Chapter 209

The enemy's second wave of attack was extremely swift and violent, as if they didn't consider the consequences at all. Although the number of people was not as large as before, the speed of the impact was frightening. It didn't take long for the defense line we had just prepared to be pushed back to the base. This is something I didn't expect. I thought that after the interspersed attack just now, their vitality has been seriously injured. At least in a short period of time, it is unlikely that they will be able to form an extremely complete attack encirclement. But obviously I was wrong. Infected The most difficult thing to destroy in this "non-emotional army" is the spirit, and spirit is sometimes even more important than formation, tactics, combat ability, etc. for an army, especially when the two sides are anxious and hard to distinguish In a negative situation, the spirit will show its terrifying power even more.

Now, that's exactly what it is.

The enemy's defense line is completely pressed in, and I found that this time is even worse than yesterday. After they touched the automatic defense system yesterday, they would start to retreat a little, but this time, they stayed in the same position for a long time. This means that they kept trying to charge, even if they couldn't destroy the entire defense system, they charged in without fear.

The infected are good at playing crowd tactics, they can pile up fortifications with corpses, and pour out victory with blood.

I really don't know whether to admire them or think they are really stupid.

I looked dignified, sitting behind the desk helpless.

At this time, there seems to be no other way but to fight hard.

And misfortunes never come singly.

Before I could think of a solution that would be sufficient to solve the immediate crisis, suddenly, another new message was sent to my terminal.

Tu Shu.

"We can't stand it anymore."

Simple seven words.

I was taken aback.

These simple seven characters shattered in front of me like a thunderbolt, as if a shock wave made me stagger.

I firmly grasped the side of the desk with one hand, and started to swipe the controller with the other hand. Soon I called up the current situation of the gap in the defense line. The map shows that although our defense line has not yet collapsed, but In other words, the entire defense line retreated a few kilometers. I think morale must be very low at this time, but I dare not let them evacuate rashly. Once the defense line over there is completely opened, the entire Guangzhou residential area will be immediately destroyed. Invasion, when the time comes, the entire city will become a hell on earth. I absolutely cannot let this happen, and I absolutely cannot allow any citizen to be a victim of our war.

I gritted my teeth, and turned the screen back to the fortress of life.

To my relief, the enemy's line of defense began to retreat again.

It seems that the automatic defense system of the line of defense has already played a great role. Although the infected are powerful, they are only physical bodies after all. In front of the machine, sometimes they still suffer.I pondered for a while, and finally made a risky decision. I picked up the terminal and contacted Lin Qian, and asked straightforwardly: "Lin Qian, the enemy has retreated, how many people can you call?"

"Drop the manpower?"


"There are only a few hundred guards at the base, and I don't know how many are left now," Lin Qian said.

"You deploy a team of 50 people, escort them with several existing troop carriers at the base, and drive to the western gap defense line to support Tushu and the others." I said.

"What, you want someone to leave?"

"Yes, they can't stand it anymore. You try to mobilize soldiers who are still in good condition and run for a long distance, and they may get out of the car and fight." I said, "Also, move quickly."

"But..." Lin Qian said, "There is one thing I...I still want to say."

"Go ahead." In fact, I could almost predict what he would say.

Lin Qian said: "Can't we give up the defense over there? The gap defense has almost collapsed, why should we fight for it?"

"If you don't fight for the gap line of defense, then the northwest corner of the Guangzhou residential area will be completely exposed, do you understand what I mean?" I said.

Lin Qian said: "Then... can we temporarily abandon the residential area over there? We can divide and protect the residential area, and the citizens in the northwest corner can organize to move to the interior of the residential area."

"No, it's too late, you are faster than the infected." I said, "Listen, this is an order, do it immediately."

After a moment of silence, Lin Qian finally spoke slowly and said, "Okay."

"Don't worry, today is the second day, let's keep going, three days, only three days." I was saying to Lin Qian, and I was also saying to myself.

Lin Qian didn't reply, just said "um", he was very reluctant, I could hear it, but I didn't say anything more, I don't think there's any need to say more.

Of course, I was also afraid that I would change my mind. It was obviously unfair to the soldiers of the Fortress of Life to transfer the soldiers away at this time.

Soon, Lin Qian reported to me that everything had been arranged. Our car had already driven to the gap defense line from the rear of the base defense line, under the cover of the defense system and various sentry towers. half safe.

At this time, the infected people near the Fortress of Life began to launch a second wave of attack, which is undoubtedly worse. I don't believe that these guys have the ability to know my temporary decision in such a short period of time. Time period to launch a large-scale attack again, I can only say that my luck is too bad, and I always encounter such things that misfortunes never come singly.

I stood up, looked around, came to the laser map again, and was silent for a long time. Finally, I returned to the desk, picked up the rifle again, and hung the alloy bayonet by my side, frowned, and took it again. He took out a spare burst pistol and hung it on his waist at the same time, preparing to leave the command room.

I didn't realize that Zhu Qing had stayed in the command room during the time just now and hadn't left. When I was about to leave, she suddenly grabbed my arm: "Where are you going?"

I turned my head to look at her, was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Aren't you leaving yet? What about Qi Qi?"

"Qiqi is asleep...but you..."

"Is it safe to sleep?" I asked coldly.


"I'm a soldier and you are a nurse. Let's each perform their duties and don't hinder each other!" After I finished speaking, I gently pushed her hand away.

After leaving the command room, I walked quickly to the watchtower, where the darkness below was filled with infected people. In my position, no matter who I was in, it didn't make much sense to snipe anyone.

"Who is directing them..."

I said to myself, and then hung the communication device on my wrist and used it as a watch.

I raised my hand and said to Lin Qian through the communication device: "How is the situation?"

"It's tight, it's more difficult to defend if a group of people leave, but... there shouldn't be any major problems."

"Is it still possible to lead troops through..." I asked, "I now need an elite force to kill their commander directly, or at least find out their stronghold, otherwise, they will just keep pouring in." Come up."


"Listen, the infected have no rules for fighting. They mainly rely on formations to encircle and crowds. It is the oldest way of fighting, and it also combines the characteristics of their church army. The most uncomfortable thing for us now is the lack of soldiers. Before the arrival of reinforcements , if there is no surprise to win, the follow-up may be unsustainable, do you understand what I mean?"


"Now, capture the thief first and capture the king." I said again.

"If the elite assault fails, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us..." Lin Qian still hesitated.

"I'll take them there." I said coldly.

"No, who will control the overall situation!"

"You," I said.


"Nothing is wrong." I said, "If you have to say that you are in control of the overall situation, you are better than me. In essence, I don't know how to command battles. The concentrated liquid on me will only increase my physical strength, and it will not make me stronger. The role of becoming smarter, let alone commanding operations, I order you, after mobilizing the elite troops, immediately bring him here to meet me, and then I will take him out to complete the beheading operation, and you, come to command As for the adjutant who you want to be, it's up to you."


I was silent for a while, Lin Qian also hesitated, but in the end, I said: "This is an order. But don't tell anyone, don't affect everyone's morale."

(End of this chapter)

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