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Chapter 211 Strengthening the Scaled Man

Chapter 211 Strengthening the Scaled Man

After that shot, the other side fell silent again. No one knew what kind of ghostly nightmare was hiding in that low forest.

I held my breath and turned to stare at our captain again.

After a while, I found that he seemed to be waiting too, no... no, maybe it wasn't waiting, but he also became helpless.

"I'll lure him out." At this time, I simply said.

"No, wait..."

I didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and I rushed out. I know that everyone may try their best to protect me, and because of this, I can't give them a chance to think.

My men have rushed out and are standing in the wilderness.

"Come back!" our captain yelled.

I didn't listen to him, I gritted my teeth and started sprinting towards the opposite woods.

The sniper was there, and I raised my gun to shoot, while attacking and suppressing with an explosive pistol, while running towards the forest.

At this time, a ray of fire suddenly appeared in the woods.

The power given to me by the concentrated liquid made my vision and hearing sharper than ordinary people. I knew that as soon as I saw the flames, I had to dodge, and it would be too late when I heard the sound. Although the two were almost at the same time, in fact, when I was Among the sharpened ears after strengthening, sometimes one can still tell which comes first.Therefore, when the flames appeared, I had already dodged sideways, and the gun exploded straight at the position where I was standing. Immediately, black smoke of doubt and dust flew up under my feet.

The opponent's attack revealed my position again. Behind me, several soldiers started shooting at the same time in the direction of the flames.

I rolled on the ground. Although I took off earlier, my calf was still scratched by bullets. I endured the pain and kept rolling to one side. The enemy may have been suppressed by the firepower, and he was a little flustered, so he fired a random shot. The shot hit a few meters away from me.

I took advantage of the situation and sat up, aiming at the sound of the gun and firing a shot with the explosive pistol.

Then it continued to roll to the side of the rock.

I looked at my calf, and it was already bleeding. I took out blood coagulant from my arms and scratched myself. Then I stood up and rushed to the middle between our people and the "sniper". That guy It shouldn't be dead yet, it just fell silent again.

He probably saw that I was the bait, so he stopped shooting.

I took a deep breath and boldly continued to move forward.

"Chu Tingsheng, we can't pass, otherwise..."

I heard the voice of the captain, but at this moment, I saw a ray of fire again, and I instinctively flew to dodge again, but this time, my luck was obviously not so good, and the bullet flew straight past me , I felt a sharp pain above my shoulder, and I turned over and fell in mid-air.

The shot hit the tree trunk behind me, and a big hole was blown out of the thick tree trunk, and I just fell to the ground, exposed to the enemy's gunpoint.

I was even ready to be cut in two.

But at this moment, the soldiers behind me also opened fire at the same time. I only felt bullets passing through the wind above my body, extremely fast and fierce. The "sniper" in the movie, is that guy so ethereal?Is it never within our range?
I felt more and more uneasy, and started to crawl towards the forest.

After a while, I finally got into the woods, the firepower behind me was always covering me, but I didn't dare to get up, otherwise they would either be too cautious to shoot, or they would kill me in the woods.

The forest was not that big, logically speaking, the sniper couldn't move so fast, every shot would miss him.

I cautiously walked forward in the woods, within a few steps, suddenly, a figure flashed by beside me, I quickly raised my gun, but the figure had already circled behind me in a flash, I suddenly Surprised, he looked back and raised his gun. With one shot, the branches flew down, the leaves danced wildly, and there was a loud explosion. The upper part of a tree was cut in two and fell down.

I gritted my teeth and raised the gun again, but at this moment, I felt that there was an extra person behind me, and I instinctively flew to the side. Sure enough, a ray of fire flashed in the hands of the figure behind me. The gun missed me, but it hit another member of our team not far away. Before that person could scream, his brain burst and he fell to the ground dead.

There are only nine people left in the team of 11 people. This damn "sniper" actually eliminated two team members by himself.

After he shot, he turned around and disappeared in front of me, leaving only the flying leaves——I finally understood that the reason why this guy was so elusive was that he didn't have to dodge at all. It lives underground.

"Captain, he's below." I raised the communication device that I used as a wrist watch to my mouth, and after I finished speaking, I turned around and dodged to the stone next to me. I was afraid that this guy would suddenly attack me from below. In this way, I am afraid that there is no room for counterattack at all.

I stood on the rock, and the team members began to approach the woods, but they obviously didn't dare to attack. I was standing at a higher position. Once they suppressed the firepower, they would easily hurt me.

I saw them walking forward slowly, but that guy was walking underground. I couldn't help but feel anxious, and said loudly: "He's underground, be careful, stand on a rock or something hard!"

However, before I finished speaking, suddenly, a wave of fallen leaves flew up, and behind me, the "sniper" who penetrated the ground rushed out with a "hoo", I quickly turned over and jumped off the boulder. The "sniper" didn't use a gun this time, but raised his hand, and half of his arm like a mace passed straight in front of me, creating a gust of wind.

Is this guy a pangolin?But one of his hands was embedded with a powerful thermal weapon, which made him more powerful, and more importantly, gave him the ability to attack from a distance.

The hot weapon is condensed with flesh and blood, as if it is connected with his body. This way, it is easier for him to aim, but I really don't know how this transformation is coordinated with his body—the scale man, after all, They are also human beings, why can they still move freely after undergoing such a transformation? !

The scale man didn't give me any room to think, he had already rushed towards me again, I quickly turned over to dodge, the wounds on my body started to hurt so badly that I staggered and fell to the side, but that guy didn't seem to care about that , didn't hit me, but his body was submerged in the fallen leaves and ground—he didn't attack me, but wanted to sneak into the ground again.

"Be careful!" I said loudly to the team members.

Those people dispersed immediately, everyone wanted to find stones or hard objects as cover, but it was easier said than done.

But for a moment, the Chuanshan family came out of the ground again. One team member couldn't dodge, and was dragged by that guy, and the whole person was dragged into the ground. I only saw a burst of smoke and dust, and then another A stream of thick blood spurted out from the ground.

"Damn!" I shouted.

"Shoot to the ground!" The captain seemed to be confused, and ordered everyone to shoot at the ground at will.

You must know that the ground is the territory of the scale armored people. They are like a fish in water and can move freely. It is useless to shoot like this.

"Don't waste bullets!" I said loudly, "Take cover and dodge! Wait for the scale man to come out before attacking!"

The captain looked at me.

I said again, "Trust me!"

"Okay!" The captain looked around, suddenly took a stride, raised his feet and flew, grabbed the trunk of a tree with one hand, and said, "Everyone climbs the tree, and those who can't climb the stone will climb the tree for me!"

I was also dumbfounded just now, and I didn't think of this.

After the order was given to the house, everyone started to fly up the tree. Taking advantage of the moment when the scale man didn't attack, all of us jumped onto the tree. I held my breath and stared at the ground.

Sure enough, within a short while, the scale man couldn't hold back anymore, and jumped up from below with a "pop", a black shadow suddenly appeared, and all the bullets greeted him at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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