global variation

Chapter 194 Swordsman? !Evolved body!

Chapter 194 Swordsman? !Evolved body!
My shot obviously had an excellent deterrent effect. Although I couldn't see whether they had hit their commander, the infected people around me had already withdrawn immediately. At this moment, the command information was broken. , causing them to have no formation and gather in one direction. This is exactly what I want to see-soon, these guys quickly gathered together, so I raised the gun again and pulled the trigger.

What is even more terrible for the infected is that at this moment, another figure flashed beside me. This figure was like a ball, bouncing on the ground a few times, and with a backhand wave, a bright color flew from the bottom of his hand. Go out, and go straight towards the cracking wind of the group of infected people.

This was obviously a flying knife. When the flying knife fell into the crowd of infected people, a violent explosion followed. Not to be outdone, I also followed and raised my hand to shoot.

I cooperated with the fat man Zhu Ming, stepped forward step by step, and mercilessly threw all the things that could explode into the crowd. It didn't take long for He Fan to follow.

At this time, we were only a dozen meters away from the group of infected people, but He Fan's flames couldn't achieve the best effect. He simply shot the flames from his hands at the flying knife in the famous hand, and the flying knife was heated. , did not fly to the predetermined position and exploded, but the power was several times greater than before. The dozens of infected people quickly collapsed under this "indiscriminate bombardment". If there were humans in that team, this I'm afraid it has already been reduced to a pile of rotten meat.

We move forward step by step.

The loathing ahead is strong and flames are everywhere.

Suddenly, I saw a figure standing upright among the thick smoke.

"Wait!" I waved my hand to stop Ju Ming and He Fan.

The two of them, under my stop, obviously quickly realized that something was wrong. How could there be something standing in the middle of the crowd at this moment?What is it?
The mist gradually dissipated, and after the mist, at this moment, a human figure really appeared.

All is not an illusion.

I am somewhat familiar with that guy's figure, but I am completely unfamiliar with his appearance.

His whole body, except for a little bit of muscle that was already black as if it had already been turned into charcoal, was covered with metal. Even after being bombarded indiscriminately, the metal was still shining in the sun. His head , one half of the face is covered by this metal, there is no hair, no eyeballs, but a compound eye resembling an insect, and the other half of the face is already broken, the muscle tissue is mixed with bone residue, and the head seems to be broken , but it was not just broken, the bone dregs seemed to form a special protective barrier.

The most half of him is inlaid with metal and cannot be opened, but the other half has been cracked, no nostrils, and it seems that he does not need to breathe at all.

On the other side of the compound eyes, muscles and several pieces of rusty iron sheets are mixed together. I don't know what kind of biological structure it is, but it can't be eyes anyway.

That way, ferocious, terrifying, extremely disgusting.

And what about his body?In addition to the metal shell, an incomplete skin has also been biochemically produced. The skin is even tougher than humans and the infected who attacked us just now, and it is somewhat close to the "protective layer" of the person tightly wrapped by the skin. .

The body under the skin is much stronger than before, but this kind of strength looks very weird, it seems that it is just filled with many strange substances under the skin, not the real muscle strength.

He can no longer be called a human being. Although his figure is similar to that of a human being, there is no trace of human features on his whole body. He no longer needs anything to cover his body. Even the lower half of his body is surrounded by metal, without any organs that a human should have. , only terrifying killing weapons, such as the sharp knives on the ankle and the side of the thigh.

What allowed me to identify that guy was his two hands, a black bone claw, and a bone sword wrapped in metal. There were sharp thorns and barbs biochemically on the top of the bone sword. In his eyes, he felt only trembling.

"This is……"

"Swordsman!" I exclaimed.

And the guy in front of him has already set up an attacking posture.

"Be careful!" Fatty Zhu Ming shouted, throwing the knife out of his hand.

But the swordsman turned over and swung, only to hear a "dang", the flying knife was sent flying by the bone sword, and exploded in the air, forcing the fat man to retreat step by step.

"This guy!" I gritted my teeth and raised my gun to shoot. Who knew, the moment I raised my hand, the swordsman pulled a huge steel plate off his body, and the fleshy steel plate was immediately covered by him. I held his bone claws in my hands and stood in front of him. I fired several shots, but they were all blocked by the steel plate. It was useless and could not hurt him at all.

He Fan gritted his teeth and raised his hand to spray flames at that guy. However, the so-called "steel plate" seemed to be a special kind of metal. Under the scorching of the flames, he remained motionless, firmly protecting the swordsman behind him.

"Damn it!" I took a few steps back, jumped up, and threw a grenade towards the swordsman. The swordsman turned around and used his "shield" to throw the grenade back into the sky very quickly. , and then swung the sword, the grenade was blocked back and exploded not far in front of me. Although I was prepared and retreated quickly, I was still rushed out by a shock wave. They were all in concussion, severe pain, dizziness and tinnitus at the same time.

I gritted my teeth and got up, not far away, Fatty Zhu Ming's hands were like "Avalokitesvara", and his knife was extremely fast. However, none of the throwing knives flew past, even if they could explode beside that guy, But it couldn't hurt his root at all. On the contrary, the swordsman moved much faster than before, but after a while, he rushed in front of the fat man Zhu Ming.

"Be careful!" I couldn't rush to help, so I could only shout.

The fat man Zhu Ming put one hand on the ground, and his fat body "bounced" to the side like a ball.

The swordsman missed the sword, but his body showed no signs of instability. Instead, he turned around and swept across, forcing the fat Zhu Ming to dodge constantly.

At this time, I was on the side of the swordsman, and He Fan was behind the swordsman. He Fan saw the right moment and raised his hand to shoot. However, under the machine gun, what exploded was still the tiny flesh on the swordsman's body. The metal protection on his body can't be hurt at all. I endured the pain and slowly retreated behind the swordsman, only to find that this guy's spine has also been protected by a metal plate. It can be said that he is invulnerable from top to bottom. I lifted Zhang Chu The gifted gun hit him in the cheek.

The swordsman didn't have time to dodge when he came back. With one shot, blood and flesh flew all over his cheek, and half of his head was immediately shattered.

"Okay!" He Fan and the fat man Zhu Ming saw it, and couldn't help shouting.

However, the sound of "good" was still there, but the swordsman turned around and ran towards me and He Fan, as if my shot was meaningless to him at all.

I was stunned.

Even for the former swordsman, hitting like this would definitely slow him down, but now this guy shows no signs of injury, as if the head was just a display for him.After a while, he had already rushed in front of He Fan and me.

I instinctively jumped to the side, He Fan also rolled away, the swordsman pierced straight on the ground, and slashed fiercely, a cloud of dust flew up.

I fell to the ground while dodging, He Fan's flames had no effect on the swordsman, and the fat man Zhu Ming's throwing knife was even more difficult to hurt him.

And at this moment, suddenly, a rhythmic gunshot sounded not far away, and dust immediately flew up beside the swordsman.

Our squad rushed over—apparently, they had cleared out the infected who had confronted us down the mountain—but here was where the real danger lay.

The swordsman was shot, and immediately abandoned us, and rushed towards Huang Qian, Yitian, Li Wentian, and Lin Qian. Those people took turns shooting, but I couldn't see that they could cause any damage to the swordsman from afar. what harm.

"Be careful!" I stood up and shouted, "Stay away, you are not his opponents, don't love to fight, go!"

I was ready to retreat, but at this time, the swordsman had already rushed in front of the dead man, and I saw him raise his hand, so I dared not shoot for fear of hurting my teammates.

Fortunately, Huang Qian and the others were quick, but they spread out in all directions in a short while. The swordsman missed a single strike and began to lock on a certain target, as if preparing to attack each of them. I saw that guy just stood firm to the side The tall Li Wentian rushed over.

As for Li Wentian, at this moment, he didn't dodge or dodge, and stood safely in place.

"Li Wentian, what are you doing, go! Don't be brave!"

My voice was still there, but Li Wentian drew out his sword.


There was a metallic clang.

I didn't see how he made the sword at all, and I didn't see how fast he was. I only saw that the guy actually used the Taidao to catch the swordsman's bone sword.

And the swordsman was not to be outdone, and slammed at Li Wentian with the steel plate with his other hand.

Li Wentian blocked with his sword, and the swordsman turned around and stabbed again.

But in just a few seconds, the two of them had gone through more than ten moves.

"Cover him!" I had no choice.

Li Wentian seems to admire cold weapons, and has a special preference for these things. We can't change his spirit at all.

This seems to be the so-called bushido.

We started to shoot at the swordsman, but the swordsman, relying on his metal body, completely ignored our bullets, locked on Li Wentian and made crazy moves, but we didn't dare to attack too fiercely because of Li Wentian's existence.

Unexpectedly, when we were slowly approaching Li Wentian and the swordsman, Li Wentian suddenly yelled: "What are you waiting for, hurry up, hurry up!"

I froze for a moment, this guy, is he going to use himself as a bait to cover our escape? !

However, how could I let go of any of these old friends who were born and died around me? !

(End of this chapter)

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