walls. There must be a defense system." The fat man Zhu Ming said, "I think, in all likelihood, this is the base of the original resistance organization, but I don't know which one it is. The idiot lost its stronghold, hehe, there is no record at the Fortress of Life?
Huang Qian rubbed her temples with one hand, and said slowly: "The electromagnetic waves here are getting stronger and stronger, electrical signals are everywhere, I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, it was discovered outside." I said, "The original plan was that you go all the way, and I go all the way."

"Here..." Yi Tian wanted to object again.

I waved my hand and said, "No need to say more, that's it."

"The terrain of the labyrinth is complicated, and the roads are narrow." Fat Zhu Ming said, "Everyone here has different abilities. Some people will even hurt their own people when they attack, and some people mainly rely on weapons to attack. The native ability is reflected in the battle. It's not obvious, it's also good to go separately. Since... they have been discovered, it's better to allocate the team in the most balanced way, so that the enemy may be caught blind, and they don't know how to allocate troops to attack.

"I'm going alone." No matter how Zhu Ming assigns the task, I still decide to go alone. In fact, I do have selfish intentions. I want to find the researcher of the church that injected me with the final liquid last time alone, the so-called I want to ask him face to face what happened to my body. Lin Wan kept it a secret until his death, and Zhu Qing obviously only knew a little about it, but that guy seemed to have already got the answer. I know everything well, I must find him.

I didn't want to listen to their persuasion anymore, and walked quickly towards the route I chose. The ruggedness of this "maze" has exceeded my estimate. There are not many narrow roads and many winding roads. Moreover, the walls are thick and soundproof. Very good, creating an extremely quiet atmosphere. I held the gun with one hand and pulled the dagger with the other. The gun given by Zhang Chu is probably not suitable for use in such an environment, and it will affect myself.

I reckoned that something similar to the pangolin man was unlikely to appear here, so I didn't pay attention to the situation on both sides, but in just a moment, I realized that I was completely wrong.

I walked around a corner, and the lights in the passage flickered, as if the power supply was insufficient. This scene, like a scene in a horror movie, made me slow down.

Huang Qian said just now that the electromagnetic wave signals in this place are very chaotic, and it seems that there are multiple wavelengths moving back and forth in the air.

When I thought of this, I couldn't help but frown. If this is due to the influence of the electromagnetic wave signal, then the enemy should be very close—but this ghost place is a straight road, with a distance of about three to forty meters. Those guys, Is it hiding around the corner?

I stepped forward, hand on weapon.

Suddenly, I heard a rumbling sound, and suddenly felt gravel and dust falling down from above my head, I instinctively retreated suddenly, and at the same time, a rectangular black shadow fell down above my head—it turned out to be a door. Shimen, that stone door crashed down on the ground, splitting a straight road into two halves, blocking my way. If I hadn't withdrawn quickly just now, I would have been crushed to pieces by now.

"This..." I looked at the stone door in astonishment, it was just like the mechanism of the ancient tomb in the novel.

However, everything was far from over, my mind was confused, and I hadn't stood still. At this time, there was another rumbling tremolo.

The tremolo came from the side, and I hurriedly retreated to the other side, and on my side, a part of the wall slowly rose, and a passage suddenly appeared—it really was a maze.

At the same time that the passage appeared, two wingman infected people had already swooped up, their wings overlapped, and they cut across my body.

I fell backwards in a hurry, and my whole body staggered to the ground.

Better to fall over than to be cut in half.

The wings of the two Winged Men cut against the concrete wall, the cement slag splashed, and the smoke and dust scattered.

I hurriedly jumped out along the space between them, landed on the other side of the passage, rolled forward, turned around, crouched on the ground, and drew out the dagger at my waist.

The two Winged Men screamed, and one of them leaned against the wall.

After all, the passage is narrow and their bodies are huge, so they can't deploy quickly, so the movements are a bit messy. This messy movement is just the right time for me to make a move. The guy twisted his body, and the wing membrane could only unfold halfway, pulling the concrete wall with one hand. , gliding towards me rapidly.I squatted down on the ground, acting like a wild beast hunting for prey, and when the guy "swished" past me, the fierce man swung upwards, and the blade immediately cut a hole in the winged man's abdomen.

Winged Man's body froze for a moment, and fell down behind me.

The other winged man saw everything in his eyes, but how could the already crazy infected person care about this, and bent over and rushed towards me in the same way. This time I didn't squat down again, but I kicked on the wall next to me with one foot, using the power of this kick to fly up, and repeated this action with the other foot. Under the two feet, the winged man happened to be under my feet, and I randomly turned over and walked away. It fell in the air and stepped heavily on the body of the winged man. The winged man screamed strangely and struggled desperately the moment he landed. I didn't give him any chance, and the dagger cut across from the back of his neck.

Immediately, like a collapsed fire hydrant, the blood spurted out suddenly.

I didn't even think about it, I thought the knife would cut deeply again, and when the knife was pulled horizontally, the head immediately flew out, rolled on the ground for a moment, and pulled out a long line of blood.

I sprinted forward again, and rushed towards another winged man. I had already cut open the abdomen of the winged man. At the moment, his internal organs were flowing, but he obviously still had a little fighting power. He turned around and rushed towards me dragging his blood sausage. Come on, I drew out my gun to design, but the guy's wing membrane stretched and swung, almost hitting my wrist, I hurriedly retracted my hands to avoid it, and then escaped everything, but the lower end of the wing membrane touched my palm, knocking my wrist The pistol flew out.

That's my sidearm.

This place can’t use Zhang Chu’s gun. If the gun is shot down, I can only fight by hand.

The Winged Man passed me sideways, the blood in my abdomen splashed all over my body, it was sticky and warm, but the smell was unbearable.

The guy immediately fell a few meters away, put his hands on the ground, and let out a stern roar at me.

"Bastard." I gritted my teeth in disgust, and the winged man opened his mouth, put his hands on the ground, and jumped up again.

(End of this chapter)

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