global variation

Chapter 190 The Terrible Mechanism Passage

Chapter 190 The Terrible Mechanism Passage
Only this dagger on my body can come in handy, unless I want Zhang Chu’s gun to blow me into a sieve.

The Winged Man soared into the sky, and my thoughts spun rapidly.

At this moment, I had no choice but to give it a go.

However, flying knives are not my strong point, and if the flying knives miss, then I really have no weapons at all.But at this juncture, it seemed that there was no point in hesitating anymore. I turned around and ran a few steps, distanced myself from the injured guy who was sprinting, turned around and threw a knife at the guy.

At this moment, I was like an athlete shooting a basketball on the field, staring at the knife.

"Uh!" With a sharp hiss, the knife pierced straight into the eye socket of the winged man. I don't know what kind of feeling this is for the infected person, whether it is pain or numbness, I have never Tried killing an infected like this.The body of the winged man hit the concrete wall next to him a few times, and finally landed in front of me like a crashed plane. I was afraid that he would get up again, so I took a step forward, reached out and grabbed the dagger stuck in his eye, and slammed When I pulled it out, a stream of blood gushed out, and at the same time, my dagger actually brought out his eyeball, and his eye socket became a hollow, and my dagger picked up the eyeball, and some Messy organization.

This action obviously destroyed his brain tissue, he was dying, I wanted to kill this guy with a knife, but at this moment, he bit me with the last bit of strength, I hurriedly swung the knife Resisting, under one knife, the dagger was inserted into his mouth, I pulled it hard again, the guy swallowed his eyeballs directly, at the same time, his mouth was also cut open by me, I simply made up the knife, directly Cut his head in half.

And my dagger, because I used too much force, the edge of the knife broke with a "bang".

"Damn it!" I was a little annoyed when I retracted the knife, but since it has become a fact, there is no other way.

I was too lazy to look at the two extremely ugly corpses, picked up the pistol, turned around and continued to move forward. At this time, I began to pay attention to the walls in this passage. deadly.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, the condition of the road began to change again. The winding road in front of me suddenly turned into a straight road, and at the same time, infected people rushed out from the dark, but these guys were not my opponents. There are still enough bullets in the gun, but fortunately, my marksmanship is no longer what it used to be, and it is not too difficult to fight them.

However, at this time, I began to become a little worried. If my position is completely monitored at this time, is the movement of these doors controlled by a certain terminal?If this is the case, these stone doors and cement doors can completely lead me to a dead end, maybe the same situation with the fat man, this really makes me a little afraid.

But after walking for a while, I found that things are not that complicated. If these cement doors are really controlled by the same terminal, then when I step through a cement door, it can completely close the door at the back to block me Then I set up obstacles in front of me, so that the road I can walk will be less and less, and the space I can stand on will be less and less. However, they don’t seem to do this. I don’t believe what they are leading , the closer we get to their headquarters the worse it is for them, there's no way they can lead us into that area.

There is only one explanation, that is, these mechanisms are not controlled by high-tech electronics, but more like an ancient stone mechanism, just like the primitive mechanisms in ancient tombs made of a series of principles such as levers and gears.

Thinking of this, I started to touch the wall and move forward, step by step, to feel the difference of the wall little by little. After a while, sure enough, I touched a loose cement brick. I frowned and pushed forward hard. , A rumbling sound sounded behind my back, and I found that the door that was closed just now was actually opened at this moment.

I looked again at the infected people I had eliminated on the ground.

"Hmph... So that's how it is..."

It seems that these infected people just use ambushes behind the mechanism, while changing the maze path to set up suspicious formations, while opening the door to attack. Such a clumsy method may still be effective in ancient warfare. In the 21st century and the information age, what is the point? ?I continued to move forward, feeling the walls as I walked forward. I believed that there must be other switches between these walls. After a while, I touched another loose stone brick. This time, the brick needed to be stretched outward. , I pulled the brick hard, and the folding path in front of me suddenly became unimpeded, but the empty passage beside me was completely closed by a door.

Behind the wall, there were indeed several infected people hidden. When I suddenly pulled the mechanism and appeared in front of them, these guys were obviously a little stunned, and they didn't even react. I took this opportunity to shoot, but within three or four shots After that, those guys all turned into headless corpses.I stepped over the stacked "mountains of meat" and continued forward. The lights became brighter and brighter, and the electromagnetic wave infection seemed to be less. I felt that I was probably already close to their headquarters.

I thought about it for a moment, guessing that the swordsman should not be in this place, if he was, he would have followed me.

And those electromagnetic waves can only judge our position through the communication device. There are not many Yiren here, and it is impossible for them to determine my position through the wall. What's more, every time the Yiren appear at the first time, I have already killed them Death, therefore, I guess, at this time, their so-called headquarters must have fallen into a huge crisis, and they have even begun to catch up, and they can't judge our specific location at all. Doubtful.

I continued to touch the wall, trying to touch every organ, and then judge the route by the direction of each organ and the ambush position of those damn infected people. I think this is foolproof.

However, my self-confidence taught me a lesson after all.

When I came to a corner, a relatively obvious loose brick appeared on the wall. I frowned, and I did feel a little suspicious at the time, but because I was eager to win, I didn't think too much, just kept silent After a while, he reached out and pressed the brick down.

I heard the familiar rumble again, and I looked around, but never saw a door open.

I have some doubts in my heart, what's going on?Could it be that this mechanism controls a certain door in the distance?

While thinking, suddenly!
I actually felt a violent shaking, and the cement under my feet actually moved. I looked down, and the ground under my feet started to move to both sides like a door, and a huge deep ditch appeared. I jumped forward in a hurry. But as soon as I took a step forward, the ground in front of me began to "crack" again. I gritted my teeth, and relying on the power of the concentrated liquid, I kept flying forward, but every time I landed, the concrete floor under my feet seemed to be stalking Got me in general, cracked again.

The instinct to survive keeps me standing up, running, and bouncing.

But my physical strength is limited after all. I really don't know that this loose switch actually controls the cement bricks on the ground tens of meters away.

That cracked ground is like a devil's big mouth, which can swallow me in at any time and digest it into a pile of residue.

Seeing that I am about to reach another turning road, according to my previous analysis, each switch here can basically only control the wall of one passage—or the ground, as long as I skip that road and go to another direction , maybe I can be saved, I stepped forward, who knows, the concrete wall near the folding road suddenly opened, but the wall on this side of the road fell heavily, and several infected people rushed out from the other side of the road, but Not thinking about the situation on the ground at all, they fell down one after another.

And I also lost anything I could grasp at this moment—I don’t know what is under this abyss. Logically speaking, it should be the mountain of this mountain, and there are bases everywhere near the fortress of life. Under the mountain, there is something else, is it another abandoned base?Or...or hell? !

I clung to the concrete wall tightly, but the soles of my feet were already hanging in the air. Although the concrete wall was mottled, there were not many places to hold on to. Even if I tried so hard, it would be difficult to hold on for a long time.

Misfortunes never come singly, the moment I was in the air, my dagger fell into the abyss.

I didn't dare to look down, so I could only stick to the wall. At this moment, I wished I could stick my fingers into the wall.

I moved to the side step by step, the road ahead was still cracking, and the lights above my head were going out one by one. Although there was still hope, although there was still a straight road ahead, after all, I was on the concrete with almost no protection. Walking on a wall is more difficult than rock climbing.

At this time, my hand suddenly touched a loose cement brick...

What is this used to control? !
If this cement brick can open a passage, maybe I can still be saved, but if it is to control something else—what if it is a deadly mechanism?So what?
My hands were sore for a while, and I couldn't hold it anymore.

Can't handle that much anymore!
My heart sank, and I slapped the cement brick "button" hard.

There was a rumbling sound, and suddenly - I felt my body being pushed back, looking back...


I couldn't help but curse.

I saw that in the aisle where I was, the two opposite concrete walls actually moved closer and merged in the middle the moment I pressed the button, as if they were about to merge into one, pinching me to death in the middle.

I was stuck on the wall. At this time, there were only two choices, either to fall into the abyss—or to be crushed into meatloaf by the cement wall.

(End of this chapter)

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