global variation

Chapter 206 Swordsman Group

Chapter 206 Swordsman Group

I stared at the assault force. A thousand meters away, they finally began to rest. Although the body of the infected is different from ordinary people, it does not mean that there is no need to rest, nor does it mean that there is no need to re-arrange the offensive formation.

At this time, I am very puzzled who is only infected, the human beings of the church?Where are they commanding, and how can they command such a huge team?

If it weren't for the human beings of the church.

Then, there is only one possibility, and that is that the infected person has a commander inside himself, and this is what I am most afraid of.

Thinking of this moment, I couldn't help shaking my head violently. At this time, I shouldn't be thinking about these things to mess with my mind.

Soon night will fall, and that's when the fight will get tougher.

So, I said to the communication device: "Everyone rest in place and try to conserve energy. I guess the enemy will not attack in a short time, but we must be prepared to fight at night."

"Yes." Lin Qian seemed to answer my order for everyone.

I was sitting on the side of the watchtower, holding a rifle, and looking up obliquely upward with my head slightly raised.

At this time, I am very worried that the Yiren will launch a surprise attack on us at night. Those babies are not the point. The key point is that if the Yiren directly rush in through the gaps and windows of the Fortress of Life and destroy the structure of the Fortress of Life from the inside, then we will become extremely passive.

However, what I was worried about didn’t happen. The darkness began to invade the whole land. It took me a while to get used to the darkness. Looking far away, I couldn’t see that army clearly. Those guys must have much better eyes than humans. I know that the most terrible battles can be fought at any time.

And at this moment, the communication device suddenly vibrated, and I checked it hastily.

A message from Tu Shu: The gap in the defense line is tight, please help.

support? !
How could you ask me for help so quickly? !

What happened over there?Are our fortifications and defenses going to collapse again so soon?
I replied immediately: The Fortress of Life was also attacked by a large number of infected people, and I will immediately call in surrounding recruits to support it.

I wanted to give comfort to the recruits in the surrounding area, but it seems that there is no such hope. The number of enemies is too great for us. We have no choice but to mobilize all of us to fight.

I stood up, turned around and went back to the command room on the lower floor to start training the new sentry towers, and asked the nearest sentry tower soldiers to support Tu Shu and the others. Those soldiers, including their leader, seemed reluctant, but they still didn't dare to disobey in the end. My orders are carried out as usual.

I had just turned off the communication, and suddenly, I was startled by a "boom", and at the same time, I felt the ground tremble.

"What happened?!" I asked hastily.

"A large number of infected people have appeared in the northwest corner of the lower level of the Fortress of Life. The internal defense system has been fully activated. Sir, do you want to send someone there?" Lin Qian's voice rang.

"How is this possible?!" I reached out from the computer to call up the real-time monitoring map system inside the Fortress of Life.

Sure enough, the system showed that a large number of enemies were pouring in from the northwest corner.

The explosion just now came from a bomb or a grenade, but how could the fortress of life with an alloy body be blown up so easily?Could it be...

I feel more and more that something is wrong, there are really not many guys who can cut metal to infect here.

Of course, it may be that I don’t know at all—but according to my guess, I’m afraid that guy has already arrived. He first cuts a gap in the metal wall, and then puts the grenade in it, which will definitely distort the entire metal plate , In this way, the infected are enough to enter the life fortress, but they may not be able to fight the lower defense system.

I picked up the gun and hurried to the northwest corner of the lower base.

Although Mo Ge told me to adjust my position and understand what the commander's real responsibilities are, but this time, if the "swordsman" really attacked, then I would never back down. Li Wentian died at the hands of this guy. But this guy is fine, I said to Lin Qian while running: "Split two teams, as soon as possible!"


I rushed to the southwest corner of the lower floor, where there were already many corpses of infected people—however, I didn’t see the figure of the swordsman—either he didn’t show up, or he was hiding in the dark at this time, waiting for an opportunity , the latter is the result I am most afraid of seeing.

Thinking of this, I held the gun and continued to move forward. Outside the gap, there were still infected people pouring in, but at the same time, the defense system mercilessly defended and fired after identifying the enemy.

I walked through the hail of bullets and slowly approached the gap. The shape of the gap made it look like it was cut open first and then detonated—that guy must be outside.

I rushed out in one stride, regardless of whether I was the commander or not.

Outside the Fortress of Life, this location is exactly a forest on the mountainside, covered by dense branches and leaves, and it is even more difficult to recognize the direction at night.And the moment I went out, suddenly, something similar to a sharp sword stabbed straight from my oblique side, I instinctively dodged back, and the sword pierced directly into the metal wall of the Fortress of Life Among them, I couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Turning my head, I saw the guy's outline clearly.

Swordsman? !
But it doesn't seem to be a swordsman.

In other words, this kind of swordsman seems to be the most primitive group.

Before I could react, suddenly, another sharp sword pierced from the side, and I quickly dodged.

"Two swordsmen?!" I couldn't help exclaiming.

Those two guys ignored me, and a pair of bone swords danced vigorously.These two guys are both infected by strong men, and they move extremely fast. Although the two sharp swords are not as powerful as the swordsman who has "died many times", they have also caused me a lot of damage. I can only keep lowering my body to dodge, not even daring to raise my head.I'm looking for opportunities - I don't believe these two guys are as dead as "that guy" is.

At this moment, the swordsman on my left side suddenly had a hole in the attack. I dodged, the dagger was in my hand, I slashed with my backhand, and then slashed hard on that guy again.

The swordsman seemed to feel a burst of numbness, and his body was a little disobedient, and he almost fell down.I stepped forward, and the swordsman turned over and fell to the ground. Then, I raised my gun and was about to shoot that guy in the head. Who knew, another swordsman had sharp eyesight and quick hands. When he hit him hard, my pistol flew out immediately. .

I wanted to pick it up, but at this moment, the swordsman who was knocked down also twisted his body and stood up. The guy who attacked me was even more energetic, and kept waving his bone sword to stab me. Dodging sideways to the left and right, the bone sword swiped past my closest place again and again.Finally, when the guy slowed down by half a beat, I stretched out my hand and grabbed his wrist, and the bone sword also stopped in midair at this moment.My pistol was blown away, and it was worth rushing out the dagger again, jerking it over my head, and slashing down.

This knife was not as heavy as imagined. It didn't cut off the enemy's bone sword, but made the two enemies even more angry.

Two swordsmen surrounded them again. Although they were both seriously injured and their movements were somewhat slow, they were enough to fight me alone—I had no hot weapons, and the only cold weapon left was this dagger.

The two swordsmen's swords overlapped to form a cross, and they kept sweeping towards me. I kept retreating, and after a while, I retreated to the side of the outer wall of the Fortress of Life.

There is no other way but to give it a go.

Just when the long swords of the two swordsmen attacked me again, I firmly grasped the blades of the two bone swords with both hands—then pulled them hard. They must be stronger than me, but I Such a move they did not expect.

Both of them rushed towards me immediately, I dodged one of them, and then drew the knife backhand and struck the other's abdomen.

The cold dagger pierced into that guy's body, and I turned the dagger fiercely, making the guy's animal go deeper and deeper, making it harder and harder to heal. Then, I slammed the knife horizontally again, and a piece of intestine Immediately, it flowed out from the body of the infected swordsman, and then more internal organs flowed down with the intestines.

However, the infected person still did not fall, but continued to attack me.

At this time, another infected person also got up from the ground, and suddenly a bone sword came towards me. I hurriedly moved away, and the Winged Man, who had been disemboweled by me but still alive, seemed to have widened his eyes. And the sword of his "teammate", because of my dodge, stabbed straight at her.

"Pfft" sound.

That bitch actually stuck it in that guy's neck.

A stream of blood spurted out frantically.

The infected person who took out the sword obviously also sensed the target of the situation, and hurriedly retreated, pulling out the bone sword.

But the entire head of the "opened" infected person had been suspended, and there was a big hole in his neck, which was big enough for his head to be easily knocked off.

So, I took this opportunity, rushed forward, raised the knife in my hand, and chopped off the guy's head.

Then, he turned to another swordsman.

The swordsman who killed his teammate by mistake just now is staring at me with gritted teeth.

Is this guy conscious too?

Does he also understand what hate is?

I can't understand this group of infected people more and more.

But on the battlefield, I don't need to understand these.

I lightly tossed the dagger in my hand, caught it with my backhand, with the horizontal knife on my chest, and rushed towards another swordsman.

The swordsman was also obviously injured, and his movements were much slower than before. I stabbed at that guy a few times, and that guy could only retreat step by step.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when I thought I could cut off the opponent's head, another bone sword came straight from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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