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Chapter 197 Horrible Conjecture

Chapter 197 Horrible Conjecture
I saw not far from my bed, a boy soldier who looked like he was only in his teens, who was muttering to himself at this time, his eyes were blank, and his hands kept shaking the edge of the bed.

And not far from him, a female soldier was frantically receiving water, drinking water, receiving water, drinking water, repeating this action until she fell down beside the water supply pool and vomited wildly.

And the people around the girl expressed disgust, rather than panic.

Every time the girl vomited, the people around her shrank their hands, shuddered, or bowed restlessly. Every movement showed extreme anxiety.

There are even more people, I don't want to pay attention to them one by one, but even seeing these few makes me alert.

I quickly settled down my team members. In fact, Yitian and the others were more or less worried about Li Wentian's death, but they didn't show the panic that other soldiers showed.

After taking everyone to lie down or sit down on their own beds, I turned around and came to the side entrance of the "square".

Mo Ge seemed to have been waiting at the side door for a long time. When I walked up, she kept her composure, her face was expressionless, her hands were folded on her chest, she turned around and tapped the verification screen outside the elevator.

I followed Mo Ge into the elevator.

Mo Ge said lightly: "This time, I'm afraid we will have to stay in the Fortress of Life for a long time."

"The war is urgent, and it should be." I said.

Mo Ge nodded, and then said sideways: "You never thought that you might die here, or..."

"Death..." I smiled and said, "I'm always ready for this."

"It's good to be prepared, don't have such a plan." Mo Ge said.

As soon as her words came out, I didn't expect that I felt funny in my heart, and then burst out laughing. I don't know what kind of inexplicable feeling this is, but Mo Ge was not surprised. He patted my shoulder and said : "When you see General Zhong later, don't laugh like that."

I managed to stop my laughter, and the elevator opened slowly. We entered a metal corridor. Unlike the offshore base, the layout of this place is obviously much more complicated. The corridor is winding, long and deep. When we walked in this passage, I only felt a strong sense of depression in the solemnity, and this sense of depression seemed to be deliberately done by the designers and builders, probably to show the status of the place.While walking through the winding road, Mo Ge asked me, "Do you know the origin of the name Life Fortress?"

I shook my head and said, "I always thought this was a place similar to a bioengineering research institution. On this basis, a fortress was built."

"Of course not." Mo Ge said seriously.

I pouted.

Mo Ge added: "The reason why this place is called the Fortress of Life is because the resistance organizations at the time believed that this was the only place that could encircle Guangzhou City and even the entire Guangdong Province. They felt that this was the only hope for the people to survive."

"Is it……"

"Yes, but, I always feel that even the so-called only hope, perhaps, will always be given up at some point."

"What?" I froze for a moment.

Mo Ge added: "Nothing can stand against the changes of time and environment. If the environment changes, the place that was once regarded as the only hope of survival will eventually lose its status."

I always felt that Mo Ge seemed to be reminding me of something, but I didn't ask any more questions, and Mo Ge didn't seem to want to continue talking.

We finally came to the command room on the side of the corridor.

Now, due to many days of fighting, I gradually become more sensitive to the position.At this time, I noticed that although the command room is in the depths of the long passage, in fact, it should be exactly in the center of this floor as a whole. No matter how tortuous the road ahead, there are probably some suspicious lines Meaning, this headquarters is right in the middle, maybe at the hub of the whole building.

When we approached the main entrance of the headquarters, perhaps because of the automatic activation of the verification system, the door opened automatically.

Sure enough, the more advanced the fortress, the simpler the verification system seems to be. All the complicated processes have been completed internally without too much manual operation.

General Zhong is in the office.

The command room is obviously much larger than the highest command room in the offshore base, and the equipment is much better, and it is equipped with a rest room. In front of the screen, with a special intercom headset, each perform their duties.When we walked into the command room, no one looked back at us.

Mo Ge took me directly to General Zhong's desk.

General Zhong's eyes left the screen opposite him when we walked forward, looked at us, and said lightly, "Here we come."

I looked at Mo Ge, and Mo Ge saluted, and said, "All Chu Tingsheng's people have returned, and one person was killed in battle. Now there is an important report."

"Oh, is that right? Come to the reception room, and Zhang Chu will arrive soon." General Zhong stood up and walked straight to the reception room on one side without looking at our expressions.

I glanced at Mo Ge again, but Mo Ge just gave me a wink, motioning me to follow.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the atmosphere at this time is more or less wrong, especially General Zhong, when Mo Ge said that I have to report an important situation, he seemed to have no interest at all.

Still, it doesn't help to think too much now.

Mo Ge and I entered the reception room together. General Zhong asked us to sit on the sofa beside him, and asked someone to make tea for us and bring it to us.

After a few cups of tea, I was even a little impatient. Zhang Chucai appeared in front of the reception room. General Zhong said without any emotion in his tone, "Commander Zhang Chu came late, he looks like a general."

There were thorns in the words, but Zhang Chu didn’t care. Instead, he said humbly: “Sorry, the war is urgent, and it’s delayed.”

"It's okay, it's okay, I said you are a general, come on, sit down." General Zhong said with a smile.

When Zhang Chu passed me and Mo Ge, we all stood up and saluted, and Zhang Chu also returned the salute symbolically, and then sat down on the sofa beside him. General Zhong asked someone to bring tea again, but Zhang Chu didn’t seem to It means to drink tea.

"Let's talk." General Zhong probably straightened up when he saw us all straightened up, so he opened the topic straight to the point and said, "Chu Tingsheng, you come first, if you have any questions."

"The swordsman is not dead yet, and his body has been further strengthened." I said, "On the other hand, there are a large number of infected people behind our attack by the squad, and even the attacks that the Fortress of Life has encountered in the past few days, Most likely it was just a tentative attack."

"Well, we know the last half of the sentence, let's talk about the first half of the sentence, what happened to the swordsman?" General Zhong asked.

I nodded and said: "When we returned from the enemy base, we were attacked by a team of infected people and explosive babies. At that time, I saw a small group of troops commanding the actions of the infected people below. Therefore, with Zhu Ming and the team members He Fan and the two adopted the strategy of beheading and directly attacked that group of troops, and that group of troops was basically wiped out at that time, but we were no match for the swordsman in the team at all."

"Are you sure it's the swordsman?" Zhang Chu asked.

"Sure." I nodded, "I think...he might know me..."

"Oh? Knowing you, you mean that the infected person has memory, thought, and knows how to think?" General Zhong asked.

Zhang Chu said calmly but unceremoniously: "The infected people have certain thoughts, but due to the effect of the Ebola variant virus, their nervous system may be affected and their thinking is relatively chaotic. But it is not ruled out that some of them also have Has rigorous logical thinking and strong memory."

"Hmm..." General Zhong replied angrily.

I didn't want to pay attention to the fight between the two of them, and continued: "This is exactly what I want to say... I suspect that the swordsman has not only evolved his body, he may have recovered part of his thinking ability."

(End of this chapter)

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