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Chapter 199 Relics

Chapter 199 Relics
Zhang Chu’s inquiry seemed to tell me that he was still paying attention to my body, and that the base had control over my body, my “experimental product”. This life made me very uncomfortable as a free person. Back to my bunk in the "Plaza Warehouse", at this time, most of the people have already laid down, everyone is like a machine, once there is no need to fight, that is, no need to operate, it will still enter the state of shutting down and dormant .

And those who haven't lay down are mostly in a daze.

I even saw two people on the bunk drinking, and I was a little surprised. Where did the wine come from?
However, I didn't think too much about it, so I went straight back to my bunk and sat down, staring silently in a daze.

I really don't know what to do at this time.

I couldn't sleep at all, and my mind was full of the wars of the past few days.

After coming to the Fortress of Life, I can no longer be regarded as a commander, I am just a team leader, with a few people from the original special operations team.

These people are not so much my subordinates as my brothers and sisters.

I couldn't help but look around and catch the figure of each of them.

Yitian seems to have fallen asleep. He is really like a cheetah. He is very quiet when he is resting, but he is swift and fierce when he moves. He Fan is sitting on the side cleaning his pistol. The volatile oil in his hand shot out flaming bullets, but the gun didn't seem to have been used so far.

Lin Qian clasped his hands behind his head, silently in a daze.

I didn't see fat Zhu Ming. Although he is not a member of our team, I still noticed him unconsciously, but he doesn't live with us. I think this special commissioner must have more important secrets Task to do.

As for Huang Qian, she was not in my bunk at all. I was a little puzzled, and turned to look to the other side. At this time, I realized that Huang Qian was walking towards me slowly.

I have some doubts.

"Mr. Chu." Huang Qian said with two cans of beer in her hand, "Can I sit here with you for a while?"

Although I hesitated, it was hard to refuse after all, so I nodded and moved my body.

Huang Qian sat down, handed me a can of beer, and said, "Do you want to drink, Chief Chu?"

I frowned, took the beer, and said, "Where did you get the wine? They also sell wine here?"

"There is a vending device in the corner over there..." Huang Qian said, "Nobody cares, you can buy anything, whatever you want."

"Arbitrarily? The war is imminent, can you buy wine casually?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't talk about alcohol, the battle is imminent, even if you want to buy aphrodisiacs, he can sell them to you." Huang Qian said exaggeratedly, "Anyway, in that vending machine, you can basically buy what you want, ha."

I am still stunned.

Huang Qian seemed to see something presumptuously, and said: "Oh, well, I understand, you are an officer, you have to lead by example, I'd better drink this wine myself."

"Hey!" She was talking, but I reached out to take the beer in her hand and said, "I just feel strange."

"What's so strange?"

"The war is imminent, why are we supplied so well?" I asked.

"What's wrong with that?" Huang Qian said, "It's so comfortable when no one cares about you."

"Hey..." I could only sigh slightly, not knowing what to do.

I don't know if this doubt and worry is a psychological effect, it's unfounded.

"Hee hee..." Huang Qian saw me open the soda can and take a sip of wine, and suddenly let out a mischievous laugh. I have never heard such a girl laugh like this. Her laugh is probably not a joke. It's a sneer, and the laughter is often sharp like a needle, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.But at this moment, her laughter is really natural and moving, and it is because it is difficult for her to laugh like this in normal times that it is even more moving.

"What's wrong?" I looked at her.

Huang Qian said: "Actually, you are quite interesting. I thought you were a bit silly before, but I really didn't expect that you will become like this now."

"What does it look like?" I frowned.

Huang Qian stopped looking at me, looked forward, shook her head, and said, "You can experience it for yourself."

I stopped talking halfway, Huang Qian choked me a little uncomfortable, but I remained calm and continued to drink in silence.

After a while, Huang Qian spoke by herself, but what she said was another thing, something I hadn't expected.

"Actually, I came here because I really have something to tell you." Huang Qian said.

"what's up?"

"Li Wentian, he once gave me something." Huang Qian took out a piece of paper from her bosom, handed it to me, and said, "Actually, Li Wentian has always been afraid of death... No, it shouldn't be said that he is afraid of death, it should be That is to say, he has always been very worried that he will die suddenly. You know, on the battlefield, he is never able to compromise, and even if he backs down, there are very few cases, so he is very worried that he will die suddenly in battle one day , causing the secret hidden in his heart to disappear along with his death."

I frowned and spread out the piece of paper. It was a road map, but on the whole road map, there were only dots, planes and patterns. I couldn't understand the Japanese characters scattered on it, but I didn't know what it was. What kind of road map—what's more, this road map seems to be just a drawing of an area, and the specific location, latitude and longitude of this area are not mentioned.

Even if it's a treasure map, if I look for a needle in a haystack, I may not be able to find it.

I frowned even tighter, and said, "What is this? A road map? A road map without any signs?"

"Yes, I am also puzzled." Huang Qian said, "I have read this road map no less than ten times, but I have never found out the mystery."

"You haven't asked Li Wentian either?" I asked.

"No." Huang Qian shook her head and said, "At that time, he only asked me to keep it safe, and if he died, he asked me to hand it over to one or a few trusted people. Give it to you? I only have one copy, so I will give it to you as the captain."


I continue to study the picture in my hand.

"This painting looks like a mountainous area. However, there are continuous mountains at the junction of Guangdong and Jiangxi. Although they are not high mountains, it is still a needle in a haystack to find this ghostly place. Li Wentian, what do you want to do?" I couldn't help but continue to say to myself Soliloquy.

"He should be hinting at something. Moreover, he gave the things to me for safekeeping, probably not only because he didn't want them to be lost, but probably because he was sure that we could unlock the secrets." Huang Qian said again .

"That's all I can believe." I said with a frown, "This is a mountainous area, so it should be a map." I pointed to the piece of paper Li Wentian gave me, "But I don't know exactly what the map shows. No detailed information, just some difficult Japanese. Finding this place was like looking for a needle in a haystack."

This time it was Huang Qian's turn to sigh, but after a while, she stood up on her own and said, "Forget it, you are the captain, and I will leave this picture with you for now."

I am noncommittal.

Huang Qian seemed to have acquiesced, and said again: "Hey, I really don't know why Li Wentian gave the things to me..."

"Perhaps, you can get closer to him..." I said.

At this moment, I suddenly noticed that there was some sadness in Huang Qian's expression, an unfathomable sadness. Seeing her expression, I suddenly seemed to have guessed something, but Li Wentian had passed away, no matter what I guessed, It seemed that it was too late, and because of this, a different kind of regret suddenly rose in my heart.

I looked at the map that was so simple that there were almost no markings, gritted my teeth, and said to myself: "Don't worry, Li Wentian, I will definitely figure out the meaning of this map and find the location indicated by this map. do not worry……"

"I... let's go first." Huang Qian said, took a sip of beer, and walked away slowly.

Looking at Huang Qian's slightly thin back, I felt an indescribable sense of desolation in my heart, not because of Huang Qian, but because of that taciturn Li Wentian, maybe everyone has one or two such people around them, they are not good at expressing For themselves, perhaps, they are destined to be more or less tragic.

"Chu Tingsheng!" I was thinking about it when suddenly a female voice came from behind me.

I turned my face, but what I saw was Zhu Qing's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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