global variation

Chapter 195 Fighting

Chapter 195 Fighting
The swordsman forced Li Wentian back step by step. It was impossible for Li Wentian to be the opponent of this body that was mixed with muscles and steel, possessing both strength and speed.

And standing here, we can't help anything.

I don't want to give up on him, but the result of everyone entangled with the swordsman here at the same time is very likely that everyone will die together.

I ordered loudly: "Li Wentian, we are covering you, stop immediately!"

However, that guy didn't intend to stop. After listening to my "order, he attacked even more ferociously."

But each of his cuts was severely separated by the swordsman's bone sword. I could only hear the sound of metal crashing, but I couldn't see the swordsman being hurt at all.

Moreover, Li Wentian's body has gradually become unstable, how can a person who can't even stand firmly compete with a swordsman.

At this time, I really wanted to rush to rescue Li Wentian.

But I know that once I rush forward, other people will imitate me regardless of their own safety. I know everyone's character and what the result will be.

Misfortunes never come singly. At this time, I saw a dark "cloud" "rolling" in this direction in the distance.

Wing man? !
It's the reinforcements of the infected who have arrived!

The swordsman held back all of us by himself, and at this time, their reinforcements arrived, and we have no chance of winning!I really didn't expect such a result. I thought that if I could stand firm on this high ground and wipe out these guys on the high ground, I would have succeeded halfway. Who knew that I would meet such a powerful "old friend" ".

I gritted my teeth and shouted: "Retreat!"

"What?!" Yi Tian turned to look at me.

I repeated it again, saying, "Shoot and retreat!"

The first person to carry out my helpless order was fat Zhu Ming. The flying knife in his hand could not cause any meaningful damage to the swordsman. Once thrown, it was more likely to hurt Li Wentian who was the closest to the swordsman. A small pistol, while shooting at the swordsman, retreated backwards.

"Fatty, you..." Yi Tian saw Zhu Ming's intention and wanted to scold someone, but he didn't seem to scold him in the end. He seemed reckless, but in fact he knew the general situation and understood the changes in the battlefield situation—otherwise, With his temperament, he had already rushed up just now.

Afterwards, Huang Qian also started to retreat, moving closer to the team members behind, only shooting two shots at the swordsman from time to time.

With one or two, everyone had to advance and retreat together with more people. He Fan and Lin Qian all started to retreat. Close to it, no one will approach Li Wentian again.

"Go!" Li Wentian was still shouting.

His body was crumbling.

The swordsman didn't have so much energy to take care of all of us at once, he was still fighting with Li Wentian against our bullets and artillery fire, while we were getting farther and farther away from the two of them and the danger.

When everyone had withdrawn behind me, I ordered: "Stop shooting, withdraw!"

This "escape command" made almost everyone look painful, but they didn't say anything more, they turned around and fled. The black cloud in the distance was getting closer and closer, even if we wanted to run, It is very difficult to escape the attack of the leading wingmen. We can only try to keep a distance from them and wait for an opportunity to fight back. If we can kill one, we will count as one.

The moment I turned around and ran away, I couldn't help but glance back at the direction of Li Wentian and the swordsman.

All I saw was that Li Wentian had been picked up into the air by the swordsman with a bone sword, his Taidao was stuck on the ground, cold and independent, but his body was already hanging high in the air, like an animal waiting to be killed - so Weak, so humble - I feel trembling, I even feel humiliated, my friends, my team members, my subordinates, died in such a tragic way in front of me again, this is not a battle, this is massacre.

At this moment, suddenly, Li Wentian's body exploded while being provoked by the swordsman.


This loud explosion was shocking.

Li Wentian detonated the bomb with the last of his strength.

Does he want to leave the last bit of dignity for himself?

If I had seen such a scene in the past, I would have fallen, but at this time, I can't fall, I must take all the team members out of here, and bring all the team members back to the base safely. I can't let anyone Something happened to someone.

The "black cloud" in mid-air was getting closer and closer. I stood still, tried my best to calm my mind, raised my gun and raised my hand, and fired a shot at the frontmost target. Nearly, the power of the pistol given by Zhang Chu played a miraculous effect again at this moment. With just one shot, it seemed that a ball of flame spread out ripples among the winged people. Wherever the flame ripples touched, the winged people were shattered Flesh eroded to the bone, and the body trembled and fell from mid-air.

My shot attack had a certain deterrent effect, and the wingmen in the back obviously slowed down their progress, but this did not mean that they would give up their attack.

I turned around and continued to run. Not long after, our team finally came to another forest. After crossing the road in the middle of the forest, we stepped into the defensive area of ​​the Fortress of Life. My team members continued to retreat, and when they reached the woods, it would be difficult for the Wingmen to deploy because of the entanglement of branches and leaves.

The moment the communication device was connected, I fired two shots at the Winged Men in the air not far away. At this time, they were already getting closer to our position. Although this meant that the danger was getting closer, it also made us The power of the two bullets fired is even greater.

During the explosion, I turned back into the woods, not wanting to look more.

"Scatter and hide, try to get as close as possible to the defense range of the life fortress!" I ordered.

Then, I said to the communication device: "Mo Ge, please cover our retreat as much as possible."

"The enemy hasn't figured it out yet?" Mo Ge seemed a little surprised.

"The enemy is far more than what we have seen. It is very likely that more troops are constantly coming in the direction of the Fortress of Life. We have about tens of meters before we can return to the defense area of ​​the Fortress of Life and look for cover. "

"Got it." Mo Ge replied.

Our people rushed through the woods separately from several directions, and several winged men had already come in from the outside of the woods. The situation inside the woods was more complicated than that on the outer plains. I dare not use the gun that Zhang Chu gave me again. , Gripping tightly the dagger that He Fan threw to me.

And not far from me, the fat man Zhu Ming had already exerted his strength suddenly—as if he had been suppressed by a swordsman and his strength had stagnated for too long, and he couldn't find an outlet for the explosion. In an instant, he threw three throwing knives into the air , I don't know if this approach is considered rational, the three throwing knives flew in three different directions, but only one hit the Winged Man gliding between the branches, and there was a loud explosion, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

And the other two throwing knives exploded on the tops of the other two trees, only bursting a bunch of flying branches and leaves.

"Damn it!" Ju Ming was obviously frustrated and shouted loudly.

"Don't love fighting!" I reminded, "Go!"

Huang Qian also turned around and shot into the air, while He Fan "sprayed" a ball of flames into the air from time to time. The flame was not powerful, but it could burn the branches of empty treetops, at least it could affect the impact of the wings rushing into the woods. people's flight paths.

Under our continuous suppression with the help of the forest and terrain, the group of Wingmen became somewhat in a dilemma, and many of them had rushed to the sky above the forest. They must be waiting for us to rush out of the forest.

However, as long as we rushed out of the woods and returned to the defensive range of the Fortress of Life, I was not afraid of them at all.

"Assembly carefully! Enter the defensive area as quickly as possible!" Seeing that the time is right, he ordered loudly.

Our people began to gather at the exit of the forest. I guess the Wingmen were also waiting for this moment. However, they seemed to know the power of our weapons, so they didn't rush to attack when we gathered, but continued to hover around Above the woods, waiting for the opportunity, like an eagle about to prey.

"Bastard." I gritted my teeth and cursed.

Soon, our people rushed out of the woods, the road outside became wider and wider, and the environment became more and more unfavorable to us.

I looked up, and sure enough, at this time, those wingmen finally began to gather tens of meters away from us, preparing to launch a fatal attack on us on the flat ground with little cover.

"Attention!" I raised my hand, "Stop advancing, disperse and hide, and prepare to fight back!"

In fact, there are very few places where we can hide here, but if we don't disperse, we will be even more dangerous. Now I am betting with myself, and I can only hope for Mo Ge in the base.

Everyone looked for rocks, shrubs, bomb craters and other places to hide, but this kind of shelter was a drop in the bucket.

The Wingmen in mid-air have already assembled, leaning over and sprinting towards us, the speed is extremely fast, like a black arrow leaving the string, ready to plunge into the heart of each of us at any time.

There is little concealment around me.

I didn't want to hide any more, instead I approached those rushing Wingmen while shooting to suppress them.

After several shots, I found that those winged men were smarter than I thought, and they also started to disperse their attacks, making the gun in my hand unable to exert its best effect.

Not only me, my team members who have always relied on the explosive power of pistol bullets, at this moment, the pistols have also become ordinary pistols, and they can only be fired one by one.

Winged people kept falling from the sky, but most of them cut across the ground sideways across the wing membrane, and the dust flew up in bursts. Our people could only keep rolling and avoiding.

Seeing that the advantage was gone, at this moment, I heard a burst of rhythmic machine gun fire.

(End of this chapter)

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