Chapter 214
Soon, the heat wave turned into an even more terrifying fireball.

I guessed right, there is no doubt that the fire eater appeared over there.

The fireballs spewed fiercely one after another. Even if we were close to the wall, we couldn't guarantee safety, so we could only get down on our bodies to avoid it and crawl forward.

Perhaps the attack was too loud, but at this moment, the voices of several dead soldiers outside came from the captain's walkie-talkie.

"Captain, do you need help other than something else?"

"You guys must, please don't come in! Remember, please don't come in!" The captain solemnly said "Millions" several times, and the other side obviously realized the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly replied: "Yes! I understand! "

Diagonally above us, fireballs were still spouting intermittently. I tried to raise my head, and I saw a tall figure appearing at the end of the passage. The flames in the hands will soon spew out.

At this point, I think we were close enough to that guy that we never had a chance to get up.

None of the people next to me seemed to have stayed in City Z, and presumably, they had no experience in fighting the Fire Eaters.

It seems that this time it can only rely on me.

I touched the wound on my leg, and it seemed that the problem was not serious. Immediately, I gritted my teeth, moved the rifle on my back to my body, held my body with one hand, and began to crawl forward at the fastest speed.

"Chu Tingsheng!"

"I'll solve it!" I replied without waiting for our captain to ask.

"Don't take any chances!"

"Proper!" I didn't want to say anything more, and continued to move forward.

At this time, another ball of fire gushed past with a heat wave. It seemed that the air in the passage had already been burned. I could only feel that terrible warm breath in all directions.

The ball of fire exploded on the rock behind the passage, and I couldn't help but look back, only to see the rock smashed into pieces.

However, at this time, it was the gap between Fire Eater's attacks, and it was also when he was most vulnerable.

I would turn my face away, grit my teeth, and stand up abruptly.

"Chu Tingsheng!"

I know that the captain is very worried, but I am not afraid, I know this opponent, he does not have such a powerful ability, and can attack again in such a short period of time.I rushed out with a stride, flew up, stepped on the stone wall with both feet, and flew up with the help of the uneven wall.The fire eater obviously saw me, and raised his hand, as if he was going to shoot me.

But the fire-eater shooting has a great feature, that is, the airbag on the back must first vaporize the liquid volatile oil inside, and then it can be transported into the cyst gland in the arm and ejected out of the body.

If the interval between their attacks is the most vulnerable, then the moment they launch an attack is the moment they are closest to death.

The airbag on that guy's back was inflated, and I saw it in mid-air.

And at this moment, I happened to fly in the air, looking down at the fire eater, his back was completely exposed under my nose.In the blink of an eye, I had already shot him in the back.


First, there was the sound of an explosive bullet passing through the skin, and then, a muffled sound echoed in the hole. At the same time, a scorching and tyrannical force pushed me out of mid-air with a strong wind. This shock wave, It seemed that my internal organs were shaking, I lost my balance, and fell heavily a foot away—but fortunately, I was still some distance away from the fire-eater, if I got any closer, I'm afraid I would also become a fire-eater. The funeral object of the fire eater.

"Chu Tingsheng!"

At this time, the captain and several comrades finally couldn't hold back and rushed to my side.

The passage was narrow, and they fought towards me, immediately blocking the entire passage completely.

I struggled to get up, my whole body ached, but I knew I was still a long way from death, so I gritted my teeth and said, "I...I'm fine, don't stand sideways like this...block the passage, more dangerous..."

"Back!" the captain said with a wave of his hand, and the soldiers stepped back quickly. Finally, the soldier turned around and pointed his gun at the place where the fire-eater exploded just now, aiming at the black passage, covering with us.

"Are you...are you alright?" The captain squatted beside me and asked.

"It's okay, let's go quickly." I gritted my teeth and got up from the ground, "The fire eaters have made such a big noise with us, they should know that we have come in, and the quick battle..."

The captain seemed a little surprised, he probably didn't expect that I could get up from the ground so quickly, he couldn't help but stretched out his gloved left hand and patted my shoulder, saying: " the product of the strongest concentrated liquid. power?"

I smiled awkwardly, didn't say anything more, took the lead, and continued to walk into the passage.

In fact, my condition at this time is not as good as it looks on the outside. At this time, the pain is rushing all over my body, and even makes me a little weak. I know that we must solve it quickly, otherwise even if it is a dragging enemy, it is very likely that it will be defeated. It is easy to drag me to death here, but I must not fall down. I can already see that although the captain of this team is not me, those people seem to regard me as the backbone and spiritual leader. For them, at least in terms of morale, it is an extremely heavy blow.

I gritted my teeth and tried to move forward. The passage was so rugged that it made people feel deep and mysterious. What made me even more puzzled was that there seemed to be very few enemies in this place. There are no more obstacles, and this Australian road doesn't even have many forks, it's just a long and winding road with no end in sight, which always gives people a sense of mystery.

I couldn't help but look back several times. The team leader seemed to have noticed my abnormality and asked, "Chu Tingsheng, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

I shook my head and said, "There are no enemies here, and the road is rough but there are no forks. Is such a place really suitable for establishing a stronghold? Wouldn't the enemy who came in just need to be bold enough to drive straight in?"

"What do you mean?!" The captain was also a little alert.

I shook my head, actually I was not sure at this time: "I think, be careful."

"I'll try to contact someone outside. If there is no problem there, it should be..." the captain picked up the communication device and said. Then, what I was most afraid of happened. After a while, the captain looked at me with wide eyes and said , "Oops, no signal!"

I held my communicator up in front of my face.

There is a signal, but the signal is so chaotic that there is no way to even show the complete characters on the screen.

"This..." I gritted my teeth, "There are interference signals nearby, they may have spotted us, get out!"

The captain didn't say anything superfluous, nodded, stretched out his hand to stop the soldiers who were coming up behind him, and said, "Get out!"

The two soldiers froze for a moment, and one of them asked, "Why?"

"We're likely to be discovered..."

The voice was still there, and suddenly, a loud noise came from not far away, as if it came from right in front of us.

"There is something!" I looked alertly at the long passage ahead.

Just now everything was calm, but at this moment there was a sudden roar.

This passage is long and narrow with almost no forks. I don't believe that the roars are coming from the infected who have ambushed in advance. They don't even have a place to ambush—these guys should have come in from the outside.

This is not the entrance to the base at all, but a passage, a passage through the mountain.

"Come on, we might be fooled!" I said eagerly.

Everyone started running reflexively almost at the same time.

But the pursuers behind us were obviously faster, and the sound was getting closer and closer. I had to take a few steps back, turn around and shoot. An infected person poked his head out from around the corner. There was an explosion in front of him, and he was obviously injured, and he quickly shrank back.Taking advantage of this gap, the other three and I continued to run outside the cave.

Seeing the bright light coming from the entrance of the cave - the way of life is ahead, we couldn't help but quicken our pace.

The pursuers behind me still didn’t stop, I turned around and shot again, the captain and two other team members also alternated fire with me to suppress the pursuers behind me in the interval between my attacks, we ran and fought at the same time, and finally rushed to the entrance of the cave.

The moment we reached the mouth of the cave, we almost jumped straight to the path outside.

At this moment, we thought we had found a way to survive.

But obviously, we were wrong.

When we saw everything outside the cave, we realized how wrong we were.

After rushing through the narrow path, we finally returned to the thatched intersection just now, but what we saw were not the soldiers who responded, but several fragmented corpses.

The three guards, one of whom was taller, fell obliquely in the thatch pile, his limbs were amputated, like five horses dismembering a corpse, a long bloody band was dragged out of the broken limbs, the torn muscles and the body The tissue fell out of the body, extending outward together with the blood, and his hands and feet were thrown on the ground casually.

It can be seen that he didn't die when he was torn apart, but died of pain.

The other two soldiers died even more horribly. One of them was cut into two pieces, and the viscera in his body were forcefully dragged out. This was not enough. The infected person seemed to be insulting and jokingly deliberately smashing his head into half , lined up and placed in the middle of the road.The other person looked as if he had been mutilated all over his body, his muscles were exposed, and his bones were dense.

But in just ten minutes, our team members were brutally murdered.

"Who!" I couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Hahahaha..." My voice was still there, but I heard a burst of unscrupulous laughter, and at the same time, there were bursts of mocking applause.

"Who the hell!" I asked sharply again.

"To capture the thief first, to capture the king first, is a good strategy." The voice was a little familiar.

I gritted my teeth.

"Uh!" With a few low shouts, several infected people rushed down from the nearby mountain road and hillside. At the same time, a man in a suit clapped his hands and walked forward calmly, as if he was about to The judges who judged us were generally calm and self-possessed-this is undoubtedly the greatest insult to us.

Yes, I have seen this man many times.

He is the policeman—that is, the guy who injected cell-tracking drugs into my body in the secret passage of the offshore base. At the same time, he is also the controller of the swordsman, my sworn enemy—the person I have always wanted to find.

The commander of this battle is indeed this guy.

"You..." I gritted my teeth.

"Hehe, unexpected, we meet again, we have met so many times, I haven't told you my name, I'm sorry." The man bowed to us, and continued to say in a joking tone, "My humble Gao Peng, He is one of the chief researchers of the church, and also one of the instructors of the spiritual class of the Ascetic Church, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Bastard!" I yelled and raised my pistol. Several infected people beside Gao Peng wanted to rush forward, but he waved his hand lightly to signal those people to back down. Then he continued to calmly say, "How about it, Chu?" Ting Sheng, is your body still alright?"

My hands were shaking, but I knew that the more angry I was at this moment, the easier it would be for me to lose myself, so I gritted my teeth and said, "Don't worry, I won't die earlier than you."

(End of this chapter)

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