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Chapter 204 The Battle Begins

Chapter 204 The Battle Begins

Mo Ge was silent for a moment, and said: "When I rescue, I will consider you first."

I didn't answer.

It took us about 20 minutes to set up the line of defense, and then we only need to convey orders. To convey orders and other things, we only need to transmit them through the terminal communication device, and my task ends here.Although this made me feel a little uneasy, I decided to enjoy this last period of comfort for a while.

I decided to check out Qiqi.

According to Mo Ge's instructions, both Qi Qi and Zhu Qing are in the underground research institute, and now I am the commander here, the system has automatically adjusted my genetic account to the highest level under the control of General Zhong, and I can enter and exit There is no need for testing anywhere, that is to say, no matter how strict the testing system of the Fortress of Life is, it will be ineffective for people like me.

I soon came to the underground research institute.

If I'm not mistaken, this is the place where Lin Wan killed people and stole the information, and now the information has probably been returned to the original owner through Zhu Qing. A kind of reincarnation destined by God.

Qiqi sat among a pile of bottles and jars. When I entered, she looked at those reagent bottles, test tubes, experimental devices, and computer screens, and she was very focused. I don’t know if she understands, and I’m not sure. Whether she inherited her father's talent for experimentation, but the child's seemingly natural sensitivity and curiosity about experimental equipment seems to prove that Professor Xie Chun's blood is indeed flowing in her.

"Brother Bing Cube Face!" She didn't turn her face until I came to her, and said with a smile, "You're here, they said you're so busy, they won't let me see you."

I smiled, touched her head, and said, "You want to see me?"

"Of course, Brother Bing Cube Face is my savior." Qi Qi said.

"Who told you this." I couldn't help but knelt down and stroked her head.

Qi Qi pouted for a while, then said: "Actually, Qi Qi is always up to date, whoever treats Qi Qi well and whoever treats Qi Qi badly, Qi Qi will always be up to date."

"Really..." I feel a little sad, we are all here to die, and the fortress of life is in danger of overturning at any time, is it really good for her to put Qiqi here?Letting Qiqi follow us is really good for her?At that time, I brought Qi Qi back here, was it really good for her?I'm a little lost.

If in the end we're always screwed, it doesn't make any difference if she dies outside or with us.

"Don't keep saying yes and no. It's the most boring!" Qi Qi said, "You can't even smile."

"I..." I tickled the corner of my mouth.

"Smiling like this doesn't look good at all, you have to be like me, hehe..." Qiqi grinned, showing her neat and white teeth, I couldn't help but sigh again, but this time I kept the sigh in my heart, I really couldn't Willing to dampen her enthusiasm in front of Qi Qi again, so he suppressed the pain in his heart and squeezed out a smile.

"Oh, you're scaring me to death." Qi Qi reached out and patted my cheek, and said, "Your smile is uglier than vomiting."

I froze for a moment, and couldn't help rolling my eyes.

"Haha..." Zhu Qing smiled and said, "It seems that your ice-faced brother has nothing to do with you."

I felt helpless, straightened up and coughed dryly twice, Zhu Qing was stunned for a moment, quickly restrained her expression, came forward and said, "What's wrong, Ting Sheng?"

I shook my head and walked out of the research room.Zhu Qing seemed to have explained something to Qiqi, and followed quickly. I came to the door, turned around, looked at Zhu Qing, and said, "Do you know the purpose of our stay this time?"

"Defense, I know." Zhu Qing said.

"Do you know what our odds are?" I asked again.


"Zhu Qing, I ask you one thing." I said.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Qing widened her eyes and looked at me with a very nervous expression.

I also had no way to appease her, so I could only say bluntly: "Our chances of winning are very small, and it can even be said that it is basically impossible to win... So, if anything happens here, I beg you, take seven Qi left...take her and run away."

"I... I am alone..."

"No, I can find someone to escort you, but you must promise me that you must take Qiqi to a safe place, at least to the residential area. Our fighters here will swear to the death to defend the residential area." I said.

"I... But, didn't you say that as long as you stick to it for three days, reinforcements will arrive?" Zhu Qing asked.

I said: "Yes, that's what I said, but it's not easy to hold on for three days. Let me tell you the truth, even now I doubt whether we can hold on for three days, or even two days, one day. The spirit of all soldiers The state is extremely bad, the number of veterans is very limited, some recruits resist fighting, some are afraid of fighting, and those who are willing to fight are often full of enthusiasm and lack of ability, so they are not optimistic..."

"Tingsheng, but I'm gone, your body..."

"Since I stay here, half of my foot has already stepped into the coffin. I just don't want the child I finally rescued to die in vain." I replied.

"I..." Zhu Qing hesitated for a moment, finally nodded and said, "I understand."

"It's good if you understand." I also nodded and said, "Remember my words..." Then, I turned and left, not wanting to say anything more, I know, if I say anything else, it will definitely shake Zhu Qing just firmed up her heart.

I went back to the warehouse square on the first floor. The soldiers in each bunk had already started to get up and prepare, and some had even started to board the troop carrier. I walked through the crowd and slowly returned to my bunk, sat down, and I picked up the water glass, poured myself a cup of hot water, and drank quietly, watching the busy figures of those people. Some of them turned to look at me. Their expressions told me that they were a little bit resentful.but what can i doTransferring them to the peripheral defense line is already the greatest preferential treatment for them.

I've left the danger to myself and the veterans.

The enemy's concentrated superior forces are definitely going to attack the fortress of life and the gap guarded by my brothers. It is meaningless to attack those sentry towers along the line.

My days of ease are numbered for a few hours.

I turned on the bed, lay down, and closed my eyes amidst the noise.

I want to feel this last bit of free time, I want to feel this last ray of fresh air. I don't know when, this place will turn into a scorching smell and blood.

About two hours later, the defense devices of the entire life fortress were fully activated, and all the soldiers were in position. I left Lin Qian and came down to guard the life fortress with me, while the other brothers went to defend the gap.

After the soldiers reported to me that the defense was ready, I got up from the bed, dressed neatly, and walked to the command room on the third floor.

Mo Ge is no longer in the command room, and probably all the leadership is not in this life fortress, only us, we soldiers who must fill the muzzle with flesh and blood, and use ourselves as shells to hit the infected.

I turn on the laser map.


As soon as the view appeared on the wall, I was taken aback.The red area on the map has advanced a long way. According to the conversion of the map distance, it has advanced at least about 3000 meters, and it is less than 1000 meters away from the base.This means that the enemy has already launched an attack, and we were caught off guard. I didn't expect everything to be so fast.

I looked up at Lin Qian who was standing beside me as my adjutant, and said, "Let everyone stand by and prepare for the battle. The enemy is expected to arrive at the Fortress of Life in a few minutes."

He was also stunned for a while, then stood at attention and saluted, and said, "Yes!"

After Lin Qian left, I checked the map again, and after confirming that the defense layout of each part was correct, I took my weapon and walked out.

I originally wanted to go to the assault hatch in the warehouse on the first floor, but at this moment, I suddenly remembered what Mo Ge said to me - I am the commander, I cannot go to the front line in person, I am the spiritual pillar of this battle, I If the first one rushes up and falls down, then this fortress of life will have no leader.But I was not reconciled, I was not reconciled to hiding behind and watching my soldiers fight, so I returned to the command room, took out a rifle from the weapon safe on one side, took off the alloy bayonet on the rifle and held it in my hand, With a rifle in one hand, I walked towards the observation deck on the fourth floor. I only recently learned that there is an observation deck on the fourth floor, probably directly under the base where General Zhong was sitting at that time.

I stood on the edge of the watchtower, with the gun pointing down, waiting for the vanguard to arrive.

However, what I didn't expect was that the first-line troops did not come from the ground, but from the sky.

That's why they move so fast.

There were bursts of sirens from the two sentry towers, and then rhythmic gunfire sounded in the air.

At this moment, the leading infected people had already fallen, but they did not stop their "advance" pace. It seemed that they had already made preparations to move forward, and the speed of the infected people's dive became faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, directly below me, in the wall of the Fortress of Life, a blue laser beam shot out. The laser beam burst into the wind, quickly tore apart the vanguard of the Wingman, and shot down several artists in the middle of the team. Next, after two of those Wingmen were wounded, they bumped crookedly into the other Wingmen. Suddenly, the formation in the air became chaotic.

At the same time, the fierce artillery fire from the Fortress of Life began to greet the large group of Wingmen, but in a short while, most of the Wingman team had been destroyed.

I saw the right moment, aimed at one of the stronger wingmen, and pulled the trigger.


With a loud noise, the head of the targeted Winged Man immediately shattered, and the flying bones and pieces of meat forced the other Winged Men to keep dodging to the side.

Taking advantage of the chaotic situation of the opponent, I shot again, and those wingmen with bombing nature suddenly became a mess, some started to flee, some were already dead, and some were killed while fleeing.

But I know that the situation is not optimistic.

Now, the enemy still has a real large army of infected people who have not pressed up, but what is suppressed is just the vanguard composed of a group of wingmen.

I immediately turned on the communication device, connected to any communication tool in the base through the function of the highest gene account, including the communication devices on the soldiers, and said: "Be careful, don't let your guard down, there are more enemies behind..."

No one answered me, because my voice was still there, and suddenly there were several screams in the air, as if something broke through the clouds, and rushed down from the mid-air, and at the same time, it dropped a baby-like baby. "bomb".

I know what it is and how powerful it is.

I hastily retreated back suddenly, the "human bomb" exploded in front of me, splashing out with corrosive blood, I managed to stand still, and raised my gun to shoot at the guy who "threw the bomb". The guy immediately fell sideways.

However, before I had time to swear a bad word, more Winged Men rushed down in the midair, as if they were all hidden between the clouds, they were extremely fast and elusive.

And when they rushed down, the babies in their hands were scattered to every corner of the base at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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