global variation

Chapter 201 Great Rout

Chapter 201 Great Rout

I also turned around. I can't comfort anyone, I can't help anyone, and I can't help Mo Ge clarify anything. I can only wait, waiting for tomorrow's battle.

However, I waited for a long time before I found out that the next day's task seemed to be temporarily out of my business. I was not placed in the vanguard, but assigned to the standby unit.

Including the few people left under my command - Lin Qian, He Fan, Huang Qian, Yi Tian, ​​Zhu Qing, are also in the standby force.

"Zhu Qing?!"

When I heard this name, my heart couldn't help but tighten.

Isn't she a researcher, why is she also a member of the combat force?

Is this division based on the composition of the personnel, or does Zhu Qing really have to join the battle?
My heart was hanging in my throat again, not just because of the fact that Zhu Qing participated in the battle, but because, once Zhu Qing really participated in the battle, I realized that we might be the only ones left in this base.

Only us, a group of damned recruits, how can we resist the large-scale attack of the infected?
Judging from Mo Ge's words, at this time, the plan of the infected to insert the defense line from the rear has been completely shattered, and the church army in our rear has been basically eliminated, but the problem is that the elimination of this part of the army does not mean the beginning of victory. Instead, it means the real start of the fight.The plan of the church is very simple. It is to weaken most of our strength at a very small cost from the rear, and then attack on a large scale from the front. It may be possible to kill us all overnight, and then drive straight into the residences of Guangzhou citizens. District, by that time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

All in all, what we have to face now is the strongest offensive of the infected, and we must try to completely block them at the outskirts of the fortress of life.

But, easier said than done?
That night, after Mo Ge finished assigning the task, although many people complained a lot, they also started to prepare for the battle.

Soldiers are like this. Those who understand should be executed immediately; those who don’t understand should be executed first, and gradually understand during execution; those who really don’t understand should be executed first, and then try to ask.

No officer will have time to tell you the meaning of the task when assigning the task.

These unwritten rules are probably only understood by those who have been soldiers.

Since there was no task for me, I fell into a deep sleep amidst the sounds of cleaning guns, whispering, and preparing weapons. I didn't wake up until after nine o'clock the next morning. At that time, I noticed that there were fewer people around me. Most of the time, the first battle lasted for three days, they had already set off, and the task was very arduous.

And we had to go through a long wait of more than three days.

In the past three days, we have been doing nothing, and in this idleness, there are more fears and depressions.

Because fewer and fewer people came back, and more and more people left, the square, which was still somewhat noisy, became extremely deserted.

Every day before dawn, when the troop carrier is moving, a large number of people will disappear in this square, and very few of them come back. Those who come back, even all of them are a little mentally disturbed, either silent, or making noises at night. There were screams, as if they had experienced the baptism and test of purgatory.After all, we can only be regarded as recruits. Not everyone here is like the members of our original special operations team. They have experienced countless battles, and have seen real corpses and blood. There are many recruits in the fortress of life. , They came out of school, from the residential area of ​​Guangzhou, and from the family that was cared for by their parents, but after several months of intensive training, they were injected with a concentrated solution, and then they were dragged into the battlefield.

Before going to the battlefield, they were full of enthusiasm, but when the bloody corpses really fell in front of their eyes, when their friends, brothers and sisters, and even the person they loved the most died in front of them, they collapsed.

At noon on the third day, a group of more than a dozen soldiers were pulled back to the warehouse in the square by the troop carrier. They all leaned over to one side of the pool and vomited wildly - it's not an exaggeration at all, everyone is like this.

And I calmly stuffed the barbecue into my mouth and looked ahead with a blank expression.

"It's over." I thought to myself.

I know that this preemptive attack is completely over.

From the beginning to the end, almost no experienced veterans participated in the battle. I don't know what the base is thinking. No matter how experienced the commander is, how can he manage this group of recruits who have just left their comfortable environment?

On the third night, in the middle of the night, I still hadn’t received any order to enter the army, and I was about to go to bed, and continue to live my life of waiting to die, but at this moment, my communication device suddenly vibrated, and I froze for a moment, and turned on the screen.

A text message: Come quickly to the command room on the third floor.

I don't know where the third-floor command room is, and the layout above is like a maze, so it's very difficult to find.

I organized myself and went upstairs from the side elevator. After searching for a long time, I found the so-called command room in the corner. This location is not in the center of the building at all, but it is in the northwest corner.After entering the command room, I realized that this is not only a command room, but also a place similar to a watchtower. Through the thick bulletproof glass, I can clearly see everything outside. I can even see the machine guns on both sides of the command room. The control device of the machine gun is in the room, but at this time, the sentry who controls the machine gun is not there, only Mo Ge is standing behind the desk, with his back to me, looking into the distance through the glass window.

I stood in front of the table and said, "I'm here."

Mo Ge turned around, looked at me, and said, "How is your health?"

I shook my head and said, "It's nothing serious."

Mo Ge nodded, and tapped a few times on the computer on the side of the desk with his fingers. At the same time, a screen made of lasers appeared on the wall at the side of me. There was a map on the screen. I I can tell at a glance that this is the Fortress of Life and the city defense map of Guangzhou. What surprised me is that there seems to be a huge gap in the defense line on the map. The gap looks shocking. If the infected people drive straight in from there, then Their team will become extremely flexible, whether it is attacking us from the rear or directly attacking the residential areas of Guangzhou citizens, it will be very easy.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

Mo Ge said coldly, "This is what General Zhong did."

"Recruit?!" I thought of something.

"Yes, the recruits, thousands of people, are like throwing into a furnace and a meat grinder. As much rotten meat and charred corpses come out as they go in, those who have survived for hundreds of years are also mentally exhausted, unable to cope with the war at all. .”

"What about the veterans? Why don't you use the backbone of the Fortress of Life at all?" I asked sharply.

Mo Ge shook his head and said: "That is General Zhong's personal guard, how could he let go? Moreover, there is another reason, that is, the concentrated liquid injected by those veterans is not as powerful as that of recruits. Those old-fashioned concentrated liquids, It was corrupted by the bureaucrats of the Fortress of Life during the production process, do you still remember the two researchers of the Fortress of Life that Lin Wan killed? Did Lin Wan ever say the reason for killing them?"

"Lin's because those two people deliberately saw the expenses during the research process of the concentrate and embezzled funds to kill them." My heart was like a knife.


Mo Ge gritted his teeth, turned his face to look outside again, and said, "The defense line of the Fortress of Life has been breached in three days. Now, General Zhong wants all of you to assemble, under your command, to rebuild the defense line."


"Yes." Mo Ge said, "General Zhong means that you only need to lead them to stand firm for three days, and we will gather reinforcements from Z City and Zhanhai and other theaters to supplement them. Perhaps, we may still have the possibility of counterattack. "

"Do you want me to lead people to surround Guangzhou City alone?"

"That's what it means."

"I..." I shook my head slightly, "What if I can't stop it?"

"Then run away." Mo Ge said, "I can understand you."

"Run?!" I turned around abruptly, looked at Mo Ge, "Where do you want me to run?"

(End of this chapter)

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