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Chapter 192 Scary Baby, Corrupted Blood

Chapter 192 Scary Baby, Corrupted Blood
I have to say that I have heard from Zhu Qing more or less what Huang Qian said just now. Those special cases are actually one of the key research projects of the researchers of the rebel organization. You know, as long as my amazing healing speed is involved, there must be some unexplainable secrets involved, so I don't really want to hear anyone talk about this matter, and I even avoid it.

I want to find out by myself, even if I ask the enemy to find out.

Huang Qian had already touched the cement brick, and a long-lost rumble sounded in front of us.

Her judgment was correct. This switch is indeed used to control the door in front of me. Moreover, this door is larger and wider than the other doors. Obviously, the function is different. The moment I opened the door, what I saw was It was an airtight space. In that space, there were four corpses lying sideways. The blood was still flowing on the ground. The four corpses were not stiff and still warm.

I stood beside those corpses for a while, inspected them briefly, shook my head involuntarily, and said, "I committed suicide..."

Each of those few people held an ordinary imitation [-]-type pistol in their hands - after such a long period of study and training, I can basically distinguish the models of these guns at a glance, thanks to Tu Shu A devil teacher.

All four of the bodies had been shot through the temple, and the bullet had pierced the head.

There were burn marks at the entrance of the bullet, and it was obvious that he had shot himself in the head.

I really didn't expect that these guys actually chose to commit suicide in despair.

"He's dead?" Fat Zhu Ming said with his hands behind his head and his big belly sticking out, "This is too boring, I thought there was some hidden expert among these people, I thought, we It made me fight to the death with these guys in the end!"

"After all, it's just a human being." I said coldly, then stood up and began to inspect the computers on the side, and at the same time, waved to others to help me.

I don't know much about computers, so I can only search in the most direct way. After searching for a long time, there is no result, so I simply stepped back, and other people took turns to check. After a while, the fat man Zhu Ming took the lead and said: "Don't bother. Get your strength up, this guy deleted all the useful things before he died, if it wasn't too late to destroy the system, I'm afraid even the system would have been solved."

I thought for a while and said, "Take these computers back and go to the Fortress of Life for research."


"Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go back."


I didn't intend to stay here at all. Although the road back is still rough, it's much better than when I came here. Fatty and the others are familiar with the mechanism on that side. Although the structure of the road section has changed slightly, Fatty and the others are still familiar with it. After a while, we returned to the outside of the fortress. Outside, there were still many corpses lying here and there. The corpses of the Winged Humans had turned into blood at this moment, but the human corpses were still piled up in place.

I sighed, I don't know why, I was obviously cold-blooded to the extreme during the battle, but when I saw their corpses at this moment, I suddenly felt a little sympathy.

I didn't want this kind of emotion to flood, so I quickly walked between the corpses.

We encountered no further obstacles on our descent, and it was evident that our surprise attack was very successful.

At the bottom of the mountain, I asked everyone to re-examine the equipment. The matter is not over yet. When we attacked the headquarters, it was absolutely impossible for their people not to respond. It was absolutely impossible for them to sit still. I thought, at this time, the attack The group of church soldiers in the Fortress of Life must be on their way back, and this time is the best time for us to defeat them.

After checking everyone's equipment, I said to Li Wentian who hadn't said much: "You first lurk in the nearby woods, preferably on a tree, and determine from the commanding heights which direction the enemy is coming from."

"Yes." He replied in a low voice, and rushed into the woods at the foot of the mountain with a stride. In a flash, I only saw him suddenly pull out a dark brown cloak and shake it vigorously. Hiding into the bushes, I was stunned for a moment, but I heard a rustling sound between the leaves, like the wind passing through the forest, but also like someone climbing and leaping among the branches of the big tree, within half a minute , I saw Li Wentian's figure appeared between the crowns of the big trees not far from us, but at this moment, he shook out a green cloak and threw it behind him, and in a short while, he disappeared again. in the forest.

"It's amazing...haha..." I also felt that Li Wentian had some "supernatural powers", but the fat man smiled exaggeratedly and said, "Do you know what I like to watch the most? I like watching you people with special abilities use it the most." Skills, haha... really exciting."

"It's as if you don't have any special skills." Huang Qian curled her lips, "Everyone is a monster, so stop laughing at fifty steps..."

The fat man Zhu Ming scratched his head, with a naive expression on his face. I knew this guy was good at pretending to be naive in small things, so I didn't bother to pay attention to him, and said, "Everyone, turn on the walkie-talkie and pay attention. If the enemy's reinforcements arrive later, we will disperse to ambush and disperse the attack." , Use your own ability to deal with them. Also... see children, don't show mercy."


This time, everyone was somewhat hesitant to answer. I can understand their feelings, but even if I can understand them, I will never allow this feeling to be brought into battle.

"Did you hear that!" I shouted again.

"Yes!" Everyone straightened their backs and answered loudly.

It's like this in the army, no matter how good a brother is in normal times, in battle, the commander is the commander.

"Dismiss!" I waved my hand again, and everyone ran in all directions, quickly looking for their hiding places, but the fat man didn't leave immediately, but stepped forward, patted my shoulder, and said, "You Pretty good at being an official?"

I frowned and said, "You also quickly find a place to hide."

"Hey..." He smiled and said, "Yes, yes...I submit to your great authority, isn't it okay?"

I ignored his sarcasm, and waited for the guy to find the right place in the woods. I slowly started to retreat. Before I retreated to the predetermined place I chose, Li Wentian's gloomy voice came from the communication device, "A detachment, it is not clear whether it is the vanguard or all the enemies, is coming from the northwest."

"How many people?" I asked.

"It is estimated that there are 30 to [-] people, most of whom are ordinary infected people, and there are no vehicles to transport them. Among them, there seems to be... a guy with a bone sword on his arm..." Li Wentian said.

"Bone sword?! What!" I was taken aback.

That instinctive impulse and a trace of fear began to surface in my heart.

However, how could the guy with the bone sword follow the large army? I know how slow his movement speed is, unless this guy has completed evolution in such a short period of time.

However, before I could even clear my mind, Li Wentian said again: "Those soldiers seem to be running with heavy loads, what are they carrying on their backs? I don't know..."

"Running with a load? What kind of strange hobby is this?" Huang Qian's doubtful voice came from the intercom.

I frowned, and I couldn't figure it out at this moment. It stands to reason that infected people don't need any equipment to fight, and running with a heavy load will only increase the burden.

"It's close, it's still tens of meters away from us." Li Wentian said again.

"Ready to shoot!" I ordered.

"など! それは..." My voice was still on, and Li Wentian's exclamation suddenly came from the intercom. This guy only unconsciously pronounces in Japanese in extremely urgent situations. I don't know simple Japanese. I don't understand—he seems to be saying wait a minute, he seems to see clearly what kind of people are coming over there, but his words seem to be stuck behind him, why does this calm and gloomy guy have such a reaction? !

"Speak Mandarin!" Huang Qian yelled on the walkie-talkie.

"I... I saw it..." Li Wentian's voice returned to a low tone, but his tone had lost his composure, "Those infected people are carrying...babies!"

"What?!" I widened my eyes.

And at this moment, suddenly, several groups of black shadows flew down from the sky above me.

I hurriedly got up and retreated, but what I saw was three or three babies falling on the grass in front of me. The babies looked to be about seven or eight months old, probably the kind of children who have reached the age of toddlers. The skin is very tender, even if it is gently scraped by the weeds or branches on the ground, it will break and bleed. Seeing this scene, my hands trembled and I couldn't raise the gun at all.

However, at this moment, I discovered an extremely terrifying thing. I found that the moment the blood flowing from the baby's body fell to the ground, the surrounding weeds began to rot and wither, turning over for a while. A burst of white smoke.

Several babies slowly crawled towards me. Their eyes were no longer clear as they should have been, but were replaced by cloudiness. Their movements were no different from those of zombies. They were murder weapons, not children who needed pity.I stepped back quickly and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Be careful of those babies, once you see them, they will kill you without mercy!"

At the same time, I was already aiming forward and fired several times. The gunshots exploded, blood and viscera splattered. It's just scary, what the hell is this? !

Before I could stand still, my brain was in a state of confusion. Three infected people rushed up while I was exposed. Just as I raised my pistol, an infected person waved his right hand. My arm was stabbed, and the pistol was hard Shengsheng was beaten out by him.

The dagger fell into the abyss in the fortress, and the pistol was also blown away at this moment. Do I want to fight these guys hand-to-hand? !
(End of this chapter)

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