global variation

Chapter 203 Arming

Chapter 203 Arming
"What are you!" I yelled at the monster in my dream.

The monster's body trembled slightly, turned around slowly, and seemed to open its arms to hug me. I don't understand why it hugged me.Suddenly, I found another spot of light appeared in front of me. That spot of light contained a lot of content, which I had no way of peeking at. Those contents made me feel confused and confused.

That spot of light rose slowly, erratic among the pile of flesh and blood. The monster of flesh and blood seemed to be trying to catch him, but he always wandered away and approached me at the moment when he was about to be restrained. .

I raised my hand, and that guy slowly flew onto my palm, and in an instant, it went right into my palm. Pain travels throughout the body.

Is it a rejection reaction? !

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, only to feel a burst of dizziness spread from the top of my head to my whole body, and then, that dizziness made my limbs heavy and numb.

I closed my eyes, tried my best to calm my mind and breath, and gradually, I felt that my body relaxed a lot, but when I opened my eyes again, I found myself lying on the bed, my bunk superior.

Just a dream.

But the feeling in the dream is still so real.

It's not the first time I've had such a strange dream.

"Hmm..." I clutched my chest and slowly got up from the bed. At this time, General Zhong had already started to give a speech in the middle of the "Warehouse Square". It was very uncomfortable, I leaned down again, fell on the head of the bed, and looked at the front coldly. At this moment, I suddenly felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at me from all directions—what happened?
The vague consciousness gradually became clear, and I realized that General Zhong had mentioned my name more than once. At this time, I didn't even bother to get up and look at General Zhong. It seems to be promoted, but in fact it requires me to be responsible for the safety of the soldiers who are about to die.

This is simply ridiculous. This is the task of sending death, but I am required to be responsible.

I picked up the water glass next to me and took a sip of water, but unfortunately, it wasn't wine.

General Zhong finally finished the staff assignment, and I have been leaning on the bedside to listen to this speech. I thought he was going to leave, but who knew that General Zhong seemed to turn over a page of manuscript paper, and started the "second wave" of lectures, This time the content is different from before, but the general idea is that we still need to strengthen our defenses and use our lives to resist the invading enemy army. After hearing such words, anyone can probably think of what is going on.

Just to die.

I continued to drink water, this time taking small sips.

At last everyone looked away from me, and some started whispering.

I sat on the bunk for a long time, then stood up, moved my body, and didn't care what General Zhong was saying, anyway, what he said was nonsense.

Of course, General Zhong didn’t bother to care about me. After a while, Mo Ge walked in front of me from the side of the warehouse. She probably knew that I was an unstable person, and she hated General Zhong’s lectures at this time, so she whispered to me: : "I told the general that since the order has been issued and the arrangement is completed, it should not be too late. Come with me, and we will start to design the defense line."

I nodded.

I just want an excuse to leave here and go anywhere.

Mo Ge and I came to the command room on the third floor, and Mo Ge reached out to open the laser map I saw yesterday again.

I asked, "When will the enemy attack?"

"I don't know." Mo Ge said, "But the defense time limit is counted from today. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, within three days, reinforcements will arrive." She paused and said, "I and General Zhong and the others are going to temporarily evacuate the Fortress of Life, try to join the troops in Zhanhai City and Z City Theater from the sea road and the southwest corner of Guangzhou City, and kill another carbine."

"All right……"

Mo Ge is leaving too, and I can't help but feel a little empty. It seems that I am the only one in charge of this ghostly place.

"Zhu Qing will stay, as well as that child." Mo Ge said suddenly, "I have already sent people to the Fortress of Life for that child."

"What? You took Qiqi over?" I said, "Why? Could it be that the outpost..."

"The outpost base is no longer safe. The reason why all of you are mobilized to guard the fortress of life is to concentrate our forces to resist the enemy's attack." Mo Ge stretched out his hand to swipe the computer screen at her hand, and a feeling immediately appeared on the laser map The light spot, that light spot drifted for a while, and landed on a red area not far away. Mo Ge said, "These are the places where the enemies gather, and you should be able to see the clues."

"I understand." I nodded, "Here, it is only a few kilometers away from the outpost."

"Yes, at the outpost base, the entire defense line has almost been abandoned. Only some intelligent defense devices are still in use. It counts as many enemies as can be destroyed. However, they are all a drop in the bucket and useless."

I sighed.

Mo Ge said again: "All the superior forces are with you, remember, three days."

"I...understood." Actually, I'm not sure, I haven't fought in the real sense of positional warfare, it's okay for me to charge alone, but it's really difficult for me to be the commander.

"Okay..." Mo Ge didn't give me time to think, and said, "Let's start arming, there is no time."

I sighed, turned to look at the map, and said for a long time, "That big gap, I see, I will lead the team directly to the top, and the sentry towers on both sides will be supported by veterans with strong sniper capabilities."

"Well, Tu Shu will stay to support you." Mo Ge nodded.

"Tu Shu?"

"Yes, a sniper team led by Tu Shu will stay with you." Mo Ge said, "In addition, Song Yi and Ah Meng will also stay, and Zhu Ming will go with us."

I took a deep breath and always felt that something was wrong. Could it be that Zhang Chu was completely defeated this time?Is he really at a disadvantage in the infighting of the resistance organization?His own people actually stay as cannon fodder?Hehe, there was also that Zhu Ming. In the end, this guy was very happy, and he evacuated with the big army. This is clearly an escape, right?It seems that he and that General Zhong are of the same breed. I really don't know what to say. This fat man has helped me more or less.

"Anyone else?" I asked again.

"Other... only your team is left with the strongest fighting power." Mo Ge said, "Those old friends of yours."

I nodded and said, "Okay, let's set off tonight, take a dozen people to fill the gap, and let Tu Shu and the others occupy the guard tower to cover us."

"Don't go by yourself," Mo Ge said.


"Remember, correct your role. You are a commander, not an ordinary soldier." Mo Ge said, "Even if you stay in the base and drink tea, it is better than rushing to the front line."

"I..." I gritted my teeth.

"Don't worry about your old friends just because they are on the battlefield. They are soldiers. A soldier's job is to lead the battle, but a commander's job is to strategize. This is the army, the barracks. If you don't understand this, Then there is no way to continue to complete your role." Mo Ge said.

"I...I see." In the end, I had no choice but to nod.

"Well, okay, let's continue with the arrangement." Mo Ge waved his hand and said.

I curled my lips and said, "For the Fortress of Life, let the veterans take charge of the defense. I can also keep He Fan or Lin Qian... The new recruits are mainly placed on the surrounding sentry tower defense lines."

"What do you think... where is the enemy's main attack?" Mo Ge asked.

"The gap, and the body of the Fortress of Life." I said, "These two positions should be under the greatest pressure."

"So you chose to put yourself and your people in these two places?" Mo Ge asked.

"I trust them," I said, frowning. "Maybe I'm being cruel, but I can't think of any other way."

(End of this chapter)

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