global variation

Chapter 198 The Mentally Broken Recruits

Chapter 198 The Mentally Broken Recruits
My words finally aroused the interest and attention of the two officers.

Zhang Chu stared at me first and asked, “what’s the evidence?”

I said: "There is no conclusive evidence, but there are no human beings in the command team we cleared, all of them are ordinary infected people, and the only one who may be the commander is this swordsman."

"Have you seen clearly?" General Zhong looked at me suspiciously.

I said, "Eight or nine is not far from ten."

"Eight or nine can't be far from ten." General Zhong seemed to scoff at this sentence, and said, "We want conclusive evidence."

"I can investigate further." Although a little embarrassed and slightly annoyed, I said it anyway.

"It's better for you to investigate again." General Zhong said again.

Zhang Chu frowned and said: "It is wartime now, and according to Chu Tingsheng, the swordsman should have participated in the battle, so it seems unrealistic to say anything about further investigation now."

"Hmph... Commander Zhang Chu, is there any good way?"

"No." Zhang Chu said, "Now there is only war, the only way."

"If you don't know the enemy, how do you fight?" General Zhong raised his face, and his arrogance was undoubtedly revealed on his fat face. Not a small loss."

"I don't think what Chu Tingsheng and the others did was rash." Zhang Chu said, "At least they temporarily relieved the pressure on the base and helped us repel the large-scale attack of the infected."

He paused, looked at me, and said, "How's the result? Has the command post on the west mountain road been taken away?"

"All the vital forces have been wiped out," I said, "but that headquarters is very strange."

"That headquarters is a strange place." General Zhong said, "It was a stronghold established by the church a few years ago. Its location is hidden. At the beginning, no one noticed it at all. People who have noticed it for hundreds of years will probably know it. It will cause accidents, and it is even more impossible for those who have entered to come out. Moreover, the scale of the stronghold was even smaller than it is now. Until the war was approaching, they suddenly expanded the stronghold and erected guard towers in a short period of time. Since those strongholds are all built in the most primitive way, using modern technology and a lot of manpower, the entire project can be completed without much effort, which can be said to have caught us by surprise."

I frowned, and said bluntly: "General Zhong knows so well, it sounds like this is not a special case."

"No, several such strongholds have already appeared in Guangdong Province. In the battle near the Fortress of Life alone, we have eliminated more than one of them."

"Yes." Zhang Chu said, "I have encountered similar situations in the several encounters I was in charge of. At first, I just thought it was strange. Now it seems that they have already planted the seeds of disaster around us."

I didn't continue talking.

A comfortable environment always makes people lazy and vulnerable.

This is true of human beings, and perhaps the same is true of rebel organizations.

"Is there anything else to report?" After a moment of silence, General Zhong said again.

"I feel..." I still couldn't help raising my doubts, "I feel that everyone's mental state is not very good."

"Yes." This time, it was Mo Ge who replied first, saying, "After experiencing the human bomb, everyone's emotions are unstable."

"Hmph..." General Zhong shook his head and said, "Have you ever experienced a big scene? Soldiers like this especially need training!"

"However." Mo Ge said, "What I'm worried about is that the current battle situation is changing, and we are just getting ready, and the enemy is constantly investing in troops, which will increase our combat pressure. If the soldiers' mentality changes If you can’t get a guarantee, if you can’t actively fight, or even fear the battle, I’m afraid..."

"How about that? Will everyone assign them a psychological mentor?" General Zhong snapped, "It's the soldiers' mentality!"

Mo Ge said: "I mean, they may need to adapt and adjust. I want more veterans, especially those who have experienced human bomb wars and have a better mentality, to intersperse among the recruits to help them... ..."

"No, the base needs guards." General Zhong replied coldly.

I saw Mo Ge glance at Zhang Chu, but Zhang Chu remained silent.

There was another moment of silence, and after that, General Zhong took a sip of tea on his own, seemed to twitch his sparse eyebrows, and said, "Is there anything else? If not, let's stop here, you go back Prepare, our battle is not only to defend, but also to counterattack, we cannot always be passive."

"Counterattack?!" Mo Ge obviously disagreed. I noticed that she almost stood up from the sofa, but in the end she seemed to try her best to calm down and said, "Our current situation does not seem to be able to counterattack..."

"That's yours!" General Zhong interrupted directly, and said, "How to deploy and train your soldiers is the responsibility of your commanders. If you come to ask me about everything, then why do you need me, commanders? Can't it be solved by one person?"

"Yes..." Mo Ge could only lower his head.

General Zhong stood up and walked out of the door. When he came to the door, he slowly moved his fat body, turned around, and said: "If you want to continue drinking tea, you can drink it. There is plenty of tea here. You have enough." When you are sober, go prepare for battle."

None of us answered any more. General Zhong had already stepped out of the reception room and closed the door behind him.

"Mr. Zhang Chu..." At this moment, Mo Ge couldn't hold back, and wanted to say something.

But Zhang Chu waved his hand and said, "it's just the three of us, there's no need to be so polite But, I know what you're going to say, even I can't control these things."

"Zhang Chu..." Mo Ge stood up, although his tone remained calm, but his expression was very dignified, "You should know everyone's current mentality, if it was you, would you be at ease if you took them to the front line? If you can win the battle, if their fear and panic break out and there is another mutiny, what do you say?"

"I have also considered this kind of thing." Zhang Chu said, "but the leadership of the base has other plans."

"There are other plans, what do you mean?" Mo Ge asked.

"The specifics will only be known when the order is issued." Zhang Chu said, "As soldiers, all we can do is obey."

From Zhang Chu's slightly decadent and compromised words, I have a faint feeling that he seems to have lost the competition in a certain matter.Otherwise, he, who is usually high-spirited, would never compromise so easily.

Of course, it is difficult for me to understand the relationship between their high-level people with many ways and means, so it is not ruled out that Zhang Chu has other plans.

The more they are like this, the more uneasy I feel.

You must know that when doing things at the top, they often sacrifice the interests of the soldiers at the bottom, and even sacrifice the interests of more people and larger groups.

Thinking of this always makes me worry unconsciously.

But at this time, it seems that Zhang Chu and Mo Ge have nothing more to say. I know that staying here is basically meaningless, so I just stood up and said, "Both officers, if there is nothing else, I will go first." gone."

"You... go to rest." Mo Ge said.

But Zhang Chu said, “wait a minute, I have one more thing to confirm with you.”

"What else is there, sir?" I was about to leave, but when he said that, I couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, even a little wary.

Zhang Chu said, “how is your health?”


"I mean, is your body still as strong as before, with a strong healing ability?" Zhang Chu didn't beat around the bush.

"Same," I said, "same as before."

Zhang Chu nodded and said, “Did Zhu Qing say anything about your body?”

"No." I shook my head.

In fact, even if there is, I will not tell Zhang Chu.

Now Zhu Qing’s brain stores everything that Lin Wan gave, and Zhang Chu, to put it bluntly, is the murderer who killed Lin Wan, so it is absolutely impossible for me to tell him anything related to Lin Wan’s research .

"Okay, you go to rest." Zhang Chu finally nodded, but there seemed to be some helplessness in his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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