global variation

Chapter 213 Channels

Chapter 213 Channels
I naturally believe in the captain's ability, and I also believe that such a surprise attack can work, but I still feel uneasy, especially when I think that I am like a coordinate, locked by the swordsman all the time, which makes me feel extremely uneasy. Even a little scared.

Our team quickly climbed over the mountain and came to the corner of Dongfang Mountain Road. It stands to reason that the offensive line of the church has just been established. There will not be a perfect defense system. Obviously, our captain also thought of this, and immediately asked us to search for caves or similar traps in a small area. Those are likely to be the entrance of the enemy base.

I sneaked into a narrow mountain path on the side, and based on my intuition, I approached the depths of the mountain path all the way.

I don't know why there is a special intuition, I only know that there are likely to be infected people and targets in front of this.

This feeling is not the first time, but it is particularly strong.

Just when I was walking forward and wondering about my weird feeling, suddenly, there were some weird noises in the grass beside me.

I couldn't help but put my hand on the pistol at my waist and stared at the grass coldly.


There was a low grinding sound.


Another low growl.

There must be something in it.

I became more alert and stepped back quickly. The guy in the grass couldn't hold back immediately, and suddenly jumped out and rushed towards me fiercely.

It was just an ordinary infected person. I dodged, pulled out the military thorn, took a step forward, turned around and stabbed the general thorn directly on the back of the opponent's neck. Then, I grabbed his head with one hand and rotated the military thorn with the other. , the guy was decapitated, and the blood stained my dirty clothes even more bright red.

How could the infected hide here?I took a step forward and approached the grass.

There is nothing unusual in the bushes—then, the infected person is probably also a guard. Since there is an infected person guard here, if the intuition is correct, the enemy's stronghold and command post must be not far ahead. Yes, I gritted my teeth, held my gun, and continued to move forward cautiously—but why is there only one guard?Is this place not important, or is it a side door?

In fact, the only thing I am most worried about at this moment is that all this is a trap, and that swordsman has already locked me as a target and is walking towards our team.

This is the scariest and worst outcome.

At this time, the captain followed me and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Are there infected people here?"

I glanced back at the corpse of the infected person I had simply dealt with, and said, "It seems to be a guard, but there is only one person, it feels weird."

"They don't have many soldiers." The captain said, "The team just now should have gone out to the mountain pass to change defenses. Maybe the replaced soldiers are coming to our side—and most of their soldiers are also there. They have already been cast on the battlefield, I don't believe there is any strong defense here!"

"I hope so." I couldn't help but say.

"It must be so." The captain said, "Don't worry, even if that swordsman appears, even if it is as powerful as you said, we can fight and retreat. In fact, we don't need to really fight this battle." To kill the commander of the opponent, even if he appears near his headquarters for a while, showing his face, it is enough to deter them and make them mess up."

I nodded.

But I don't know if the captain is relieving me, and it is true. He said: "Just now I received a report from the base that we have blocked the enemy's third wave of attack, and they have begun to retreat again."

"Okay..." I nodded, although I gained some confidence, I still had doubts.

"I think the entrance is near here," the captain said, looking around, "Maybe at first we saw that there was an entrance in a more heavily guarded place, but there is a side door here, and we thought it was more hidden, so the guarded infected people There are few." He continued to move forward, and there was another piece of weeds in front of him. There were many sharp thatch on the mountain road in the south, and this place was no exception. Cutting with a knife is very easy to scare the snake, and tearing it with your hands is easy to hurt.

Facing the natural barrier formed by the stack of thatch, who knows, the captain actually walked forward to contact other team members and stretched out his hand. Instead of tearing the leaves, he brushed his right hand over the thatch. The lower part, cautiously, tried its best not to touch the sharp edges of the thatch blades.

But in a short while, the thatch started to wither, and the speed of withering made people feel a little startled, even terrifying.

I stepped forward and stared at the thatch, and said involuntarily, "Your hands are poisonous?"

"Rattlesnake Concentrate." The captain smiled, "However, I usually don't use my left hand to touch you."

"Really..." I frowned.

"Yeah, I haven't dared to use my left hand for so many years." I just noticed at this moment that his left hand had been wearing a glove, and he took it off at this time, and when all the thatch withered and the natural barrier disappeared completely, he Then he took the gloves back again, straightened up, and said, "You have to pay the price... Hehe, human beings, no matter what you want to get, you have to pay the price."

I nodded slightly.

Behind the thatch, a small path appeared.

The other five players couldn't keep up at this time.

Everyone was a little anxious and wanted to step on that path, but the captain waved his hand to stop him and said, "Stop!" Then he turned around and pointed to the three team members, "You, you, you! Here, after the break, the others will follow me!"


The road is narrow, too many people enter at the same time, the target is too big, and it is inconvenient to fight, the captain's choice is very wise.

We quickly followed him and stretched out to explore the path. Finally, something like a rock wall appeared on both sides, and the mountain peak also appeared steep. However, such a path suddenly appeared on the hillside, which made people feel very discordant. I think it's artificial, not natural.

We went deeper into the trail step by step, the trail became a passage, the passage became a cave, and the darkness ahead became more and more dark.

"Lights up!"

The captain ordered.

All of us did so immediately.

The white light stretched forward, but the road was deep, and it seemed difficult for us to see everything in front of us clearly. I followed the captain and walked at the front. The road became narrower as we went forward, but there were stone walls on both sides, I believe No matter how powerful those scale armored people are, they can at most shuttle between the soil, and they are not able to move freely among the stones. Of course, it is possible to hide in the stone wall, but their attack power will be reduced. Greatly weakened, not to mention the attack speed.

I pressed the weapon vigilantly, but the main energy was still in the front, regardless of the situation on the sides.

My judgment is not wrong.

When we turned the corner of the first passage, two black figures suddenly jumped out in front of us. However, before I drew my sword and sprinted, our captain had already knocked them down to the ground with one shot. This marksmanship was extremely accurate, clean and neat, and did not hurt any of his own people.

A feeling of admiration secretly rose in my heart.

Our people continue to move forward, and I feel more and more that the goal is ahead, but I am not sure what this goal is, which makes me more and more uneasy.If the so-called "target" is that swordsman, I don't know what to do.

And at this moment, while I was still in a panic, suddenly, on the other side of the narrow passage, at another corner, a heat wave suddenly gushed out.


The captain opened his mouth and drank in a low voice.

All of us clung to the stone wall next to us and tried our best to dodge, but the recruit who was walking at the end didn't seem to hear us at all, and the heat wave immediately gushed up from his front.

"Ah!" The recruit screamed, and was thrown away by the heat wave.


We couldn't save that guy, his whole body soared up, hit hard on the stone wall, and then fell down like a kite with a broken string.We watched our comrades die in front of our eyes, once again showing a sense of powerlessness.

And that heat wave didn't stop, and then, the second wave of heat wave came flying again with the flames.


All of us could only move forward little by little against the wall, as the waves of heat came towards us,

Sometimes with fire, sometimes just pure shock waves.

"What is it!" The captain was also a little helpless, looked at me, and asked.

I should have the most experience. After thinking for a moment, I said, "Fire Eater, it is very possible..."


We kept moving forward, the heat wave was getting stronger and stronger, and we were obviously getting closer to the goal.

"What to do! It's so hot!" Some recruits couldn't bear it anymore and started to shout.

"Don't shout, what are you shouting for!" The captain yelled sharply, "Is this unbearable?"

"Closer slowly, pay attention!" I said, "The fire eater has an attack interval, it is impossible to attack continuously!"

Everyone is sticking to the wall. At this moment, our lives are really hanging by a thread...

(End of this chapter)

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