global variation

Chapter 212 Hidden stronghold

Chapter 212 Hidden stronghold
The bullet hit the guy covered in scales directly, the flames flickered, and it was especially dazzling under the gloomy sky. Your body in the scales was tumbling in the air for several weeks, like a diver, but then turned over and fell straight into the ground , At the same time as the smoke and dust flew up, blood also splattered - this guy must have been injured.

After knowing this, I also became a little bolder, flying down from the tree, and landed among the piles of dead branches and leaves.

The ground has returned to calm, but, I guess, the injured infected person must be like a wounded beast at this moment, it will never let it go, even if it will not attack in a short time, it will sneak up and wait for an opportunity. If we don't solve it, there will be endless troubles. Moreover, our interspersed operation is originally intended to be resolved quickly. If it continues like this, our plan will only be disrupted, and the hope of winning will be even slimmer.

As I expected, at this time, there was a strange cry from not far away. When the damn scale man held us back for a moment, the backup troops had already followed. It seems that at this time their Defensive lines are also likely to have been re-established.

I aimed the gun at the ground, but the ground was eerily calm, and I didn't know where to pull the trigger.

"Hiss..." I held my breath, and suddenly, a short sound passed under my feet.

I hurriedly withdrew to the side and fired several shots at the ground.


"Bang bang!"


In the meantime, a spray of bright red liquid rushed up from the ground, and a black figure leaped up from the ground and rushed towards me from mid-air. However, their melee combat ability is still the same as before. They can only fly, tear and pull, and fighting them is not too difficult for me. As long as it is not the "swordsman who lingers", I will There is no need to worry too much at all.

I sideways dodged the guy's attack, lest he burrow into the ground again and shoot the shadow in the sky two more times.

Two gunshots sounded, and the guy twisted his body, his movements became unbearably stiff, and he rolled over and fell to the ground.

At this time, the infected who came to rescue had surrounded the woods.

"Attention!" The captain pointed out, and everyone turned to shoot.

In an instant, the middle of the woods became a place for me to fight this scale man one-on-one. The guy was shot several times by me, and he seemed to have no ability to burrow into the ground.He simply turned over and raised his gun to aim at me. The flesh-and-blood arm and the gun embedded in his body were frightening. I quickly turned my body to the side. The guy was obviously not as fast as me who injected the concentrate. This flash of mine caused him quite a bit of trouble.Covered in scales and seriously injured, his movements have become extremely slow at this time.

After I dodged several times, the guy finally couldn't hold back, and fired the first shot with a "bang", which directly hit the tree trunk next to it. Our people had to dodge quickly, and I took advantage of this opportunity to dodge to the opponent's side and swung a knife to attack the scales all over his body. However, what I didn't expect was that the scales of the scales man Armor seems to have been strengthened, and cold weapons have no effect on him. Under this knife, the scale armor moved slightly, and my dagger was actually thrown out.

I had to retreat immediately, and picked up the dagger again with a back roll.

The scale man turned around, screamed, stepped forward, and rushed straight towards me.

I retracted the dagger and pulled out the alloy spear stabbed on the other side of my body. The moment the scale man waved his hand and slapped me, the stab in my hand flicked, and his hand immediately spattered with blood.

It really works!

The power of alloy spear stabs is completely different from that of daggers, and it can even be said that they are completely two concepts.

I threw the spear into the air, caught it with my backhand, took advantage of the opponent's retreat again, rushed forward, rushed behind the opponent, stabbed with my backhand, and stabbed the spear through the back of his neck fiercely. Once, the blade was not bounced away, but directly stuck into his flesh. Then, I spun the alloy spear hard, and with the brute force given by the concentrated liquid, I cut off the opponent's head completely. down.

The body of the scale armor man still did not fall down, in front of me, spraying blood, he took a few steps forward, and then fell down among the fallen leaves.

At the same time, the surrounding infected people also began to retreat under the suppression of our firepower.

But what I want is not retreat, I want to wipe them all out.

As I stepped forward, I shot at all the infected who were about to flee, and one by one they started to stagger.

These guys, except for a few remarkable combat abilities, are actually mostly fools, no different from those mindless zombies. The only scary thing is that there are too many of them. However, today's team The small team did not have the slightest deterrent effect on us. Soon, their entire team was disintegrated, not to mention the so-called formation.

Although there are only seven people left in our team at this time - someone died in the battle just now.

But soon we were out of the woods again.

"Leave none..." I meditated in my heart, "Only by destroying as much of the opponent's vitality as possible can it really be possible to reduce the pressure of our battle.

Finally, in the relatively flat area between the valleys, calm was restored, and the infected people still had only one corpse left.

"Go!" Our captain finally gave another short order.

We immediately assembled to follow.

Passing through the only piece of flat land, the hillsides in all directions gathered towards us like turbulent waves, and the oppressive feeling was especially obvious under the gloomy sky.

"Command..." The captain looked around and said, "The command may be in this mountain. After all, if it were me, I would choose that."

"High concealment, easy to defend and difficult to attack..." I said with a frown, "Moreover, it can be constantly reinforced or expanded during combat."

"Yes." The captain nodded and said, "The area of ​​the hillside here is not huge. I think it's better to let the headquarters use the electronic dynamic map to assist us in our exploration."

"You are the captain, listen to you." I said.

The captain nodded, and immediately started contacting the headquarters, that is, contacting Lin Qian.

After about ten minutes, the captain nodded and said, "Action!"

We immediately followed him into the trail between the hillsides.

Due to the short hillside, there are no strange rocks or steeps on both sides of the trail, but the surrounding vegetation is very dense, which makes people feel very tricky.

The captain connected our communication devices in series by contacting the headquarters terminal, and I could still hear the creaking electronic sound of the communication device that I used as a watch.

And when we reached the middle of the mountain road, a communication interruption suddenly sounded: there was a small army of infected people at three o'clock, which looked like a garrison, pay attention.

I looked at the captain vigilantly, and the captain looked up, and then said: "Go up the mountain, pay attention to concealment, don't worry, slow down your movements."

We naturally followed suit, climbed the hillside along the three o'clock direction, and slowly climbed up to the top of the slope among the bushes with overlapping green trees. Move up, and lean over a little bit to see, sure enough, there is a group of infected people wandering below the hillside, as if they are patrolling something.

There were two soldiers beside me who were about to fight, but they were stopped by the captain.

"Wait! Don't act rashly! If it's the defenders, they always have to switch defenses. Maybe they can find the location of the enemy's base through them." The captain said.

I kept a close eye on the "defenders", those infected seemed to be stronger than the average infected, and, I noticed, there was a fire-eater among them.

Even in this "siege" I saw few fire-eaters in action, but such monsters existed in this place.

It seems that this is at least an important stronghold of the enemy.

Thinking of this, another thing suddenly flashed through my mind.

This incident gave me the creeps.

I frowned and said, "Captain, I'm afraid I have to act alone."

"What?" The captain was obviously startled, stared at me, and said, "Acting alone? Why?"

I said, "If I'm not mistaken, that 'Swordsman' is also in the base."


"That's right, my old enemy can't be killed no matter how hard he fights, and judging from the current situation, this guy seems to have been strengthened and transformed by the church, and his strength has become very powerful." I said, "Due to some special reasons , this guy seems to be able to detect the existence of the strongest concentrated liquid, in other words, he can lock my whereabouts, if we act together, I am afraid that everyone's location will be exposed soon, so the gain outweighs the loss."

"I don't think it's necessary." The captain still objected, saying, "Now that we've arrived here, we should have discovered it a long time ago. If we act together, everyone can take care of us."

"Yes..." A soldier beside him also echoed, saying, "Chu Tingsheng... Oh, no, Chu Tingsheng, we can rest assured that you stay with us, there is always a strong helper when you meet those stronger infected people ..."

The man was clearly a recruit.

"Everyone take care of yourselves, don't think about any helpers." The captain interrupted the recruits, but still said, "Chu Tingsheng, there are too many enemies, and we are too few, so it is not appropriate to divide the troops. We should go together. .”

I gritted my teeth and finally agreed to their suggestion.

However, I was uneasy.

The infected people at the bottom of the mountain never meant to "change defense", they kept wandering in place, and I even became a little anxious.

At this moment, suddenly, I saw a few more infected people appeared on the east side of the team at the bottom of the mountain. They moved very fast and gathered towards the bottom of the hillside.

"They..." I couldn't help but bowed my body.

"These guys should have come from their fortress or stronghold." The captain said, "Let's go around and catch them by surprise..."

"Yes!" Everyone answered, and everyone lowered their voices.

(End of this chapter)

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