global variation

Chapter 210 The Sniper Behind the Enemy

Chapter 210 The Sniper Behind the Enemy
In the end I chose to charge to be an infantryman, and I knew it was my destiny.

At this time, I was at a loss for the overall command, and it was meaningless to stay in the command room. It is better to let Lin Qian do this, maybe he will have a new way.

As for me, it doesn't really matter whether I die or not.

Even if I die, through the research on my corpse, maybe I can make a new and strongest concentrate.

I just wish I ended up dying in the base instead of the local command.

Twenty minutes later, when everything was ready, Lin Qian selected a team of ten and met me in the corridor on the third floor. I just nodded slightly and said, "Let's go."

"Is it still interspersed with missions?" The person in the lead has obviously experienced the first attack.

I nodded and said, "Did you participate in interlude operations in the early morning?"

"Yes, I am the captain." The man said.

"Then you continue to be the captain, don't be polite to me." I looked at him.

"But sir?" There was a hint of embarrassment on this seemingly old-fashioned and even slightly vicissitudes of face.

I thought about it, and took off the medal on my right chest. It was a temporary command medal, and it was also used for communication, but I never used it, so I simply don't want it now.I handed the medal to Lin Qian, and said, "You take it."


"Now I authorize you to be the commander. I'm just an infantryman." After finishing speaking, I turned to the somewhat vicissitudes of my face and said, "Now you can order me, right?"

"Sir, since this is the case, I will not be hypocritical." The man nodded, and then said loudly, "The whole team obeys orders."

I immediately came to the line.

"Our task is to break through from the only gap in the enemy's attack encirclement. The breakthrough position is about one kilometer to the northwest. Since it is a running raid, everyone should cheer up. It's not night, yes During the day, you must also pay attention to concealment!"

"Yes!" I said loudly along with everyone.

Soon, we left the fortress of life.There is already a sea of ​​blood around the life fortress, even the wind in the mountains can't take away the bloody air.It seems that I haven’t been on such a bloody battlefield for a long time. Everything before was just a small fight. Now this is the real battlefield. Bloody water, therefore, outside the entire life fortress, there are almost no corpses of infected people, only the remains of our soldiers, and the tattered clothes of the infected people, and of course, there are unbelievably large amounts of blood.

We proceeded carefully on the sticky road, and didn't even dare to shoot. Soon, the team left behind the attacking wave of infected people. That wave of infected people came from the northeast, and they should be preparing to assault the central gate. The defense system, however, is believed to be impenetrable, or even to have any meaningful effect.

This has nothing to do with us.

Our team drove straight in, and soon I saw the enemy's trail, but at this time, our captain waved to all of us, telling us to bow down.

It is daytime, we can see the enemy, and of course the enemy may also see us.

I found that at this time, the infected soldiers seemed to be moving, and they were moving very quickly.

"They're filling in the gaps," I couldn't help but say.

The captain glanced at me and said: "At this time, it seems that the defense is the weakest, but it is not the case. They have already expected that we may attack their mobile and unstable troops when filling the gap, so they must strengthen the defense. Wait for them When you start to regroup, that's when you're most relaxed."

I nodded.

Waited for about ten minutes.

"The opportunity is here!" Suddenly, the captain bowed his waist and gave a low shout to guide us forward.

It is difficult to attack suddenly in plain warfare, and it is difficult to hide in places without fortifications, but the captain seemed to be very familiar with the terrain around the Fortress of Life, leading us to rush over a weedy and uneven ground.

When he was about tens of meters away from the opponent, he suddenly waved his hand and said, "Fight!"

The voice was still there, and he himself had already fired several shots in that direction. At the same time, gunshots sounded one after another from my left and right sides.The infected people don't have many hot weapons, and they have no advantage in long-range attacks, but soon they began to charge. I only had a pistol and a rifle in my hand, so I picked up the rifle, made only a short adjustment, and fired at the leader of the infected people. One shot, this shot missed the opponent's head, but it exploded at his torso. The two infected people who rushed up behind him immediately froze and collapsed, while he was amputated at the waist, and the upper half of his body fell on the ground. Only a few meters away from us, it continued to crawl forward, dragging a section of intestines, looking very terrifying.

I gritted my teeth, pulled out the dagger at my waist, waited for that guy to enter the grass where we were hiding for a moment, and cut off the guy's head with all my hands.

Finally, the infected person stopped moving.

I shifted the gun and aimed at the infected who were charging on the other side. The effect of this shot was not as obvious as before, but it also exploded half of the bodies of the two infected.

"Use a grenade!" At this time, our captain suddenly said.

I froze for a moment.

On the other side of me, the "sniper" team member immediately loaded his rifle with a grenade, but in an instant, a grenade burst into the group of infected people with gray smoke, and instantly slammed into the crowd of infected people. When it exploded, flames radiated all over the place, smoke filled the air, dust flew up, and everything around had already become misty.

"Beautiful!" The captain exclaimed, "Come again!"

I sniped twice again, and the second rifle grenade slammed towards the infected again. This time, their shaky defense line was finally completely blown out. Many infected were smashed to pieces, and many were injured and dull.

"Come on, go through!"

Give an order, 11 of us started at the same time, but kept a certain distance and sprinted towards the gap one after another. The gap was torn apart again during our sprint, and the infected soldiers on both sides wanted to come to encircle them, but they didn't have us At the same time, due to the suppression of thermal weapons, it is difficult to rush to us in the first time.

We sprinted forward for about [-] meters, and suddenly, a gunshot came from my left side.

I was taken aback.

At the same time, one of our soldiers turned over and fell to the ground, with one leg thrown flying.

"Ah!" the soldier screamed.

"Hidden!" our captain shouted.

Everyone spread out and hid behind the grass and giant corpses.

Are there any snipers among the infected?And the sniper rifle is so powerful.

"Ah! Ah! Help me!" The fallen soldier was still rolling on the ground, crying for help.

But at this time, who can save him, who dares to save him?

The more he rolled, the faster the blood in his body flowed out. Soon, the depression around him became a small pool of blood, and his body kept trembling, twitching, rolling, and finally turned into a blood pool. Motionless, dying.

I still gritted my teeth and lay prone on the spot. At this time, not far away, the gunfire sounded again.


The head of the soldier in front of me was instantly shattered, and blood splashed on my cheek.

That kind of warmth and that burst of fishy smell immediately made me feel like a knife was stabbing my heart.

"over there!"

The enemy's shot obviously exposed my position. The captain pointed out, and I immediately followed his direction and immediately raised the gun to shoot.

With one shot, there was silence in the opposite woods.

I froze for a moment.

Whether the shot hit or missed.

And at this moment, the captain suddenly shouted at me: "Chu Tingsheng, quickly change positions, change positions!"

I immediately realized that the experienced captain should have predicted that my shot might not hit the target at all, so he ordered me to flee immediately. Without saying a word, I immediately rolled away. There was another gunshot. This shot just hit the position where I was lying prone just now, and the dust splashed on the ground. If this gun hit me, I am afraid that I would have been broken in two by this time.

With lingering fear in my heart, I turned to look at my captain, and he seemed to heave a long sigh of relief.

However, our battle is far from over. No one would have thought that such a powerful sniper is hidden behind the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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