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Chapter 208 Interspersed offense, cut off encirclement

Chapter 208 Interspersed offense, cut off encirclement

At about three o'clock in the morning, the enemy's defense line was finally opened by us.

I know that the infected have excellent physical strength and endurance. They are definitely playing a tug-of-war with us. They want to use their excellent physical strength to drag us to death, but this behavior also causes a huge loss of their troops.

This gap opened up my opportunity.

"Lin Qian, do you hear me?" This time, I did not rashly issue orders to the entire army.

"Sir." Lin Qian's voice was a little tired.

"Is there anyone in your place who can cheer up?" I deliberately made a dissatisfied tone.

"Yes." Lin Qian replied, "Everyone can cheer up."

"Then you send a small team to rush towards the weakest point of the enemy's army in the northwest of the base, go around to the high ground behind the enemy, launch a condescending charge, interspersed with breakthroughs, and so on several times." I said, "Remember, the personnel must Refined."

"Understood!" Lin Qian replied.

I continued to sit in the command room and wait.

Sometimes, maybe fate is indeed not fair, but there is no reason to talk about on the battlefield, only to perform their own duties, and the overall situation is the most important. If I really go to charge with them, although the blood is bloody, not only does it have no effect on the battle situation. Not beneficial, but absolutely harmful.

Soon, I saw a wave of our soldiers driving straight in on the map, interspersed with the gap of the enemy's troops. I frowned deeply, staring at the moving blue mark, watching them cut the enemy's encirclement into two Duan, quickly circled behind them.

This process, but only after a short ten minutes, seemed to be very smooth. The team immediately moved to the northeast, where the first high ground outside the base of the life fortress of the resistance organization was, and the army quickly After reaching the top of the high ground, he began to move down rapidly again. I don't know who Lin Qian chose to complete this task, but I believe they must be veterans with rich combat experience. This time the penetration was very successful, and the charge was also Absolutely swift and fierce, although all I saw were moving markers and data and signs on the map, I seemed to be able to feel their "tigers descending the mountain" momentum, and that force was absolutely unstoppable.

This force broke through the infected's defense line again in a shorter period of time, and another gap immediately appeared.

The troops of the infected were going to fill the previous gap, and they probably didn't expect us to dare to leave the fort to attack actively, so the entire encirclement was in chaos in an instant.

After the second penetration, our troops returned to the range of the defense system of the base, but the enemy chased after them without thinking, and our people took care of them in a short while.

The encirclement of the enemy suddenly became bigger and bigger, as if it was cut off by a sharp pull.

I don't know what the enemy commander is thinking at this time.

But I know exactly what I'm thinking.

"Lin Qian, let our people return to the base and use the firepower of the base to focus on attacking the moving enemy soldiers." I said, "Don't let them fill in those two gaps."

"Understood, but it is difficult to strike at night." Lin Qian said.

"Fight even if there are difficulties, as much as you can fight." I ordered.


My set up worked again - I really hadn't learned how to deploy troops, I couldn't play chess at all, I hadn't seen any war movies, and I knew very little about wars before I joined the Resistance The concept, everything he did at this time was completely the result of a flash of inspiration.But I didn't expect such good results.

The enemy's movement was wrong and immediately began to wear down rapidly, especially the troops within the range of our base's long-range defense system, and more than half of them were lost in a short while. On the map, the marking line of the encirclement circle became thinner and thinner.Finally, they began to retreat backwards, retreating extremely quickly, and the entire encirclement circle also began to shrink into a ball, moving backward slowly.

I stared at the screen coldly, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of my mouth.

"Huh...unexpected..." I let out a long breath.

But I know that the battle is far from over. Infected soldiers have one of the biggest advantages, that is, they don't have to talk about the so-called morale. Soldiers are absolutely not depressed when they are afraid of fighting. As long as there is fresh meat and blood, They will be able to attack with a momentum of [-] points, absolutely not giving us any chance to breathe. We can only disrupt them from the formation and solve them, but there is no way to make them collapse as a whole through victory.

Of course, we don't have the ability to completely eliminate them.

We just have to hold on...for three days.

At the same time when the enemy started to retreat, I did not damage the defense system at all, and the soldiers on the central defense line with relatively dense firepower issued an order to divide their troops to the handles on the two sides, and the soldiers on the two sides retreated to rest. I can only use this method Temporarily allowing soldiers to fully recover their physical strength - this is already the most sufficient method.My own spirit is quite good at this time, and I don't know why, I don't know if I am already too excited to go crazy.

I stood up from the chair, went to the corridor outside, took a few steps to the elevator, entered the observation deck, and when I looked out, I found that the sky had gradually begun to light—it was very early in the south, and it was already It's past five.I really didn't expect that I could be so energetic for such a long time. I stood on the observation deck for a while, and suddenly, a girl's voice came from behind: "Chu Tingsheng, you haven't slept all night, don't you take a rest?"

I turned my face and saw Zhu Qing standing on the side of the watchtower, looking up at me.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not tired."

"It's not that you're not tired, it's that the concentrated liquid is eroding your physical strength and making you overdrawn. Your body doesn't feel tired, but in fact every organ of yours has already started..." Zhu Qing was a little anxious.

"Stop talking." But I stopped her and said, "Don't talk to me like that. This is an extraordinary time, and I can't relax in the slightest. Do you understand?"


"I know your kindness is good, but I can only appreciate your kindness." The corners of my mouth curled up, and I brushed past Zhu Qing.

I went back to the command room, but Zhu Qing followed in.

I stared at the screen, staring at the army huddled into a ball, but still thousands of meters away.I think my expression must have been very dignified and anxious at the time.

"Tingsheng! Listen to me, your body won't be able to take it anymore, so even if there is medicine to maintain it, your body may collapse on its own. You also know that you are the backbone of the base, and you will lead this battle , if something happens to you, what will others do, what will everyone do?" Zhu Qing raised her voice and said, "You...ah, you really shouldn't be like this, Tingsheng..."

"Enough!" I snapped.

"Hmm..." Zhu Qing took a step back in shock from me.

I saw her fearful yet sad expression, and for a moment, my heart softened a little, but at this moment, the top priority is to adjust the defensive situation, the soldiers can rest, but I can't, I must stick to this place, guarantee The soldiers can fight with the highest efficiency, so I said sharply: "As a researcher, you can do your job well. If I get sick, you can use drugs to forcefully maintain my body so that I can continue to supervise the battle. When I die, Lin Qian will take over my command, and you will be responsible for Lin Qian’s comfort. You don’t need to say anything about the others. Also, my own body, I know that I need to rest, I believe I am more You understand that!"


"No but, this is an order, what are you arguing about?!" I maintained an unquestionable and unchangeable tone.

"I..." Zhu Qing lowered her head silently. I know that she must be very wronged at this time, but so what, just wronged, I can't care about so much, I know, since Lin Wan died, I The whole person has changed, become another person, become difficult to get along with, even become cruel and vicious.

But I can't help it, maybe I'm hypnotizing myself, but so what?

The footsteps of death have approached all of us, should I be as stupid as before?
"You go out." I said, "Take care of Qiqi, don't forget what I told you."

"You..." Zhu Qing lowered her head and sobbed, " really don't know how to take care of your own body... Even if Teacher Lin Wan is here, you...wouldn't agree..."

"Shut up." I whispered.

And at this time, I found that the markings on the map had changed, and the enemy's retreating front began to stretch again, encircling our base, although this time the force seemed to be greatly reduced compared to the first time , However, I dare not have the slightest negligence.

What makes me even more troublesome is that Tu Shu's second message for help was sent to the command room again. The teams I sent to her yesterday seemed to have been "thrown into the furnace". In such a short period of time, only In one night, it was all over, and they were still holding on to that gap.

I know that the gap must be tighter than ours.

However, the defense of the life fortress cannot be moved, and even a slight change may cause major changes in the battle situation.

I gritted my teeth, ignored Zhu Qing, lowered my head and began to quickly reply to the message for help, and at the same time issued an order to Lin Qian: "Lin Qian, pay attention, the enemy is coming again, you should quickly organize defenses and let the soldiers of each team rest All in place."

In fact, at this time, it was only an hour before the soldiers rested. Perhaps this was too cruel for anyone. However, if the end is coming, if it is not cruel, how can we live in peace?
"Yes!" Over there, Lin Qian responded loudly.

I thought he was tired too, but he didn't want to show me his tiredness at all.

(End of this chapter)

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