global variation

Chapter 200 Counterattack Plan

Chapter 200 Counterattack Plan
"Chu...Chu Tingsheng..." Zhu Qing seemed to have something to say, but stopped talking.

"what happened?"

" should take your medicine." Zhu Qing said.

I frowned.

In fact, I've had enough of being on life support.

I feel that I am not a human being at all, but a machine that needs to constantly add chemicals to produce special reactions to maintain its operation.

But since Zhu Qing came, how could I refuse directly?

I was silent for a while, sighed again, and said, "Okay, bring it here."

Zhu Qing nodded, carefully came to sit next to my bunk, turned her face again, and asked, " you want to eat something first?"

I shook my head and said, "No, I can't eat it."

"You've been drinking..." Zhu Qing whispered again.

"Yes, I've been drinking."

" have to fight every day, and drinking is not good for you after all, so let's control it..." The way Zhu Qing spoke always made me feel that she was a little afraid of me.

I shook my head and said, "I'll do my best, thank you."

Zhu Qing gave a "hmm" and handed the medicine to me. I took the medicine and put it in the palm of my hand. After looking at it for a while, I said, "How long will I have to take this medicine?"

"Recently checked, your body... the synchronization rate has increased a lot." Zhu Qing said.

I was silent for a moment, then spoke again: "I'm asking, how long will I have to take this medicine."

"You...but...if your physical condition remains unstable..." Zhu Qing wanted to explain.

"Okay, I see." I interrupted her.

She doesn't want to hear it, and she doesn't want to listen. What she means is that the days are still far away, and she doesn't know how long I will have to eat before I can grow.

I sneered secretly in my heart.

Zhu Qing seemed to have noticed the slight change in my expression, and said a little uneasy: "You...don't do this, there is nothing you can do about it, it will get better, you believe me, I am a researcher..."

"I believe in you." I swallowed the pill, took a sip of water, sighed softly, and said, "But I don't believe in time."

"Chu Tingsheng..."

"Okay, it's all right." I put the cup next to the water supply outlet, turned on another faucet next to the drinking water outlet, and patted some water on my face to wake myself up, "You go first Rest, this is where the fighters stay."

"Chu Tingsheng, don't be like this..."

"I'm fine." I didn't want to hear what Zhu Qing had to say, "You don't have to worry about me so much."

"But..." Zhu Qing still refused to stop.

I simply ignored her.

It seemed that half of her words were stuck in her throat, and after a long time, she said: "Well...then, just take a good rest and don't think too much, okay? I will try to make the most effective medicine, so that You can also reduce the amount and frequency of your pills, trust me..."

I feel so sad, I feel a little sorry for this girl, I really don't know how to accept her kindness.I lowered my head slightly and said, "Okay, I see... Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay." At this time, she suddenly laughed, "You just want to be happier."

I nodded slightly: "You go..."

"Hmm..." She turned and left. I always felt a little lonely in that back, but at this time, I couldn't comfort her. I can't even take care of it, looking around, my team members alone, these few people, probably all need someone to comfort them, and what about the others, those struggling on the verge of collapse?What do they do.How to adjust my own mentality.The enemy outside is present, but inside the base, it can be said that there is "mourning everywhere". No one knows what everyone is mourning, but this state, as Mo Ge said, is the most dangerous state and the state that is most unsuitable for fighting ——At this moment, I am also a little worried and a little scared. If there is a fight like this, what will the result be, what will happen to us?What will happen to the base?How will it end?
I sat on the edge of my bunk, looking ahead, and stayed up until night before I slowly lay down. Not long after I lay down, I heard someone playing a harmonica not far away.

I really didn't expect anyone to play the harmonica these days.

If I was in an American blockbuster in the 90s and 90s, or a domestic drama that recalled the [-]s and [-]s, perhaps this would not be surprising, but now, I feel very fresh, Also with a trace of desolation.The sound of the harmonica is long and melodious, and the one played by that person is melodious and melodious. I don't know what the tune is, but it can bring back many memories.In the end who is remembering, and remembering what?I don't know what the harmonica player thinks, I only know that I have already fallen into the gap of memory under this music.

But at this time, I saw a soldier not far away turned over and muttered: "Who is this here to disturb the morale of the army..." I noticed that when he said this, his eyes were a little blurred, and his expression But a little sad.

Sure enough, the effect of this harmonica is great.

After a while, I heard someone not far away saying: "Who is playing the harmonica, stop!"

It's Moge.

I saw Mo Ge, Zhang Chu, and General Zhong walking side by side among the crowd and between our bunks. Some soldiers with less clothes saw a female officer coming to visit, so they quickly pulled up the quilt and covered themselves with only one On the thighs of the shorts - I really don't know what these people think, isn't the female soldier who lives with us not a woman?On the contrary, she behaved so politely in front of Mo Ge.

The sound of the harmonica did not stop.

"I said, stop." Mo Ge repeated the order.

The sound of the harmonica stopped abruptly, but a tall male soldier stood up from my side, and said angrily: "Report to Chief Mo Ge, I just want to remember the past, is that okay?"

Mo Ge replied: "Yes, but you'd better remember it alone, so as not to affect everyone's mood."

"I... am..." The man was not very reconciled.

General Zhong said, "Hey! Mo Ge, on the battlefield, it is inevitable to have such a mentality. You don't have to worry about it to death."

"General Zhong..." They were not far away from me at this time, and I could hear their voices clearly, "Let them remember the past now, and when they are on the battlefield tomorrow, they will even less want to fight, dare not fight! I don't want to Watching them die because of their state of mind is truly irresponsible!"

General Zhong didn’t continue to speak, and Mo Ge walked forward, ignoring Zhang Chu and his fat body.

I know that Mo Ge must be furious at this moment, but it's just that it's not easy to face this officer.

I sighed slightly, at this time, I couldn't help her, let alone what to say.

Mo Ge slowly came to a high platform in the open space between our bunks. There was an electronic speaker on the high platform, which was supported by a bracket. It seemed that it was specially arranged for lectures.

After Mo Ge went up, he said without the slightest extra nonsense, "Listen, everyone, let's start to arrange tomorrow's combat missions. From tomorrow onwards, we must abandon the passive way of fighting we have always been and start to take the initiative."

The soldiers below were in an uproar.

Not far away, there were a few soldiers who didn't get up from the bed at all, turned over a few times, and seemed to be very anxious and irritable. I heard someone muttering: "Damn, women are difficult to deal with...the fight will start tomorrow, just to kill us Right? Hmph..."

"Hey... people are going to die, and the harmonica is still not allowed to play, this woman is perverted to a certain extent..." Someone said in a drawn out voice, "the general is more human than her..."

I suddenly felt ridiculous in my heart. It turned out that this time Mo Ge became a victim, a female devil in everyone's eyes, the so-called general who really wanted to send everyone to a dead end, became the "incarnation of human nature"?
I suddenly felt that these damned upper-level leaders did a great job in the struggle, just like the gods in the classical mythology of various countries.

It's ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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