global variation

Chapter 191 The Final Organ

Chapter 191 The Final Organ

Those infected who fell had disappeared.

This is not a movie or TV show. Rationally speaking, the bottom of this place is mostly rocks scattered everywhere, and it will definitely not be a mysterious area or a secret base. Even if it were, I would definitely die if I fell straight down like this. It is impossible at all. What an adventure.

Seeing that I was about to be caught into a meatloaf, I decided to give it a go.

With the help of the wall squeezed behind me, I suddenly kicked with one leg and used my strength to move forward. The wall continued to squeeze down, and I kept pushing on the wall to move forward, and my body rushed forward fiercely.

This place is at least 20 meters away from the opposite folding road. If it is on flat ground, this is probably nothing, but in the gap between the two walls, it is really dangerous and terrifying.

I was lucky, but in a few seconds, when the two walls were still closed, I turned sideways and finally jumped out from between the two walls, flying into the air and falling towards the uncracked ground at the bend.

However, since I had been propping my feet against the wall, I had nowhere to rely on the moment I flew sideways, so my jump seemed not strong enough.

I tried to grab the concrete block on the edge of the broken road. The uneven road was my only hope of survival at this moment.

However, at this moment, the two walls behind me seemed to finally collide with each other, making an astonishing shock.

In mid-air, I didn't even have time to look up, only to feel several heavy blows on my back, neck and head.

Is it gravel? !

The moment the two walls merged, the concrete block above his head fell down.

Although these few blows didn't hurt me, I lost my balance in mid-air.

My whole body fell downwards.

But there is still less than one meter away, and I can grab the edge of the concrete floor—less than one meter!
It was too late to despair, my whole body had already fallen down, heavy and powerless, even if I widened my eyes and stared at the edge of the concrete wall, it was still difficult to grasp the "life-saving straw".


A hand stretched out from the edge of the concrete wall, grabbed my arm firmly, and then lifted it up. The arm was very strong, even very tenacious, like a rubber band with excellent elasticity. Immediately, my whole body was thrown up, and I couldn't help kicking my feet on the concrete top above, then somersaulted, and finally landed on the ground.

Looking back, I saw the fat man Zhu Ming in the middle stretching his shoulders while saying, "Look at you, if I hadn't come in time, you, the commander, would have died before us, and the death was so ugly."

" did you find this place?" I asked.

"You also found the road authority, right?" Fatty Zhu Ming looked at me.


"We tried and fumbled for those institutions all the way. There are not many soldiers in this base, and we rely solely on those to spread doubts. I think, at this time, the front line should have already begun to withdraw troops, and it is very likely that the troops will be withdrawn as soon as possible So we have to fight quickly.” Fatty Zhu Ming said, “Our people are on the other side of the turning road. I heard the rumbling just now, and I ran over first.”


"Come on." The fat man Zhu Ming stepped forward and patted me on the shoulder, and said, "The business is to find their headquarters."

I put one hand on my waist, lowered my head slightly, and maintained a posture of being ready to fight at any time. I followed the fat man and walked forward. Everyone was waiting for us at the corner.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Yi Tian said first.

Zhu Ming smiled and said: "It's okay, what can happen, your captain is the one with the strongest concentrated liquid flowing in his body, he can be fine, we are all dead long ago."

Those team members all smiled, but the smile was a little bit forced, I think they should have caught something wrong from my expression.

I didn't speak, and continued to walk forward.

All the people gathered here——everyone acted separately at the beginning, but they all gathered at this point in the end, so it can only be said that this place is either near the enemy's headquarters, or in the center of the entire base, but from just now Judging from the movement of the two walls and the splitting and collapse of the ground, I feel that this place is unlikely to be the center. Otherwise, if the organs on all sides are opened at once, it will be enough to isolate the so-called "center" and form a completely This is probably something neither the enemy nor we want to see. The designer of this fortress should have been able to imagine it. Therefore, I prefer this place to be near the headquarters. Thinking of this layer, I continued to touch the wall. , there is no major difference between these agencies, only some subtle differences, but these subtle differences are not enough to be used as a mark to distinguish the type of agency. After the thrilling escape just now, I have gradually become more cautious. I lost the self-confidence I had before.

"Are you looking for an agency?" Not far behind me, the fat man asked.

I nodded and moved on.

"The entire road has almost formed a circular arc now. If you go forward like this, you will be walking the same road as we have walked, and all the organs will be opened." Fatty said.

"What?" I was a little puzzled, and turned to look at the fat man.

Fatty Zhu Ming shrugged his shoulders and said, "You heard me right, except for your side, which is where the landslide fell, we have explored all the other places."

I shook my head and said, "Impossible."

I walked forward while thinking.

"What's impossible?"

I didn't speak, but after walking only a few tens of meters, Yi Tian suddenly said, "Hey! Do you feel anything is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Huang Qian asked.

"It's really a bit wrong." Fat Zhu Ming stepped forward, looked sideways, and said, "The road behind us has changed. When we walked over, all the organs were clearly open, but now... it doesn't mean that they are closed again. Yes, it feels like the channel has shifted, I don’t know if I remember correctly..."

"You should remember correctly." I said, "The channel shift is right."

"Huh?" Fat Zhu Ming looked at me for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and said, "You mean you, just now... your side..."

"That's right, the mechanism I touched caused the ground to split, and the walls to close together... The mechanism in the entire fortress should affect the whole body. The walls and the ground are made of crushed stone, cement and some scrap metal. As a result, it is impossible to have such a high level of intelligence as a terminal-controlled base. All in all, if there is a change here, the pattern in other places will inevitably change. I think, maybe not only us, but even our opponents, At this time, I may not have figured out the structure of this ghost place." I sneered, and said, "They are no more leisurely than us, and at this time, I am afraid they will not be able to escape."

"What should we do next?" Yitian asked.

"Let's find the mechanism, let me see." Fatty said first, "Follow the displaced roads, and leave the roads that have not been moved at all. You all remember the roads, right?"

"It's okay." Yi Tian scratched his head.

"Yitian, you act fast, you take the lead, and the others spread out as much as possible." I said.


I held the gun with my hands behind my back.

I have forgotten when I got used to this movement. This movement is obviously Zhang Chu’s habitual movement at the beginning, showing a kind of majesty and coldness. At the same time, it is matched with his expression and firm and unquestionable tone. , also showed a kind of arbitrary and cruel.Could it be that the me I am now has gradually become such a person?Although I had some doubts in my heart, I didn't change my movements. I still maintained this walking posture and walked slowly in this passage.

To be honest, I am in awe of how this fort is built.

This is simply a labyrinth constructed using the most primitive methods. Although the walls are made of mixed materials and are not made of stones, the principle of the entire operation should be similar to the mechanism buildings decades or even hundreds of years ago. In the 21st century, seeing such a building when human beings are in the "doomsday disaster" is really amazing.

"found it!"

Not long after, I heard Huang Qian's voice, and I quickly turned around to follow the sound. At this time, Huang Qian stood at the end of a passage, pointed to the wall in front of me, and said, "There is a button here, which was not there just now, I guess That's it."

"Are you sure?" I frowned at her.

She nodded: "It's more or less the same, there are weak but mixed electromagnetic wave signals over there, I can feel it."

I nodded.

At this time, everyone also followed, and the fat man Zhu Ming suddenly said, "Huh? Huang Qian, actually I have a problem that I can't figure out. Tell me, you injected bat concentrate, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Huang Qian looked at Zhu Ming.

Zhu Ming said: "The main function of the nasal lobe of a bat is to receive and perceive ultrasonic waves. This ultrasonic wave is fundamentally different from electromagnetic waves. It is said that you can use your ability to monitor network signals and have made meritorious service... this , To be honest, it's quite puzzling..."

"I don't know, I'm not the only one who has enhanced this ability." Huang Qian said, "For example, Li Jin, isn't he an electric eel? It stands to reason that an electric eel must rely on a medium to generate electricity, but didn't he later grow into an electric eel? Is it possible to generate electricity to attack opponents directly in the air? Although the current has been weakened a lot... oh, yes, He Fan is also, and now the time to breathe fire has completely exceeded expectations, and by the way, there is Chu Tingsheng. Amazing speed of healing."

"Okay!" I interrupted her and said, "Leave this kind of thing to the researchers to study, open the door!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the loose bricks in front of him.

"Be careful." Huang Qian didn't forget to say a word to me, "I don't know if my luck is as good as Chief Chu's. One click will create a shocking mechanism."

(End of this chapter)

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