Chapter 202

"I don't care where you flee to, I will tell everyone that you have fought and died for the city of Guangzhou, for the entire Guangdong Province, and for the entire country." Mo Ge said.

I lowered my head slightly, pondered for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

I don't know why I laugh, it seems that this laughter comes from the heart and is not under my own control at all.

"Why are you laughing?"

"We ran away, what about you?" I asked Mo Ge again.

"I will live and die with the Fortress of Life." Mo Ge said.

"Is it."


"You want to take righteousness into benevolence, and then let me be a deserter and bear the guilt for the rest of my life?" I said, "You are really selfish. Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to use your selfish thoughts to pretend to be selfless?"

"Hehe..." The corners of Mo Ge's mouth hooked up, the smile was not obvious, maybe she didn't want to smile, I didn't know what to say, I couldn't continue, so I had to look at the laser light floating in the air again A map, a map, is a fact, an immutable fact.The big battle is in front of me, and I have no choice but to fight it.

"Then what do you think?" Mo Ge asked me.

"You said that you should be prepared to die, but you can't have the plan to die... But this time, I only want to die." I said lightly.

"You want to die too, hehe, all those who want to win are wanting to die; while those cowardly scum try their best to survive, it's only fitting that the resistance organization has come to this day." Mo Ge said with a few words very sad.

Actually, why don't I know?

Rebel organizations, government forces, I think this is the case everywhere, the more cowards who want to escape, the longer they can live; while those predators who are dedicated to survival often die at the forefront of the charge, perhaps this It's life, but when we are all dead, I don't know if those escaped guys will lick their faces and surrender to the church.

Surrender to those enemies that they shout slogans to wipe out.

"Hmph!" I punched the side of the desk, I can't tell how angry I am, I just can't stand the depression in my heart.

"Okay, I just want to inform you to prepare you mentally, and if you don't want to leave, I can let you go now." Mo Ge said.

"You... let me go? Hehe, forget it."

"Since you choose to stay, just wait for tomorrow's order." Mo Ge said, "After the order is issued, start tomorrow, and you will assist me in arming."

"What about this gap?" I pointed to the shocking rout gap on the map.

"This gap is also within the scope of the defense, and the situation is so complicated, I am afraid that you will be responsible for the battle there, only with the life fortress, Bensheng already has defense facilities, but you can relax a little bit." Mo Ge said.

I just nodded.

"You go back first, rest well, a big battle is waiting for you." Mo Ge's mouth hooked.

I didn't continue talking, turned and left.

I don't know if this is the end of everything, but I have a hunch that this battle is likely to become the worst battle in my life. I don't have any expectations for this war. Just fear, worry, anxiety.I am afraid to see the people around me die one by one, but this seems to be a fact that is bound to happen and cannot be changed...

Back on the bunk in the "Warehouse Square", my brothers and sisters all gathered around. Since it was already late at night and the lights were turned off in the square, they all lowered their voices and asked me questions.

"What's going on? What were you doing just now? Is there a new mission?" Yi Tian was very anxious, and it could be seen that the days without fighting had suffocated him.

"So many people can't come back after going out, can we come back when we go out? I really hope it's some other order." Huang Qian folded her hands on her chest and looked at me.

He Fan and Lin Qian did not speak, but they also stared at me intently, as if they wanted to see through my heart directly with their eyes.

I felt a little uncomfortable, bowed my body, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Hehe...there is a new order. Tomorrow, I will be the commander-in-chief here."

"You? Commander?" They looked at each other.

"So it's a promotion, ha..." Huang Qian turned her face to one side lightly, her words were mocking, "I thought it was such a big deal, it seems that it has nothing to do with us."

"It has something to do with you." I said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Huang Qian turned her head back and looked at me.

I gritted my teeth and replied: "The defense line of the Fortress of Life has been fully breached, so now I think of commanding the recruits to rearm the defense. We also have to fight in person and hold on for three days before reinforcements arrive."

"Three days..."

"Yes, three days. The specific situation will only be known tomorrow." I said.

"So quickly, the defense line of the Fortress of Life has been breached?" Huang Qian couldn't help exclaiming, "It's only been a few days."

"Yes, it's only been a few days." I sneered, "Go back and rest, don't talk so much, it doesn't make sense to say anything now."

Everyone didn't continue talking, but left one after another. First of all, Huang Qian folded her hands on her chest, raising one hand from time to time to caress her forehead thoughtfully; Before leaving, they patted me on the shoulder. They should know what I mean and the meaning of this battle. They are all people who have rolled on the battlefield. For everything in this base, for those who hide The meaning between the lines is naturally clear at a glance, and it is precisely because of this that these slaps on my shoulders made me feel even more heavy.

After they all left, Yi Tian squatted down, approached me, and asked, "Ting Sheng, tell me the truth, this battle really only needs to last for three days?"

I said, "That's what they said."

"How many enemies are there?" Yi Tian asked again.

I smiled and said, "I don't know."

"I don't know? What do you mean?" Yi Tian looked at me suspiciously.

I said: "Literally." After a pause, I added, "The overall defense line of the Fortress of Life was broken through a huge gap in three days. I saw the map, and the gap stretched for several kilometers. Even with missiles There is no way to completely cover the defensive area, you can think about how many people there are in the enemy."

"This... is this asking us to die?!" Yi Tian raised his voice, but soon seemed to sense his gaffe, lowered his voice, and said, "Isn't the government going to send out mobile armed forces? Tanks, fighter planes , do they all eat shit? Why do you have to use human flesh to pile it up."

"As far as I know." I smiled, "The government has dispatched similar armed forces more than once, but the final result is that the signal was completely interfered before reaching the intended location. Once, even the missiles of the plane directly bombed I went to my headquarters, just three days ago, the news was still there on the North Road Front in Zhanhai City, you can use the network system in the communication device to search for it."


"I think one of the major plans of the infected and the church is to eliminate the technological advantages of human beings." I said, "By interfering with the signals we rely on most, such as electromagnetic waves, network communications, etc., they directly lead to the decline of human armed forces." At the same level as them, hehe, this is a conspiracy, but it is also a bitter fruit that human beings have to swallow. It is still technological, and it will eventually be controlled by technology..."

I suddenly remembered what the "researcher" in the central fort had said to me.

"Then, are we destined to die?"

"Be prepared to die." I let out a helpless sigh, "However, it's just preparation. We fight to survive. Who would fight to die?"

Yi Tian was silent for a moment, then finally nodded and got up to leave.

I rolled over on the bed and looked up at the sky at the warehouse square.

The pitch-black zenith is like an invisible future.

I seem to be able to hear the screams and fighting sounds, I seem to have seen blood splatter and pieces of meat all over the ground, I seem to have smelled the scorched and bloody smell of corpses.

I closed my eyes, and suddenly, I saw that thing again.

That monster made of flesh and blood, many people are crawling towards the monster...

(End of this chapter)

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