global variation

Chapter 215 fierce battle

Chapter 215 fierce battle
"Hahaha... That's right." Gao Peng said lightly, "Now, probably no one wants you to die, but there are quite a few people who want your life to be worse than death."

I couldn't help but take a step back.

"The value of your research is now greater than the Ebola pathogen." Gao Peng stared at me suddenly, his eyes were burning and extremely sharp.

At the same time, even the few team members around me looked back at me with some doubts.

"Hehe, let's not talk about this." Gao Peng suddenly retracted the topic just now, and said instead, "Do you think that when you have the upper hand, we will throw all our troops on the battlefield ahead, so the headquarters The defense must be empty? Do you think that we never thought that you would choose to take the risk of beheading when your side has the upper hand? That's why you are so bold?"

To be honest, that's what I thought at the time. Gao Peng was right in his words. The way he spoke at the moment was extremely sarcasm, which made me grit my teeth, but there was nothing I could do.

I didn't answer, but clenched my fists tightly.

"Hehe, forget it, there's no need to ask you, come on!" He was very straightforward, and with a wave of his hand, the group of infected people had already surrounded him, including the hole behind us, and the infected people also swarmed out.

"Rush..." I whispered, "Rush back to the cave."


I didn't have time to explain, so I took the lead in firing two shots behind me.

If you hit more and hit less, the opponent has a great chance of winning, but if a large group of people catch a few people, the chance of winning is not necessarily great.

With just one shot, a gap exploded in the middle of the crowd of infected people, and several infected people fell to the ground, blood spattering.When they swooped up, the attacking formations were too many to hit, or in other words, within this narrow range, there was no formation at all, so they were full of flaws.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I pushed the captain next to me and said, "Go! In the cave!"

This time the situation was urgent, and he didn't say anything more, and immediately led people back to the cave, while I was still standing within the encirclement.

Behind me, several infected people rushed forward at the same time.

At this time, I am convinced that the three people can persist for a long time. The passage in the cave is narrow, as long as there are no hostile people behind us, it will be more beneficial.

So, I turned around sharply and aimed at the crowd—the infected group and fired another shot. These infected people should be smarter and disperse immediately. The effect of that shot was not ideal, but I didn't pay attention to one How many infected people can be eliminated by the gun? I saw that there was a gap in the opponent's team, so I sprinted towards the group.Apparently those infected people didn't expect that I was so bold that I dared to launch a charge, and at this time the infected soldiers behind me had already divided up to deal with my three comrades in the cave, and they had no time to take care of me.

I seized this opportunity and went straight to Gao Peng who was retreating into the distance.

He wants me to die, and I will never make it easy for him.

I believe that few infected people can catch up with my sprint speed. Although I am definitely exhausting my physical strength at this time, and I am in danger of falling down at any time, it doesn't matter. This battle is basically a bureau. There is no difference between someone else's instigation to die and my own death.I have instigated enough recruits to run out to die, and my own life is not much more expensive than theirs, or even worse.

Among the infected who escorted Gao Peng, there were two guys who looked like dead soldiers. They were very tall and looked much more muscular than ordinary infected. However, these things were not swordsmen, and their bodies were not covered by skin. I don't know what their special abilities are, nor am I interested in knowing.

When I gave up my life to attack, those two guys turned around and walked towards me quickly. From their beast-like eyes, at that moment I read a different kind of coldness, which made me terrified.

I turned sideways and passed through them at the fastest speed, avoiding them, and went straight to Gao Peng, but the other party had obviously seen my intention, one of them stretched out his hand and slammed into him, and I swung my spear backhand towards his wrist I stabbed up and down, that guy didn't have time to withdraw his hand, I stabbed him into the flesh, and blood spattered out, but he was indifferent, and he didn't even slow down his body shape at all. Was thrown out by him.

I tried my best to balance my body in the air so that I wouldn't fall when I landed.

But at this time, my goal, Gao Peng, has gone further and further away.

After I fell to the ground, I didn't care about the two guys who attacked me, but continued to turn over and rush towards Gao Peng, and the two tall and strong infected people followed randomly. At this time, I found that their hands The flesh on the palm suddenly peeled off automatically, revealing a bone claw, just like Wolverine, but the way their bone claw appeared was much bloodier than Wolverine's, and the wound obviously couldn't heal.

The leader of the infected person jumped in front of me with a stride, raised his left hand and slashed down from above. As soon as I sent it forward, the knife stabbed him directly in the abdomen. The spear stabbed was specially designed, and it was easier to penetrate the body and pull it out than ordinary daggers. So, I turned the spear stab into his body and pulled it horizontally. Soon, There was a huge gap in his abdomen.

I thought this would at least slow down his speed, but who knows, his bone claws fell straight towards me and landed on my right shoulder. In the skin and flesh on the back, the terrible pain immediately hit the whole body-you know, the concentrated fluid in my body is extremely unstable, and when it mobilizes the sensory sensitivity of my whole body, it also makes me feel more pain than usual , although this situation does not happen every time, it really makes me feel very troublesome when it happens in wartime.

I gritted my teeth and swiped the knife to the other side.

In an instant, I cut open the entire stomach of that damned guy, blood and a large section of intestines leaked out immediately, and fell to the ground, but not only was the guy not in the slightest slow, the hand that grabbed me was even more forceful, I feel like my shoulders are going to be crushed by him at any moment.

What's more terrible is that while he was exerting force, my arm began to gradually weaken, and another strong infected person rushed over from the side.

I roared, the spear turned around, threw it to my left hand, and then directly chopped at the infected person's arm.

Both stabbing and stabbing have excellent effects, but cutting is not enough.

But due to the power of the concentrated liquid, my knife directly cut into the guy's wrist, and then I tried hard to cut off his arm bone.

But it's obviously not that simple anymore.

The infected person and I seemed to be stuck together, and neither of us would let go.

The bone claws of another infected person also grabbed it. What's more frightening is that other infected people who I left behind just now also surrounded them. The only thing to be thankful for is that they don't have thermal weapons at all. In other words, at this moment, I have probably been shot into a hornet's nest by random guns.

While avoiding the attack of the bone claws of another infected person, while trying to get rid of the arm embedded in my shoulder, at the same time, I had to pay more attention to the guys who surrounded me. At this time, I encountered the biggest crisis in this battle .

I clenched my fist and forced the army thorn down.

Maybe at this moment I inspired the so-called potential, or maybe I just forced myself to overdraw myself to a greater extent. This pressure actually bent the arm of the infected person directly to the ground. In an instant, the bone claw Leaving my body, his arm also formed a very weird bend. I kicked him out, shot him in the head, and then turned back to another infected person.

My target has escaped.

That damned Gao Peng has long since disappeared.

I simply let go with these guys.

"Come on!" I yelled.

I don't know if they understand what I'm saying.

Those infected people stopped moving forward at this moment. Although they surrounded me in the middle, they gave people a feeling that they wanted to go forward but were afraid - they were also human beings, and they also had a sense of fear .

"Come on!" I yelled again.

Two infected people rushed forward, and I stabbed one infected person's jaw with a backside, and then turned around and punched another infected person's bloody and bloody face.

Taking advantage of the time when the infected person was tilted, I rotated the blade to cut off the passage of the infected person who was pierced through the lower jaw, and another infected person was killed cleanly with another knife.

At this time, I only felt that there was some kind of power in my body. Although the feeling was not very strong, I could benefit from it. I felt that my physical strength was slowly recovering at this time, or in other words, a The excitement of this battle is gradually stimulating me, and I have a very strange power, which seems to be maintaining me to continue fighting these infected people.

(End of this chapter)

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