global variation

Chapter 205 The Second Wave Offensive

Chapter 205 The First Offensive

I didn't expect these Wingmen to regard themselves as bombers and attack us in such a tragic way.

"Everyone back indoors!" I yelled.

However, it was already too late.

How many people can retreat to the fort at this moment?
Several tearing screams began to sound in my ears, and the baby that fell in the air also made that instinctive cry in the air at the same time. ——Accuse this unfair world, let them be torn, crushed and dead when they were born in this world.

I have no time to pay attention to the soldiers below, I am too busy to take care of myself.

I turned over and returned to the inside of the fortress, the flesh and blood spattered in front of me, and the corrosive blood burned the metal fortress defense layer into a puff of smoke.

I gritted my teeth, raised my gun, aimed at the guy circling overhead, and squeezed the trigger.

With a "poof", I saw a few pieces of minced meat and internal organs fall in front of me, and the guy in the air trembled, his whole body drew an arc in the air, and slowly fell to the side.

I tried to bury my face under the ceiling of the stairwell, testing with one eye.

The winged men in the air finally began to retreat gradually under the concealed shooting from below. They came and went quickly, but I knew that once they left, it meant that even more terrifying things were about to happen.

The charge of the infected is about to begin.

"Attention everyone, the enemy is about to charge!" I shouted at the communication device.

I don't know how people will react when they hear this warning, but I know very well that they must be nervous, even scared.From the screams just now, I can basically judge that this wave of bombing by the enemy has a significant effect.

My voice is still there, and the sound of shouting and killing in the distance has begun to hit my eardrums.

They are coming.

I took another lunge and climbed up to the observation deck with my hands.

Only a hundred meters away from the life fortress, hundreds of infected people poured in.

"Come on..." I stood on the edge of the watchtower, raised my gun, and started shooting aimlessly at the group of charging enemies. The sound of my gunshot seemed to start, and the entire base began to charge towards the group of enemies. The infected people launched an attack, the flames spread, gunshots came and went, and the blue lasers on both sides of the base also fell towards the group of infected people. It's just that the laser light seems to be only a deterrent at best. The capability of cluster lasers to be widely used on the battlefield.

The light beams burned the bodies of the infected in front of them, only temporarily stopping or slowing down their movements.

I simply threw several grenades from the watchtower, and the grenades exploded among the slow-moving infected people, causing chaos in the front team.Below me, the firepower became more rapid, relentlessly hitting the group of infected people.At this time, I found that the team of infected people was gradually suppressed, and I was a little relieved. It seems that these veterans are somewhat experienced, and the defense line that Mo Ge and I have set up has been very effective, and we have basically resisted the opponent. most of the offense.

I held my breath and said to the communication device: "Concentrate your firepower and strike the enemy's right flank."

From the watchtower, I noticed that there was a big gap on the right side of the infected at this time, and at this time they were bound to fill the gap and form a siege.

As soon as I finished speaking, the firepower immediately attacked the gap on the right. There were several stronger infected people in the gap, and there seemed to be members of the church at the same time. The moving team suddenly stopped under the suppression of the firepower. Many infected people also began to dodge, but this kind of dodge caused chaos outside the fortress. The original plan seemed to be disrupted at this moment, and the team of infected people retreated again in the chaos.Their big charge obviously didn't have any desired effect.

"Good job!" I couldn't help shouting, raised my gun and shot, killing the two fleeing infected people on the spot.

Gradually, the retired soldiers of the infected retreated beyond the range of some weapons.

"Officer Chu Tingchang." At this time, Lin Qian's voice came from the communication device, "The opponent has already left the range of some weapons. Do you want to leave the fortress and pursue further?"

"No," I said, "Stay inside the fortress."


I won't let them take risks. It's not like I don't know how powerful and cunning the infected are. What's more, the group of wingmen who were used as bombers haven't completely retreated. They must still be lurking around here. How can I let my soldiers take risks.

Although the first battle was won, the victory was not obvious, and it did not take much advantage.

You know, there are many times as many infected people as us.

I meditated in my heart: We only need to persist for three days, that's all, we don't need to attack rashly, as long as we hold on, we will win.

"What should we do now, sir, please instruct." Not long after, Lin Qian asked again.

I said: "Stand by and pay attention to the defense in every direction. Once the enemy enters the encirclement again, shoot immediately, especially pay attention to the guys in the air."

"Yes, I understand."

I stood in front of the watchtower and looked among the charging infected soldiers.

I don't have the eagle eye ability, but because of the power of the "strongest concentrated liquid", my eyesight is better than ordinary people, and I can adapt to the dark environment in a short time. Therefore, this kind of looking around can only see clearly The behavior and general appearance of the guys are just that, but it is said that Mo Ge and the others can clearly see the facial features and expressions of the enemy thousands of meters away without missing any details when they are in good condition.

I searched for that "familiar" figure, and I wanted to see if that guy had come.

However, I was a little disappointed. Among the infected troops, it seemed that the most special guy was just a little taller than the same type of infected people, and there were no such weird creatures as "swordsmen" at all.

"Not here, did I go to the gap in the defense line..." I was a little worried.

But it's no use worrying at this time.

The enemy seemed to be preparing to charge again.

Walk slowly in formation, just like when the two armies were at war during the Warring States period, methodically, line up, and move forward little by little.But this time, they seemed to be prepared. At the same time as the ground attack, the Wingmen also flew towards the base from the sky.

"Pay attention to the sky!"

I warn loudly.

However, the firepower of the base is limited, and there are some obstacles in defending the air force, not to mention the attack from the sky and the earth.

For a while, the firepower of the base began to be a little chaotic. Many guns were placed in midair, neither high nor low, as if hesitating.

I suddenly feel bad.

We must find a way!
I forced myself to run my brain quickly, seeing that the other party was about to enter our firepower net again. If I broke through this firepower net, even if only a dozen or so infected people came to the firepower blind spot outside the life fortress, the consequences would be severe. Unbelievable.

I gritted my teeth and ordered loudly: "Concentrate fire on the ground, everyone pay attention to concealment, and the wingmen can't get in!"

At this moment, I am betting with myself, and I am also betting with the infected people. As long as those winged people have no back tricks, I will win. If they can break through the "steel body" of the fortress of life, then we will undoubtedly lose.

However, my method sure worked.

We concentrated our firepower to attack the ground for only a moment, and the team of those infected collapsed again, and a huge gap appeared.We fought in the same way as we did just now. This time, the local government learned to be smart and did not rush to fill the gap and change the formation, but we were not in a hurry. When a few shots hit the gap with little effect, I ordered another change. Shooting trajectory, let the firepower concentrate on attacking the center of the enemy team, which is the so-called formation. Once this place is broken, the team will become more scattered, especially the team composed of infected people, let alone know what will happen at that time. what happened.

This kind of attack lasted for a long time, and the enemy's team, as expected, began to collapse because the center was broken, and we seemed to have touched their formation eyes and pulse gates.

After a while, those infected people began to retreat again. The winged men in the air could not gain any advantage in front of the life fortress, and they began to retreat gradually. I raised my gun to shoot, and then several sharpshooters also started to look up and shoot. Screaming, from time to time a figure fell down.Fresh blood also fell down from midair like flower petals, and even splashed directly into the air into bursts of blood mist.

Not long after, the enemy's second attack was suppressed by us again.

I looked at the time, unknowingly, this battle has lasted for several hours, I have even seen the sunset, and it won't be long before the night will gradually sink - the night is the most terrible time, the daytime The charge can judge the direction and formation, but the sneak attack at night is hard to guard against.

I still looked dignified, staring at everything outside.

The team of infected people retreated farther this time than the first time, and many of them have even retreated to a safe area. Our weapons cannot hit them, and they cannot do any harm to us.

"Sir, this time the place has retreated further, do you want to pursue it?" Lin Qian's words as my adjutant came again from the communication device.

I hurriedly said: "No, remember, our mission is to hold on and not to counterattack. No one knows what these infected people will do next!"


This time, Lin Qian was obviously reluctant.

At this time, it seems that it is indeed the best moment to take advantage of the victory, but it only looks like it.

I kept my eyes on the enemy's troops, looking up at the sky from time to time to prevent the Wingmen's attack from killing me inexplicably.

It wasn't until they withdrew to a safe area a few kilometers away that I guess they were really relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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