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Chapter 193 Infected Squad

Chapter 193 Infected Squad

Facing three infected people empty-handed, although it cannot be said that I will lose, I have never experienced such a situation.

At this moment, they almost didn't give me any chance to think, and they rushed straight at me, moving swiftly like a beast, hoarse and roaring, I gritted my teeth, took a step back, and then punched forward with strength , This punch firmly hit the face of the infected person who rushed forward, and the infected person staggered and fell out, holding onto the tree trunk on one side with one hand.

This punch gave me a little confidence, I didn't expect that I could still hurt them.

But this time was the beginning of the crisis. The other two infected people, seeing their companions being repelled, attacked my shoulders from left to right.

I turned around and kicked, and swept the heads of the two infected people with one foot. The two people staggered and fell to the side. I caught up with one of them, and lifted the back of his neck to the side. I ran into a tree, who knew I hadn't succeeded, but his companion hugged me from behind, my body was restrained, so I had to let go of the infected person in my hand, bent down hard and fell over my shoulder, the guy who hugged me I fell to the ground, I didn't even think about it, I grabbed a sharp gravel next to me, and was about to smash it on the guy's head.

But as soon as my hand was raised in the air, my arm was strangled by the infected person again, and I couldn't shake it off even if I wanted to.

The infected person opened his mouth at this moment, ready to bite my arm.

How could I let him succeed, I turned my whole body and kicked that guy. The guy received my two feet on his chest, and the strength on his arm was obviously relaxed. I flicked my hand and broke free from his restraint.

But at the same time, my body was almost half lying on the ground. The three infected people were not injured to be honest, and their movements were still fast. At the same time, they rushed towards me. The ground stood up again, but the three guys didn't stop moving, they opened their mouths and sprinted towards me almost at the same time, and the guy in the lead had already left his feet off the ground.

I found the right time, and gave another uppercut to that guy's chin. This punch was heavier than the punch just now. Who knows, that guy is not a fool, and he still has some thoughts, and his body twitched. Unfortunately, my fist brushed his cheek and missed, and because he couldn't stabilize his figure, he could only land on all fours and let out a roar like a wild beast.

"Bastard!" I cursed, but the other two infected people had already rushed behind me.

They took the opportunity of sprinting just now and did not launch an attack, but used the "triangular formation" to surround me in the middle.

They are too close to me, the only hot weapon in my hand is the gun given by Zhang Chu, and a few grenades, if I shoot here, I guess, even I will be affected.

My legs were slightly bent, my hands were spread out, and I was in a fighting posture. I looked around and stared coldly at each infected person, and I didn't shy away from looking at their bright red eyes like a beast—since I want to fight, I must not There is a slight bow!


I don't know if the language function of that guy is completely missing. They are slightly different from ordinary infected people. They seem to have better physical strength, tougher skin, faster movements, and behaviors closer to beasts.But they can't speak at all, and they can't even say a "kill" self.Could this be considered evolution?
"Monster..." I gritted my teeth, "You shouldn't live in this world."

"Roar!" They could understand what I said, and the guy in the lead was irritated by my words, and rushed straight towards me.

At this time, I found that although these guys have improved slightly in attack, their attack methods are very single. They are nothing more than the methods used by ferocious beasts, such as pouncing, scratching, and biting... If that's all, it's not enough to justify.

I became more confident, and fixed my eyes on the guy who charged at me. I guessed that the other two infected people might attack me immediately after being driven by it. So, after that guy flew up When it was time, I waited with both feet and jumped up.

I injected the concentrate with the infected person, and my jumping ability was already different from ordinary people. In mid-air, the infected person grabbed my face with his right hand. I saw the right moment and made a move with my left hand. Thinking that I could block this attack so accurately, even though his sharp claws tore the flesh of my left arm in this block, it was not considered a big injury.

At the same time that guy lost his balance, I also raised my right hand, grabbed his somewhat weak left wrist, and slammed him back—infected people are powerful, but their bodies are not heavy, even, because they Most of the viscera in the body have turned into blood, so their bodies are lighter than ordinary people. In a state of loss of balance, when I pulled this guy, the guy fell out immediately—as I expected, two people outside and two people were infected. The attacker also rushed forward at this moment, but collided with that guy.

The seemingly solid "triangular encirclement formation" immediately collapsed, and the three guys fell together, and I rushed forward without hesitation, grabbed the gravel and hit the head of the frontmost infected person again .

Due to the effect of the concentrated liquid, in just one click, that guy's head has already been cut open, blood is flowing, and the brains that have burst out can even be seen - if it is an ordinary person, there is no hope of surviving - but this guy It happened to be an infected person. After being attacked by me like this, his body froze for a moment, and he wanted to stand together with several other infected people, posing a threat to me again.

I clenched my fists.

Although the strength has reached that level, after all, I don't have ready-made strength in my hands. It is impossible to tear the skin of those guys and smash the heads of those guys just by relying on nails and the like.

Just when I was at a loss, suddenly, I felt a scorching wind blowing from my side, and I instinctively took a few steps back. At this time, a blazing fire appeared in front of my eyes, and the fire shot from a few meters away. Come, spread out, like a few devil's tongues, licking the infected people in front of me, those infected people were obviously burned by the flames, and it was difficult to move their bodies for a while.

Of course, it is also possible that all their pain has turned into numbness, which caused their bodies to be unable to move.

But for a moment, several infected people were already on fire.

Following the slow movements of those infected people, the splashing sparks forced me to retreat step by step, while on the other side, He Fan had already stepped forward step by step, holding a gun in his hand.

Before I could stand still, he had already raised his hand and pulled the trigger.

With one shot, the flames merged with the bullets, and a more terrifying explosion erupted. I couldn't help but cover my face with my arms and turn to the side. When I turned around, the infected people had been blasted to only half of them, and their bodies were scorched black , the head has long disappeared.

I let out a long sigh of relief.

He Fan gave me a faint smile, without any extra words, but took out the dagger in his arms, raised his hand and threw it to me, saying: "Dagger, I can't use it."

I took the dagger without any gratitude, and immediately looked around.

At this time, I saw that the forest not far in front of me was already "swords and swords".

I couldn't see Li Wentian's body, but I could see the trajectory of the Taidao when it was unsheathed and returned—there seemed to be no one walking around the forest, only heads flying down, blood and fallen leaves scattered at the same time.

In the other direction, our other team members are struggling with the infected.

The group that rushed up just now was indeed just the vanguard. More and more infected people followed up, and babies fell from the sky from time to time. Where did these beasts get so many children.

How many people have they killed? !

I was extremely angry, but I tried my best to restrain my emotions - impulsiveness and anger were not conducive to fighting, I had to be calm, and calmness was the key to victory.

Looking around, I suddenly saw another team on the hill about [-] meters away from our ambush point. That team had no intention of advancing, but stood on the hillside, as if it was spying and staring——Intuition told me, This team is likely to be their command team-the thief is the first to catch the king!Thinking of this, I started to sprint low.

This action of mine obviously disturbed the infected people next to me, and several infected people who were fighting with other team members began to surround me in my direction.

I threw the knife in my hand upwards, caught it with my backhand, shook hands horizontally, and turned around. In a moment, the leading infected people had their throats cut by me, and they had to retreat with their numb bodies.

I am not interested in fighting, I just want to break out of the encirclement, and now my goal is not these guys at all.

I was getting closer and closer to the "command team" on the hillside, and those guys obviously realized something was wrong, as many infected people had rushed down the hillside.

They have the high ground, which is not good for me.

I pulled out the pistol presented by Zhang Chu, aimed at the infected people rushing down the hillside, and shot forward while rushing forward.

On the top of the mountain, it was as if a thunderbolt had fallen. After a few shots, more than a dozen infected people turned over and fell down.

But at the same time, many infected people have already surrounded them.

I was holding the dagger in my hand, and I had some confidence in my heart.

The guy in the lead boldly rushed towards me.

I crossed my arms, and at the same time cut off his throat, I threw the dagger again, shook hands again, raised it straight up, and stabbed the guy's throat with a knife. Randomly, taking the opportunity of running, I spun the dagger, and slammed it hard , With a "poof", he cut off the guy's head.

A few other infected people seemed to be frightened by me for a moment. Sure enough, they still have thoughts, and they are also more or less afraid of death.

They are afraid of death, but I am not afraid.

I raised my gun again and fired at the assembly point of the "command team" on the hillside.

All those infected people rushed up to besiege me, but they forgot that their "coach" was still behind them. This shot hit the nail on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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