global variation

Chapter 207 Gap Defense

Chapter 207 Gap Defense
I didn't expect the gap in the base to be so tricky.

The bone sword picked up from the side slashed directly under my wrist. I raised my hand, although I escaped, but I had to retreat to avoid it.

Originally, I could have taken down the injured guy in one fell swoop, but with this swipe, the distance between me and that guy widened again.

The gun in my hand flew out, and the two swordsmen stood in front of me again.

I noticed that swordsmen like them are completely different from the guy I have been struggling to get rid of. They seem to be just reinforcements of infected people, but their arms have become sharp swords, and they don't even have physical fitness Strengthening, of course, does not have any shortcomings, the action is still fast, and the reaction is still sensitive, unlike the lingering guy, who moves slowly, but the attack speed is faster.

Is this a new study by the church?
The two swordsmen were getting closer and closer to me. I opened my arms, turned the dagger to one side, and slowly backed away.

I'm waiting for the moment when they pounce.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, with a low growl, I realized that a dozen infected people rushed out of the forest next to me.

"Hehe... I originally wanted to keep the enemy out of the country, but it seems that I have to change my battle plan." I continued to retreat while talking.

Seeing my retreat, those infected people obviously gained confidence, and they got down one after another, ready to attack. The two swordsmen also clamped the bone sword in front of me, opened their abyss-like mouths, and let out a low voice. Shouting low, it seems to be demonstrating to me.

I continued to retreat and soon reached the door.

Those guys didn't enter this door, so they probably don't know what's behind this door.

I held my breath, gritted my teeth and waited.

"Uh! Ah!" Suddenly, the leading infected people couldn't hold back and rushed towards me.

I was waiting for this opportunity, and then I rolled backwards, took a few steps with the help of the wall next to me, turned over and landed in the middle of the passage about ten meters away.

Those infected people would not let me go, they rushed in from the gap, I turned around and continued to run backwards, after the infected people rushed into the gap, the detection devices and defense devices on both sides of the passage were activated, and the wall suddenly opened There were several gun muzzles, and the fire came out rhythmically from the gun muzzle. Immediately, there was a hissing and howling behind me. I didn't dare to look back, but retreated to the end of the passage. At this time, I asked Lin Qian to The mobilized team also arrived at the entrance of the passage.

"Sir!" The young recruit at the head looked at me and said in astonishment, "Why are you here?"

"Don't ask so many questions." I didn't want to waste time, I stretched out my hand and pointed forward, "Hit."


Without any extra words, they immediately got ready to fight, armed their guns and rushed into the passage. Those infected people went on and on, using the corpses of their companions to rush into the passage, and some even escaped the defense system.One recruit was too impulsive and rushed to the front of their leader in a few steps. He was immediately torn into pieces by the infected people who came up, and blood splattered in their internal organs.

The team was also taken aback by the opponent's desperate charge, and retreated one after another.

I was worried that the recruits would be timid, so I simply returned to the passage.

But at this time, my gun was already buried in the corner of the passage by the corpses of the infected people. I gritted my teeth, pulled out the explosive pistol from the waist of a recruit next to me, pointed at the leading infected people, and quickly pulled the trigger .

Those infected people fell to the ground one after another under my gunshot.


"Don't talk nonsense, fight!" I said loudly.

These recruits probably finally regained their sense of being on the battlefield, and immediately aimed and fired.

It wasn't until this time that the two swordsmen rushed out from the crowd of infected people, but were quickly beaten into a honeycomb by bullets.

Half of one swordsman's head was knocked off, brain tissue splashed out, and he died in the end. When another swordsman rushed forward with the bullet, blood poured down like a faucet opening a gate.

Such a charge obviously overwhelmed the leading few recruits, and they backed away screaming. I wanted to yell at them to stop retreating, otherwise they would die even worse, but it was already too late, the swordsman had already turned around Swinging the sword, a soldier's head flew into the air immediately with a single blow of the sword, and the blood splashed everywhere. Seeing this scene, the entire team was in a state of chaos, and they all retreated in all directions, trying their best to distance themselves from the swordsman. At this moment, the swordsman flew across as if he had entered the land of no one, and several soldiers in the front row immediately fell to the ground. One of them was directly picked up by the swordsman's sword, and he threw it fiercely in front of me. Already beyond recognition.

"Damn it! Don't panic! Don't panic!" I shouted several times, rushed into the crowd, stiffened the bone sword wielded by the swordsman, and fired. Not as powerful as the "guy who lingers", but after a few shots, it was already broken - this kind of bone sword cannot resist bullets.

The bone sword broke, that guy immediately became almost powerless, and staggered back. I rushed forward, and he instinctively stretched out another hand that was not completely mutated to resist, but the speed was not as good as before. I When the dagger swung across, it directly cut off the guy's wrist, and a stream of blood spattered. This "swordsman" moved more clumsily and slowly. I gritted my teeth, and the dagger pierced his neck fiercely, and then I slashed and pulled, Cut off that head.

The body of the swordsman finally staggered and fell to the ground, blood slowly flowing.

It was only at this time that I discovered that with the cooperation of the defense system and the soldiers, the corpses of the infected in this corridor had already piled up like a mountain, although they would all turn into blood soon.

I looked around, walked forward again slowly, passed through the defense system, came to the gap in the base, and leaned out, the enemies outside had finally been eliminated. When I turned around, the recruits in that team seemed to be still in shock, but I didn’t Time to wait for them to calm down before assigning tasks, so I said: "You all adjust yourself, and then this gap will be guarded by you. Remember, there is a defense system in front, which will automatically launch an attack, so you'd better stay. After the defense system, but don't relax any more, understand?"


"Speak louder, don't you want to live?! Do you understand!" I yelled again.

"Understood!" Everyone shouted loudly.

I coldly glanced at the faces of these recruits again. They may have been in the resistance organization for a shorter time than me. Kind of awed.

At this moment, I finally understood some of the responsibilities of being an officer. What I want to give them is this kind of order to die, and the order to fail or be benevolent, even if it is to intimidate them.

There is no haggling and no mercy on the battlefield.When I was young, I always felt that military officers were the most unkind people, and they never treated their subordinates with gentleness and friendliness. Now I understand that as a soldier, what you are facing is a hail of bullets and bloody fights. What you have to do is to destroy the enemy and survive. Therefore, gentleness and friendliness, these women's benevolence, are of no use to us, not the slightest use.

Especially when the crisis comes, when the terror comes, even more so.

I turned around and left the gap in the base. At this time, the battle situation ahead had already begun. When I returned to the command room, I found that the enemy had actually approached the base from the side. The speed of the enemy surprised me, and at the same time surprised me. And the speed of our defeat, we were able to lose all the defensive lines on the side in such a short period of time.

"What happened to the side." I used the communication device in the command room to ask Lin Qian, but no one could help me at this time.


Lin Qian's voice seemed to be particularly difficult, "I'm on the side defense line, and a large number of scale armored people suddenly flooded out from the side defense line, advancing at an extremely fast speed, we are about to be overwhelmed!"


The Fortress of Life seems to have repeated the mistakes of the offshore bases. This ghostly place has already been found out by the enemy, but our people don't know it. They think the city is impenetrable, which is simply ridiculous.

"You all withdraw." I ordered sharply.

"What? Withdraw?"

"Yes, if the line of defense is lost, it is lost. Withdraw to the inside of the base and continue to fight back to ensure that there is vitality. The base is full of bulletproof metal, so they won't be able to sneak in from the ground." I said, at this time I can only use delaying tactics, and The infected are dragging their feet. This is only the first night. On the third day, reinforcements will arrive. At that time, I believe that the resistance organization will be invincible.

Of course——I can only believe in these, otherwise, I simply don't have the courage to continue fighting.

"Yes!" Lin Qian replied hissingly over there.

After a while, on the electronic map, our troops had withdrawn to the interior of the base. Sure enough, the infected outside had stopped advancing rapidly. It was obvious that the metal gate wall and automatic defense system of the base were the best resistance to them. .However, at this time, I dare not let all the troops retreat easily, that will only cause the defense line to collapse faster, and the retreat will inevitably cause everyone's combat confidence to be greatly reduced.

I sat behind the desk in the command room, staring at the screen coldly, and glanced at the laser map that had moved to the front from time to time.

All of this is like a game of chess, but this game is not only about winning or losing, but also about life and death.

I don't know how long it took, the enemy's encirclement continued to tighten, but after our line of defense collided, they began to retreat again, and then closed again. The battle situation seemed extremely anxious, and my heart never relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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